Ron Paul gave a speech on the house floor in 2001 arguing for defunding both sides of Israel/Palestine, and becoming neutral, condemning all violence and retaliations, and stopping the US war machine from using the middle east conflicts for imperialism and the never ending quest for natural resources and more power.

2 thoughts on “Ron Paul gave a speech on the house floor in 2001 arguing for defunding both sides of Israel/Palestine, and becoming neutral, condemning all violence and retaliations, and stopping the US war machine from using the middle east conflicts for imperialism and the never ending quest for natural resources and more power.

  1. Speaking in 2001. Hmmm… Wasn’t that the year that on day 11 of the ninth month, a certain event took place and in the months following, many of the so-called “Patriots” were waiting to hear Ron come out and tell them the truth about “the event.” But Ron walked away from 9/11 truth, leaving his devotees in a quandary. A litmus test was failed:


    1. Right on galen, Ron Paul has always been a jew puppet. You couldn’t be a congressman as long as he was and not suck jew ass.

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