Cartoon Envirocommunism: Norm of the North

Moon Battery

Making movies for kids is great fun because the leftist ideologues running Hollyweird don’t have to tone down their message. They can vomit their viewpoint all over the screen, secure in the knowledge that small children don’t know enough to reject it. Introducing Norm of the North:  

Norm of the North will bring environmentalist propaganda back to theaters with its story of a talking polar bear who rescues his Arctic home from a housing development project “for the one percent.”

The film’s writers pit eco-friendly protagonists against Mr. Greene: a greedy CEO who calls ordinary people “peasants,” says things like “wake up and smell the profits” and “it doesn’t matter if I’m corrupt,” and hides a caged polar bear at his company’s headquarters.

In contrast, Norm typifies the environmentalist hero as an outsider battling a corrupt corporation to save his native environment. Norm doesn’t fit “the norm” because he can talk to humans, and has the kind of emotional depth that leads him to ask deep, flower-power questions like, “If we’re not helping each other, what are we here for?” While Norm can’t bring himself to eat a whimpering seal, he is contrasted with bloodthirsty tourists who prod him to devour his prey.

In cartoon land, carnivores have the option of going vegan.

As for the villain,

Mr. Greene is the caricature of capitalist evil that progressives must daydream about as they write environmentalist screeds. …

Greene boasts many left-wing stereotypes about evil capitalists. He’s greedy, self-centered, manipulative, unethical and treats his employees terribly.

Economic freedom hurts the environment and the nice talking animals. It is bad. Oligarchical collectivism helps the animals. It is good. Got it kids? Marinate in this moonbattery for a decade, then go out and vote.

Achieving the P.C. norm through indoctrination.

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One thought on “Cartoon Envirocommunism: Norm of the North

  1. Couldn’t possibly last another decade, could it?!? They will have eaten themselves by then, i should imagine.

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