By Aaron Siri

Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite. Continue reading “AND LIKE THAT, THE CLAIM VACCINES ARE THE WORLD’S BEST STUDIED PRODUCT DIES”

By Edward Hasbrouck –

A Contrary to earlier reports, the U.S. Senate has joined the House of Representatives in moving toward a foolhardy attempt to ‘automatically’ register all draft-eligible U.S. citizens and residents for a possible military draft, by extracting and aggregating information obtained from other Federal agencies. Continue reading “Senate Joins House in Proposal for ‘Automatic’ Draft Registration”

By Mike Whitney – Global Research

The Biden administration has settled on a plan to expand the war beyond Ukraine by deploying combat troops and lethal weaponry to 15 military bases in Finland. Whether the deployment will include nuclear-armed ballistic missiles is not yet known, but the threat to Russia’s security is serious all the same. One can imagine what Washington would do if Moscow chose to build 15 fully equipped and operational military bases on the US-Mexico border. The US would swiftly eradicate the threat through force-of-arms. No one doubts this. The question is whether Putin will pursue the same course of action as the US or dillydally until the threat becomes too menacing to ignore. This is from an article at The Defense Post: Continue reading “U.S. Plan to “Expand the War Beyond Ukraine”: NATO Buildup in Finland Puts Hostile Anti-Russia Army on Putin’s Doorstep”

By Wall Street Apes

A qualification system in place allows for 6 names to be used and up to 10 illegals incomes are taken. They qualify for the home, move all their illegals in and then then American tax payer picks up the tab Continue reading “Whistleblower Exposes How Illegal Migrants Are Qualifying To Purchase Homes In Utah”

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

A bombshell study that The Lancet1 pulled within 24 hours is finally seeing the light of day. Now published in the peer-reviewed Forensic Science International journal, the systematic review of autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 shots revealed 73.9% “were directly due to or significantly contributed to” by the injections.2 Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis posted on X:3 Continue reading “Autopsies Link 73.9% of Post-Jab Deaths to the Shot”