Whatever happened to Christian warriors?

Before It’s News – by Politically Incorrect Australian

A subject that has attracted my interest for a while now is the cause (or causes) of the failings of modern Christianity. Tonight a couple of recent comments on other people’s blogs have brought the subject back into my mind.

In a comment to a post on his blog Bruce Charlton says that “what was good about Franco’s regime were factors absent from today’s scene – Christian piety, and the military virtues such as courage and discipline.” And another comment on another blog (which I can’t find at the moment) made the claim that Christianity was a positive force when it was allied to an aristocratic warrior ethos. I tend to agree quite strongly with both these comments.   

We tend to forget that after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West European civilisation was slowly and painfully rebuilt by the very barbarians who destroyed the power of Rome. They were still barbarians, but now they were Christian barbarians. Without Christianity they would have remained barbarians – they would have remained a destructive and negative force. Christianity was a much-needed civilising and softening force. To a certain extent Christianity feminised the barbarians – but only to a very limited and healthy degree.

But without the warrior ethos of the barbarians Christian civilisation could not have survived. It would have been too soft, too feminised, and would have been easy prey to other invaders. The Gothic invaders who had destroyed Rome added a necessary masculine element – they still retained the warrior virtues and they were prepared to fight to maintain their emerging civilisation.

In medieval times it was believed there were three main classes of people – those who worked (the peasants), those who prayed (the clergy) and those who fought (the nobles). It was clearly understood that all three classes were equally necessary.

The warrior ethos survived until the mid-20th century. It has now been swept away on a tide of guilt, self-righteousness, apathy, materialism, hedonism and selfishness. Europeans (and I include Americans, Canadians and Australians as well) no longer believe in fighting to preserve their civilisation. They’re not necessarily opposed to war – they’re often in favour of it if they don’t have to do the fighting (and ideally they’d like someone else to pay for it as well). They’re not opposed to sacrifice, as long as someone else makes the sacrifices. They’re not opposed to making an effort as long as someone else makes the effort. But the idea of risking their own precious skins to preserve their own civilisation horrifies them. Many are so self-hating that they don’t want their civilisation defended even if somebody else offers to do it. In fact many are openly overjoyed at the prospect of seeing their civilisation disappear down the gurgler.

A hundred years ago European men took it for granted that belonging to a civilisation entailed responsibility, and the ultimate responsibility was to risk their lives to defend that civilisation. All that has gone.

Without a warrior ethos Christianity has become unbalanced. It has descended into mealy-mouthed platitudes about human rights and tolerance. It has become excessively feminised. It has become Kumbaya Christianity. And Kumbaya Christianity is not going to save us.


9 thoughts on “Whatever happened to Christian warriors?

  1. “The warrior ethos survived until the mid-20th century. It has now been swept away on a tide of guilt, self-righteousness, apathy, materialism, hedonism and selfishness.”

    Courtesy of the jew agenda.

    They’re not necessarily opposed to war – they’re often in favour of it if they don’t have to do the fighting (and ideally they’d like someone else to pay for it as well). They’re not opposed to sacrifice, as long as someone else makes the sacrifices. They’re not opposed to making an effort as long as someone else makes the effort. But the idea of risking their own precious skins to preserve their own civilisation horrifies them.”


    This is our dilemma.

    1. Wow, what an idea! Let the joos fend for themselves, I’ll toast to that! However, in recorded history, the last time a joo with balls stood on this earth was David. Only God knows how they survive as a race when their men are testicle free and weasel everyone else into fighting for them.

      Anti-semite? Damned straight, and proud of it!


