The Supreme Court has overturned Roe vs. Wade, returning the decision on whether or not abortion is legal to individual states.
In a Friday decision written by Justice Samuel Alito – the May 2 leak of which led to widespread protests and an attempted murder against Justice Brett Kavanaugh – the court overturned the 1973 case which guaranteed access to abortion nationwide.
Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan unsurprisingly dissented.
The case at issue – Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization challenged a Mississippi law that banned most abortions after 15 weeks. Lower courts, citing a previous ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey preventing states from banning abortion within the first 24 weeks of gestation, had prevented Dobbs from being enacted – which the Supreme Court just reversed.
Earlier this month, President Joe Biden said that there would be a “mini revolution” in November’s midterm elections if the landmark decision was overturned – insisting that overturning the law would be “ridiculous” and would drive Democrat turnout in November’s midterm elections.
“I don’t think the country will stand for it,” he said, adding “If in fact the decision comes down the way it does, and these states impose the limitations they’re talking about, it’s going to cause a mini revolution and they’re going to vote these folks out of office.”
President Biden on Roe: “I don’t think the country will stand for it. If in fact the decision comes down the way it does, and these states impose the limitations they’re talking about, it’s going to cause a mini revolution and they’re going to vote these folks out of office.”
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) June 9, 2022
Earlier this year, Congressional Democrats tried and failed to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Meanwhile, Biden said he was exploring the use of executive orders depending on the final Supreme Court decision.
Biden also pushed voters to come out during midterms so that Congressional dems would have enough of a majority to codify abortion rights into law.
“You gotta vote to let people know exactly what the devil you think,” he told Kimmel.
As the Post Millennial notes:
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Full text of the decision can be read below:
And now, for protests:
I guess if murder is a state crime and not a federal crime this makes sense.
It makes me sick to be witnessing all the shenanigans and reactions to what the supreme court has been up to this week. We see people buying in to the idea that these proceedings are lawful and representative of the soul of our Republic. And the Bill of Rights is looming over it all with the people who support it stationed in that sweet tier above the false right/left, above the deceit of tyranny.
Those people in the black robes are doing their part to maintain the status quo. They gave the (fake) left a good run the last few decades, now they’ll prop up the (fake) right, creating stasis and assuring they maintain control. One end of the street is revolting; the other is celebrating. Neither realizes its own surrender to slavery. The television mentality is a most tough nut to crack. So, we have chaos and competition, false battles, assumed victories, all while legitimizing an enterprise that is UNLAWFUL and certainly NOT advancing our inalienable rights.
Real freedom comes with birth. Not with unlawful court proceedings.
One case in point:
THANK YOU, Galen! As much as I oppose abortions, this whole scenario is simply more divide and conquer BS. I always figured it was up to individuals and individual states anyway. Inalienable rights, indeed. Personal choice.
Well DL, I don’t see it as up to the states either, just the individuals, but thank you. I’m thinkin’ of that old saying, “The right hand giveth and the left hand taketh away.” So they “approved” concealed carry, but now I see Senate just easily passed gun-control bill. How much more will be “taketh” away? Red flag and then some. So they do what they will and so do we.
This may also play in:
It is not up to the states. Each incident is an individual case, which in order to satisfy the procedural due process in the Bill of Rights, must be litigated in those common law courts by the individuals.
The state, like the federal corporation, has zero judicial authority to hand down a decree that declares a person guilty in the administrative admiralty without the due process.
Each person is entitled to a completely neutral jury in a common law court, which the state has no sway or authority in.
These unlawful dictates take away the judgment of one’s peers in a completely unbiased common law court in every instance.
Exactly, it is all gamed out and by design.
Thx for all you do Galen.
Eloquently put galen, I agree with you 100%. Firstly personal choice and secondly they have NO authority, that’s natural rights.
All men are created equal and no man has the right to judge anyone. Period !!!
Thanks you guys, and Norm, same to you and The Trenchers, as well. I know how hard many are working and of course we have our concern for Henry and Laura who are carrying a mighty load. Well, we were all called to the table to do what we can. Today was tough, like the nation went into a tailspin. Mostly I’m trying to get rid of my blind-spots, you know, any programming that’s still in me causing shortsightedness. It’s a challenge to have to break all this down and bring it to The Bill of Rights. The damn issue sat in my space all day. Like DL, I hate abortion, but as I’ve heard Henry say, “If we let them decide on this, what else will they be able to decide on?” That’s a slippery slope. But all this mess is a symptom of a society that’s been done to, that’s had its dignity assaulted. After the uprising victory there will be so much to mend and heal. Trying as it all is, I can’t imagine being anywhere but in the fight and I am grateful for all the fighters I’ve met here.
Galen, how you express what the law of freedom from tyranny means, is fresh air for my mind. Coming here from the land across the Detroit River from that on which you live, the administrative admiralty which occupies the minds of the people living here as it steals from us, had some individuals come forth to write up some documents which we were made to believe, were for us to remain a free country. They even told us that at least one of these documents was based on the American Bill of Rights! There it is! Here I am. I know this law, I understand it, I learn how I can apply it in my world where the slavery system is everywhere but inside my mind. No other law, pretending to be a Bill of Rights for a people who never fought for the level of freedom written out in the 10 articles which Henry teaches so well, and with such passion and conviction, is solid enough to prevent one clause or another, hidden in obfuscation, from crumbling into nothing. When that happens, as it has, here in Canada, the ground on which I stand, is here in the Trenches where I have learned to fight for it. When I have learned it well enough, I will know exactly what it means and how to fight on the solid ground upon which I have learned to stand. No other law comes close.
Where are all the ‘pro lifers’ as children and babies are being maimed (including sterilization) and murdered with ‘vaccines’?
This is more divide and conquer chaos for the ignorant