This Israeli song calling gоyim "animals" and "slaves" who "don't have souls" won first place in the Israeli Student Film Festival in 2014.
Later on the Rabbi who helped them produce this was arrested for child molestation.
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) December 19, 2024
A hit song. Yeah, it’s got a good beat and you can dance to it.
Song of hate and supremacy making it glaringly clear they think they’re our masters. Delusion knows no boundaries.
Excerpts from the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley, 1875:
Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul