ABC News

Republican presidential contender Rand Paul has left Haiti after spending four days on a humanitarian mission to the island nation.

Paul is an ophthalmologist by training and joined six eye surgeons who restored vision to dozens of impoverished Haitians. Many lived for years in blindness because of ailments such as cataracts that are easily treated in the United States.   Continue reading “Rand Paul: a humanitarian in Haiti, a pit bull in 2016”

The Daily Caller – by Casey Harper

A new report on the freedom of countries around the world ranks the United States 20th, putting countries like Chile and the United Kingdom ahead of the U.S.

Last year, the U.S. was ranked 17th, but a steady decline of economic freedom and “rule of law” has dropped the level of freedom, according to the Cato Institute, Fraser Institute and the Swiss Liberales Institut, which created the study together.   Continue reading “United States Drops In Overall Freedom Ranking”

The Globe and Mail – by Steven Chase

Negotiators for Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are meeting in Washington to try to break a deadlock over autos – one of the biggest stumbling blocks to a massive Pacific Rim trade pact between 12 countries.

They are facing pressure from firms in the Canadian and Mexican auto sectors for a better deal.   Continue reading “NAFTA countries reignite negotiations over TPP auto-parts dispute”

ABC News

The State Bureau of Investigation is looking into the shooting of a man by law enforcement officers in western North Carolina near Canton.

Haywood County Sheriff’s Sgt. Heidi Warren told local news outlets that officers were called to Maple Grove Baptist Church west of Canton shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday.   Continue reading “Man Shot in Gunfire Exchange With Officers in North Carolina”

Sent to us by the author, Robert Quinn

To America…Land That I Love

A major function of the Media is to keep America aware of how well our elected officials adhere to the Constitution. By concealing important news from the Public the Major Media betrayed our Country while pretending to be it’s eyes and ears. Sentinels of Truth became saboteurs of Society.   Continue reading “America – Our Stolen Country – Session 5”

Sent to us by Tom.

While the twentieth century has been called the American century,1 the world of King Khan has seen the dawning of what appears to be the Asian Millennium. The United States is beset by economic problems; the American world view is clearly Domestic (fig. 6-1).   Continue reading “Air Force 2025 – Chapter 6 King Kahn”

Sent to us by Tom.

Imagine a world completely enmeshed in technology. Technological advances are rampant and the world struggles with rapid change and its effects.1 These tremendous advances in technology have led to the development of many astonishing inventions, such as an individual device that can perform a myriad of simultaneous functions. For instance, a watch phone can be used to conduct video-phone calls and teleconferences;2 monitor a daily schedule, including required tasks and to-do lists;3 display global positioning satellite (GPS) location to include altitude; and even monitor aerobic conditioning, energy, nutrition rates, emotional state, and the status of artificial organs.4 However, many traditional customs and events have faded away, erased by the extreme rate of change. Most holidays are overlooked, and Julian dates5 are the norm.   Continue reading “Air Force 2025 – Chapter 5 Digital Cacophony”


New research suggests head lice are getting even harder to kill.

A study conducted by researchers at Southern Illinois University suggests there is a new species of mutant lice that are resistant to most over-the-counter treatments.

“What we found was that 104 out of the 109 lice populations we tested had high levels of gene mutations, which have been linked to resistance to pyrethroids,” said Kyong Yoon, Ph.D., who conducted the research.   Continue reading “Study Shows Lice In At Least 25 States Now Resistant To Common Treatments”

Fox News – by Todd Starnes

The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts reversed a controversial decision to replace the terms “mother” and “father” with “parent 1” and “parent 2.”

“After receiving feedback regarding a recent change made to the permanent parenting plan form, the AOC has reviewed the procedures and determined that, before making any changes to the form, the AOC should consult with the Domestic Relations Committee of the Tennessee Judicial Conference,” the office said in a statement. ” We have reverted to the previous form and the Committee has been notified.”   Continue reading “Tennessee courts reverse ban on ‘mother’ and ‘father’”

Donald Trump

When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:   Continue reading “Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan”


After nearly two decades, Shell has received the final permission from the US government to begin Arctic oil drilling off the coast of Alaska. This comes ahead of President Barack Obama’s visit to Alaska where he will examine environmental issues.

The area approved for drilling in the Chukchi Sea is estimated to contain about 15 billion barrels of oil, while the Arctic is thought to have more than 20 percent of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas resources. Shell says drilling in the area could become a “game changer” for US domestic production.   Continue reading “Shell gets final approval for Arctic oil drilling”

Update from Ed:  The Lawyer Complex fire is within 1/4 mile of the McNeil home (Joe McNeil, owner and operator of The Micro Effect broadcast network).  The family has been told to evacuate but are going to stay and fight as long as they can and if necessary try to salvage as much as they can.  Joe reports looting is occurring in the area. Family requesting prayer.


KAMIAH, Idaho — The Lawyer Complex has burned 42 homes and 75 other buildings, according to Northern Rockies Incident Management Team.   Continue reading “42 homes lost to the Lawyer Complex Fire, Idaho”

New York Times – by Clifford Krauss

HOUSTON — The Obama administration on Friday gave oil companies temporary permission to export a limited amount of oil to Mexico at a time when a glut is cutting into domestic petroleum profits and employment.

The decision by the Commerce Department fell short of removing a ban on crude exports that goes back to the 1970s, when international oil boycotts produced long lines at gasoline stations and threatened the American economy. It also does not make a broad national security exception for Mexico, which has long existed for Canada, to release larger-scale exports.   Continue reading “U.S. Allows Limited Oil Exports to Mexico”

Biz Journals – by Cathy Proctor

For sale to the highest bidder: Thousands of acres of federally owned mineral rights in two southern Colorado counties and in the Pawnee National Grassland near the Colorado-Wyoming border.

Grassland-area drilling would only be allowed from private parcels adjacent to federal property, however.   Continue reading “BLM to auction more drilling rights on Pawnee National Grassland”

PR Web

Contrary to many stories in the media about how low-wage jobs have dominated since the recovery began in 2010, the largest job growth has come from good jobs, according to a new study from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

Good Jobs Are Back: College Graduates Are First in Line reveals that the economy has added 6.6 million jobs since 2010, 2.9 million of which were good jobs. These jobs paid more than $53,000, tended to be full time and provided health insurance and retirement plans. In addition to the 2.9 million good jobs created, the economy also created 1.9 million middle-wage jobs and 1.8 million low-wage jobs.   Continue reading “Good Jobs Account for Almost Half of All Job Growth During the Recovery, New Georgetown University Study Finds”

Fox News

An 18-day manhunt in the mountainous high desert of central California ended when two deputies opened fire on a man who pulled out a handgun during a confrontation on a rural road, authorities said Sunday.

Benjamin Peter Ashley, 34, was struck by several rounds after he failed to comply with orders to drop the weapon as he walked toward foothills east of Bakersfield on Saturday, Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood told The Associated Press.   Continue reading “Target of 18-day manhunt killed in California’s high desert; deputies confront suspect on road”

Examiner – by Roz Zurko

Yosemite National Park closed another campsite after it was discovered that squirrels in that area had died of the plague. The plague is spread through fleas, so the campsite needs to be treated to kill those fleas before reopening.

According to on August 15, these campsites book up months in advance so the people holding reservations for next week at the 304-site Tuolumne Meadows Campground will be out of luck. The Yosemite officials said that those folks with reservations on the days the campsite will be closed are being contacted and their reservations canceled, according to MSN News.   Continue reading “Yosemite closes another campsite: Dead squirrels found to have plague”