Trainload of up-armored Humvees with special COMM equipment linked to “Homeland Defense operations”

Dave Action Reporting/YouTubeIntellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

Up-armored “Humvees” and “Striker units” with a “peculiar satellite” installed on them, a “green dome antennae in the back,” were spotted on rail trains recently in both “Oregon” and “California,” according to a video posted by Dave Action Reporting on YouTube Monday.

The strange equipment is a “non-standard military frequency” likely “KU satellite”which is being used in lieu of the “50MHZ long-wire antennae in back” which has about a “50-mile range.”  

Amazingly Dave was able to link the units to a General Dynamics product suitable for“Homeland Defense operations” and “disaster recovery” with capabilities to include “reliable, high-data rate communications to quickly deploy and control field units and advise action teams of changing situations” along with “instant transmission and reception of video, voice and data.”


An excerpt from General Dynamics C4 Systems website reads:

The rugged WarriorTM family of terminals operates in C, X, Ku, and Ka bands and range in antenna size from less than 1 Meter to 6.3-Meters. Warrior terminals are designed to support a wide range of applications to meet changing civil and military current and future force requirements. From Troposcatter to Satcom, Warrior’s fixed, mobile, man portable and transportable units deliver secure (COMSEC Type 1, TRANSEC Type 2) reliable high-data rate communications in the harshest conditions.

Our line of defense products provide the most flexible, easy-to-use global satcom communications link available today. Equipped with open standard, Common Network waveform, they deliver high data rate communications for true, Internet-quality video, voice and data. High-data rate communications is essential to meet rapid deployment situations, avoid friendly fire incidents and direct Homeland Defense first responders and disaster recovery teams.


Being that the vehicles are essentially made to be deployed domestically, the recent sightings of such raise concern as JADE HELM 15 approaches.

5 thoughts on “Trainload of up-armored Humvees with special COMM equipment linked to “Homeland Defense operations”

  1. Another trainload of fear-mongering.

    Everyone is waiting for these things to be offloaded from the train, and deployed in America. We’ve been hearing about them for months, but they still didn’t give us anything to blow up.

    Did you ever consider that they might be moving this crap in circles just to scare people?

  2. Usurper is religiously ushering in a situation that will “mandate” ML, created by his perpetual thrusting of racial issues he & his minions have fabricated.

    Tyranny Abounds

  3. I could be 100% full of blueberry muffins, but had an idea based on some other things the military is doing. By that I mean the US Navy.

    The US Navy has been doing constant naval exercises off the east and west coast for some time now. Long before we heard about Green Penis. One idea I’ve heard advanced based on their behavior namely submarine activity and ASW operations with surface ships seems to suggest they are expecting something, and are taking steps to “SURVIVE” what they expect. It could be an EMP attack from close range from Chinese missile subs, because they seem to be also looking for something with their active sonars. Nuclear war is another possibility and being dispersed on exercises makes them a more difficult target for a nuke strike. H-bombs are nasty weapon and rip up a hell of a lot of real estate, and fixed bases are a prime target for such an attack.

    EMP first strike causing the tenuous civil society to go up in smoke? They would have to get out of dodge wouldn’t they? Then they would need to be ready to defend what’s left of the country after the UBANGIs burned the country to the ground and half the population are dead. A country that has imploded is wide open for invasion. Also the Military rank and file only about 17% like that POS in the whitehouse. Most of them hate his guts and all those around him. On the other hand they don’t feel supported and part of the population at all. I’ve talked to many military people over the years and they seem to mostly have disdain for the population and almost no respect at all for what they call sneeringly “CIVILIANS”. For them it is an epithet.

    Bottom line is THEY intend to survive just like the elites do. They may not like the sramble headed quires running the civil government, but they don’t much like us either, and when the time comes they are going to look out for “Number 1” . That’s them, They also won’t heasitate to step on what they consider “Number2” at some later time. That would be us. You know?


  4. maybe they are watching something big falling from space?

    possibly an ELE event ?
    just thinking outside the box, you know they would never tell us that we are about to collide with another rock spinning around the sun

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