Rigged USA Elections Exposed

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Uploaded on Mar 2, 2006 by truthstream

Computer Programmer testifies that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the Houe of Florida at the time, currently US Representative representing MY district ) tried to pay him to rig election vote counts.
See more videos like this at http://www.TruthStream.Org – Streaming Videos of TRUTH to the American People!

2 thoughts on “Rigged USA Elections Exposed

  1. “Sneak them votes in the “backdoor’, boys!” Then, go to church on Sunday and pretend how “holier than thou” is!

    All these “Community Leaders”, Reverends, Pastors, and such have let us down people. They’re all “bought off”! Don’t want to admit it? You know “the gig”.

  2. Portions of this video were included in the comprehensive 4-part YouTube expose on vote fraud during the 2008 Primary: Primary Vote Fraud, 2008.

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