  3. This article is full of shit. Western civilization was built by non-christians who founded the Roman Empire which still stands as THE monument to civilization, “Western Civilization” was founded by pagans. To make a long winded speech shorter:
    1. Those “BARBARIANS” were migrating from the EAST thus the HUNS and MONGOLS.
    2. Christianity brought about the dark ages.
    3. Islam brought about their own dark age.
    4. Every religion has brought about a dark age eventually so trying to hold onto religion as the pinnacle of civilization is a joke.
    5. Civilizations are PEOPLE not RELIGION.
    6. All civilizations have fallen because THE PEOPLE handed over power to a few, usually RELIGIOUS to do everything for them. Example of Roman Republic (limited) to emperors and later VATICAN.
    7. Nobles fought the same was the president does, through telling someone else to die for them. They got so scared of dying under Christianity they made up rules of war to save themselves from being shot by the peasants. Example being “ordained by god” or fake “chivalry” that protected only the nobles but you can rape all the peasants you want.
    8. Rome collapsed due to economic and religious reasons, the first was from devaluation, they kept mixing more and more lead into the gold till it was worthless. The later caused upheaval in this delicate system and finished it off by demanding a religious theocracy, they got it: Vatican.
    9. During the “golden age” of “Christian kingdoms” never once is it equated with the following: Freedom, intelligence, literacy or technology. Only after they lost their grip did those four spring up. They outlawed GRAVITY for gods sake and encouraged people NOT TO BATHE!
    10. Under religious rule all land and people were PROPERTY (ring a bell?) to the KING and the CHURCH. This is now called feudalism.

    Articles like this want to put us back in the dark ages again, they want to put us BACK under the YOKE of the Vatican or whoever will take their place. They make up lies and spread a thick fog to hide reality: it was the system they are envying that caused the colonists to BREAK AWAY in the first place. If we want to have any kind of hope (and I mean HOPE, we are that desperate now) of making a better nation or future, of being free, we need to AVOID pushing the religious systems that have destroyed the world over and over again.

    To equate religion and warriors as one is a joke, they are not warriors, they are ZEALOTS. Look at the Crusaders and Jihadists for examples of this, it is bloody, rapey, murder infested and all around unpleasant to say the least. We are supposed to be fighting for FREEDOM, our Bill of Rights not some religious guru.

    If you want to see the most dangerous warrior to ever exist, one that will most certainly never quit, who will go above and beyond look to one who is fighting for freedom. A warrior fighting for freedom who is no religious zealot doing it “for god” or that “god is on their side” but doing it because it is the right thing to do and to be FREE… They are the most dangerous. They can not be controlled or lied to as easily as a “christian warrior” who only needs some priest to come along and say “god said go do X.”

    Our civilization (America, Americans) has collapsed NOT from religion, no, not at all. It has collapsed because people are lazy. They turn their back on the need to remain free and the eternal vigilance it requires. Americans got lazy and handed that power over to a handful of churches, masons, corporations and worst of all… A giant bloated government. They handed over the keys because they were unwilling to fight, not in foreign wars, no, because they are unwilling to fight the mason in town, the priest at his pulpit, the communist in their state house or the jew at the bank. This unwillingness to take RESPONSIBILITY is the problem. It is not the fault of religion, rather if one looks at history without this authors blinders we see this happen again and again, people get lazy, hand over power and Rome burns.

    Warriors have existed long, long before anyone thought up the idea of monotheism, they shall exist long after it has been forgotten again. It takes very little to break a “religious warrior,” not much at all, a single defeat can be enough for them to scream “god has forsaken us.” A warrior who fights to be free however, who holds FREEDOM as their creed, they will never quit, they will burn planets and galaxies to be free, strike them down and they will rise back up because freedom means everything.

    Never forget that religion does not free nor “soften.” It seeks to enslave, to require tithes and demands absolute obedience, it does not “civilize” it bastardizes. If you are to be a warrior, throw religion out, no god has their dog in this fight, no god is going to guide your bullet. Be a warrior for the Bill of Rights, learn from the mistakes of the past, from the lies spewed by the author and do better than that.

    Seek not to replicate the dark ages, those “Christian Kingdoms” or “Christendom” or to be a Crusader or Jihadist, but seek to be a true warrior, one who fights for freedom. Period.

    Only through your own laxity does civilization fail, through laziness does freedom perish.

    When one fights for freedom petty things like political correctness, guilt, apathy, materialism, selfishness and others are like holding a match to the sun, it has not a chance, freedom will always prevail because to be free anything that gets in the way will be crushed and swept aside.

