‘Survivor Of Sexual Assault’ Says She Was Fired For Having A Concealed Carry Permit

The Daily Caller – by Ryan Pickrell

A woman identifying as a Virginia social worker took to social media Friday evening to vent about being fired from her job for being a concealed carry permit holder.

Storm Durham, a former Department of Virginia Social Services employee who describes herself as a “22 year old blonde who is 5’2 and about 140 pounds who loves everything Disney, pink, and basic,” asserts that she was escorted out of her office by three Roanoke, Va., police officers after she was canned. She was, according to a post on Facebook, not even allowed to use the bathroom due to “serious safety concerns to the building.” 

“I was fired today due to having a concealed carry permit,” Durham wrote on Facebook. “Was my gun on me? No. Has it ever been on me during my job, or visits, or anything related to work? No. When I told them that it has never been on me during work, what did they say? ‘How do we know that.’”

“I got my concealed carry because I am woman, and y’all have seen the news, it’s kind of crazy,” she said on a Facebook Live video. In her post, she described herself as a “survivor or sexual assault.”

“I have a concealed carry permit. I own guns. I hunt. I target shoot. I represent Women hunters and outdoorswomen,” she wrote on Facebook. “Does that make me a criminal? Does that make me a safety risk to others? A big enough safety risk to be escorted by three Roanoke City Police officers? So scary and threatening that I need to be treated like a criminal? To be humiliated and looked down upon for owning a gun? For legally having a gun, registering that gun, and having the appropriate documentation for that gun?”

The Department of Virginia Social Services did not respond to request for comment, and the relevant person at the Roanoke Police Department was not available for comment.

“I’m going to fight back,” Durham said on Facebook Live. She is preparing to lawyer up to challenge what she considers wrongful termination. She is also preparing to meet with U.S. politicians.

She said that she does not want her job back because she does “not want to work for these liberals.”

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7 thoughts on “‘Survivor Of Sexual Assault’ Says She Was Fired For Having A Concealed Carry Permit

  1. Not only a lawsuit but she has the opportunity to help the voice of all CCW folks that are suppressed of theirs rights. This could be seen as a hate crime and a prejudicial issue or a profiling.

  2. This is interesting. I have always viewed “social workers” as liberal-types. Guess I’ll have to re-think my stereotype.
    This is also a good lesson to teach the masses: REGISTERING your gun (asking Big Brother for permission) is a bad idea as they know who’s got what and can take it from you. I’m reminded of the original movie, “Red Dawn” in which the general orders his guys to the court house to pick out the specific form showing gun ownership so they can target those people…
    Our Second Amendment doesn’t say we have to ask permission. Period. Game over.
    Not only should this young lady destroy these a-holes in court, but she MUST use this opportunity to educate the masses that any/all government is inherently evil….even if it means getting on FOX!


  4. “Does that make me a criminal?”



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