elder abuseSent to us by a reader.

Bullets First – by Tony Oliva

It took three long years, but 75 year old Arthur Lovi finally had his day in court and the police department of Arlington Heights, Illinois were on the losing end of an $80,000 ruling.

The story began back in 2012 when Lovi was diagnosed with high blood pressure linked to stress.  His doctor suggested he talk to a therapist to try a lower his blood pressure.   Continue reading “After 3 Years Gun Owning Senior Wins Lawsuit Against Crooked Cops Who Stole His Firearms”

U.S. President Barack Obama (L) and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ride together en route to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington in this 27 April 2015 handout photoBBC

US President Barack Obama and Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are due to meet to discuss a significant trade deal for the Pacific Rim.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is aimed at liberalising markets in 12 countries, and the US and Japan are among the biggest players.

The discussion comes amid a week-long state visit to Washington by Mr Abe.   Continue reading “Abe and Obama to discuss Trans-Pacific Partnership deal”

CNBC – by Reem Nasr

Conflicting reports that a U.S. cargo ship may or may not have been seized by the Iranian military in the Persian Gulf roiled markets on Tuesday morning.

The Pentagon later reported that the Maersk Tigris did not have any U.S. citizens aboard and was traveling through the Strait of Hormuz when the incident occurred.

Al Arabiya, the Saudi news network, initially reported that a U.S. vessel has been fired on and steered to the Bandar Abbas port by Iran. Iran’s Fars News Agency also reported that an “American trade vessel” had been confiscated.   Continue reading “Iranian forces have boarded the Marshall Island- flagged Maersk Tigris- Pentagon”

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Loose Rounds – by Shawn

Go on to any gun forum, and it won’t take you long to find people willing to tell you how great the M14 is. How accurate,like a laser, tough as tool steel with no need to baby it or clean it. Powerful as a bolt of lightening, and  how well loved it was by those early users who refused the M16 because they wanted a “real” weapon made of wood and steel…. ..     But, is all that really true?  Maybe it is a triumph of nostalgia over common sense and reality.   One truth is, it was never really liked as much as people think they remember.   Continue reading “The M14, Not Much For Fighting ( A Case Against The M14 Legend )”

Screenshot from instagram.com/yaasss_keezRT

After apparently finding her son dressed in black riot gear, a Baltimore woman was captured on camera slapping the young man and marching him away from the police. The scene quickly went viral online, with the woman being dubbed “Mother of the Year.”

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered a mandatory curfew to be imposed on Tuesday night after a violent riot erupted in the wake of the funeral for Freddie Gray, a young black man who died in police custody over a week ago.   Continue reading “‘Mother of the year:’ Baltimore woman slaps, scolds rioter”

skullSent to us by a reader.

Grams Gold

In an interview with Elijah Johnson on April 24, 2015, Dr. Jim Willie says that the low oil price, in combination with the high dollar, will spell out the death knell for the dollar.

Because of the low oil prices, oil and shale companies will start to see massive bankruptcies over the next few months.   Continue reading “Jim Willie: This Will Be the Death Knell of the Economy”

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Examiner – by Jim Kouri

In the midst of the news media coverage of the Hillary Clinton emails, her private Internet server, her thumbing her nose at government regulations and allegations that her and her husband’s “charity” was involved in shady deals, no one except for public-interest groups is asking about an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigation. There are several allegations that the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a sophisticated and elaborate political slush fund, according to news stories on Monday.   Continue reading “IRS attacks conservative groups but silent on Clinton Foundation”

Independent truck drivers participated in a port-focused strike in November. (Credit: Mark Boster/Los Angeles Times)KTLA

Some truck drivers who haul goods from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach walked off the job Monday, organizers said, launching a protest against four trucking firms they accuse of wage theft.