    Let not the thought be “am I a good Christian” prevail but “am I free, or am I a slave?” The power of the last is profound, the power of the first only shames.

    1. “Western civilization was built by non-christians who founded the Roman Empire which still stands as THE monument to civilization, “Western Civilization” was founded by pagans.’

      I said as much to Laura when I sent it. However, I didn’t send it for the historical content, which I also disagree with. I sent it for the overall theme. Do you disagree with anything in my first comment?

      “To equate religion and warriors as one is a joke, they are not warriors, they are ZEALOTS.”

      Patently false statement.

      a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.”

      Since when has warfare ever excluded religion? Most warfare is DUE to religion (or was up until this century, anyway).

      Zealous warriors would be acceptable.

      But warriors nonetheless.

        1. Millard: Indeed, then again there were many a Waterloo’s and Custer’s Last Stands because someone ran outside and screamed: My dick is bigger than yours! Ask the ghosts of the endless wars of Europe about that one.

          On one hand it is funny on the other just pathetic for what people are willing to kill each other over no?

      1. The definition of warrior has also changed, used to be warrior and soldier were two different words not associated since one was private interest (warrior) and the other government funded (soldier).

        My statement is not false in the slightest, your own definition proves it and history stands as my witness. A warrior is simply a fighter, period. A zealot or crusader on the other hand is a fighter engaged in religious warfare. Again, it is marrying of the two terms (religion/warrior) that creates a third (crusader) that is a path best not walked.

        The main point is there are MANY kinds of FIGHTERS out there, but what kind do YOU want to be? Warrior, soldier, mercenary, crusader, etc? We must be very careful in which we choose lest we walk those old paths all over again because people fail to see the difference between them. Much like the current Oregon affair where they are saying “militia” when in reality they are just a masonic club with private interests that happens to be armed. I would thus dub them pirates, not warriors or militia since their intent is to steal from the people.

        Here is the old definition of warrior I learned from an 1800’s dictionary before the thought police from 1984 had a field day with the English Language:
        Warrior: A professional fighter, experienced or engaged in warfare.

        Soldier was not listed with it, again, today our words are be switched and twisted, Henry has pointed this out in with other words how THE PEOPLE does not mean people but a special handful. Our language is being rewritten and the definition you posted is another example, lines are being BLURRED on purpose to give some a “happy fuzzy” sense or whatever political agenda is wanted for the day.

        There are many kinds of fighters, pick carefully. I will even add another that is a no-no: Be a FREE MAN! To be such you have to be willing to fight and kill, so frankly we should add it to our list because this one is better suited for us. Strive not to be a warrior who serves no purpose till someone offers to pay them or herd them along (thus falling into mercenary, soldier or pirate definitions), but instead strive to be something that really puts a bug up their ass: A free man.

        As for your first statement: Agreed, but unlike eight hundred years ago… Our enemies have multiplied and taken more names, worse still, new ideologies: communism, fascism, masonry, corporatism, etc. I touched on the “so long as YOU do it” bit in my own comment, this is a big problem we will face for the future. Frankly, if tomorrow the war broke out and the years wore on, there would be more than enough trying to push that: Oh we agree, you go shoot them for me now while I watch! From back here… In the bunker… On the dark side of the moon… But hey! When its over just remember half of it all belongs to me!

        We have many problems, too many in fact, if we really want to do this right I see no way of getting around it without this being the most bloody, gory and brutal war the world has ever seen where there is no such word as “innocence.” Either fight or die, we are fighting a war of extermination and indeed the jews (along with the “royals” of Europe among others) intend to get the population “under control” by making certain we all die so they can have their utopia. Be darned if they do the actual fighting though, that’s what they have goyim armies for.

        Last note: Indeed most wars have been due to religion, today though we have moved past that and are getting down to what it is really about: POWER. They are not even lying about it being for power and control anymore, religion is taking the back-burner anymore.

        1. “The definition of warrior has also changed,…”

          Of course it has. Words are infinitely malleable now. The so-called ‘government’ told us so, and they wouldn’t lie. 🙄

          I ain’t mad at ya. 🙂

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