1 arrested, 3 still sought after 40-mile chase in south central South Dakota


Authorities say one person is behind bars and three suspects are still being sought after a long pursuit in southern South Dakota.

The pursuit began Sunday night on Highway 50 near Tyndall.

According to the Bon Homme County Sheriff’s Office, deputies and Tyndall police responded to a two-vehicle accident around 9:20 p.m. 

In all, six people were involved in the accident. As authorities interviewed two of the people involved, they allowed the four others to sit in a Tyndall police department’s vehicle because mosquitoes were bad outside.

Authorities say the people inside the police vehicle ended up driving off.

The suspects then allegedly led law enforcement on a 40-mile chase, with speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour.

Authorities say the suspect’s car ended up running out of gas near Marty. They then ran off on foot.

One suspect, a woman, was arrested by Yankton Sioux Tribe police. Authorities are still looking for the other two men and one woman who were involved in the chase. No additional details about those suspects have been released.

Deputies say no weapons were taken from the patrol car.

Ten law enforcement agencies were involved in the pursuit.


11 thoughts on “1 arrested, 3 still sought after 40-mile chase in south central South Dakota

  1. ‘Authorities say the people inside the police vehicle ended up driving off.’…….so I’m thinking these were perhaps illegals and probably no habla englais and this being the country where everything is given to them…well they thought they were being given a nuuuuuu carrrrr ( Price Is Right game show announcer )……..

    1. HAHAHAHA!!!!!
      “Ten law enforcement agencies were involved in the pursuit.”

  2. “Authorities say the suspect’s car ended up running out of gas near Marty. They then ran off on foot.”

    Guess they don’t have helicopters in S. Dakota.

      1. Gets cold as f%&k there, don’t it, Hal?

        Lived in Canada for a bit, and Michigan after that (winter).

        SLC was a like a walk in the park after that.

        1. It sure can be.
          Windy too.
          The witches tit, and brass monkey visit annually.

          I know Mary had it worse while in ND though.

          1. done with those six months of winter every year….supposed to get to 100 here Friday…yesssss!

            looking to sell my house up there …the young man that is staying there now is moving out at the end of June …moving to…….SD!!!

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