Picket lines went up outside the trucking yards of Pacific 9 Transportation, Intermodal Bridge Transport, Pacer Cartage and Harbor Rail Transport, said Barb Maynard, a spokeswoman for the Teamsters union, which is supporting the truckers.   Continue reading “Truck Drivers Go on Strike at Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach”

FukushimaSent to us by a reader.

Natural News – by David Gutierrez

Food produced in the radioactive exclusion zone around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant could already be on store shelves around the world, experts have warned.

In March 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami triggered multiple meltdowns at the Japanese plant. Explosions ejected massive quantities of radioactive material into the air, much of which settled onto the surface of the earth around the plant. There is concern that food produced in this region could have absorbed some of this radioactive material, thereby posing a risk of cancer and other health problems to people who consume it.   Continue reading “Is radioactive food from Fukushima being sent to your grocery store?”

Connecting the PiecesSent to us by a reader.

Sputnik – by Jay Johnson

In his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins pulls back the curtain to reveal how exactly the globalization machinery works. The signing of the TTIP and TPP treaties create the framework for a one world government.

Gone are the days of freedom and democracy as the American oligarchy have created the conditions for the rise of worldwide corporatocracy.   Continue reading “Does the TTIP and TPP Signal the Rise of the One World Government?”

Questions about who is behind the Islamic State keep rising from time to time. May Israel be behind the terrorist group? File photoSent to us by a reader.


Questions about who is behind the Islamic State keep rising from time to time. Might Israel be behind the terrorist group?

Iraqi volunteer forces, known as Hashid Shaabi, discovered Israeli-made weapons at Islamic State (ISIL) positions in the Iraqi province of Anbar on Thursday, according to Al-Mayadeen television, Fars News Agency reported.

Continue reading “Iranian Media Claims ISIL Uses Israeli Arms”

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Cryptocoins News – by Evander Smart

Paper currency, or cash, is a fairly recent man-made, really a bank made, concept. As I’ve covered previously, paper money is a convenience of a modern society, but many things have acted as money throughout history. Throughout most of history, outright bartering of goods and services was the way of the world. We’ve used feathers, gold, beads, “tally sticks”, coins, and now paper currency to transmit value from one person to another. And much like the newspaper has been replaced by the Internet version of your newspaper, paper money is getting sent to Evolution’s Scrap Yard, courtesy of your central banking system’s design on capital controls.   Continue reading “Cash Bans Grow as Central Bankers Plan Centralized Future: Bitcoin to the Rescue?”

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The Examiner – by Nancy Swanson

Today a class action lawsuit (Case No: BC 578 942) was filed in Los Angeles County, California against the Monsanto corporation. The suit alleges that Monsanto is guilty of false advertising by claiming that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, targets an enzyme only found in plants and not in humans or animals. Monsanto makes this claim to support the contention that glyphosate is harmless to humans.   Continue reading “Monsanto sued in Los Angeles County for false advertising”

AP Photo/Jeff RobersonSent to us by a reader.

Breitbart – by Daniel Nussbaum

Five cast members of the upcoming Ferguson stage play abruptly quit this week after reading the play’s script, which recreates the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson using testimony taken from the grand jury proceedings in the case.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the cast members quit the production after learning the true circumstances surrounding Brown’s death. Playwright and producer Phelim McAleer told Breitbart News that the script is based strictly on grand jury testimony, with “nothing added. No dialogue, no characters.”   Continue reading “‘Ferguson’ Play Cast Members Quit After Learning Truth About Michael Brown Shooting”

childrenSent to us by Rob.

Natural News – by Daniel Barker

The kidnapping of children by Child Protection Services has become all too common in recent years. Often, the removal of children from their homes is completely unjustified and carried out for the flimsiest of reasons.

Such is the case concerning Angela Borths, a caring mother whose three young children have been taken into custody by Oregon CPS authorities. Borths has been accused of “medical neglect,” a very serious-sounding charge, and one which seems totally unfounded when one examines the details involved in the decision.   Continue reading “Oregon kidnaps mom’s three children after deciding her family isn’t tall enough”