BRICS Leaders celebrate their new BankSent to us by the author.

Real Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

(Left: For the time being, China still allows Putin the center position.)

Far from being ‘the end of the NWO’, the ongoing decline and coming collapse of the US Empire and its Petrodollar are the Money Power’s key goal in her age old drive to World Government. The BRICS Bank is a purely Globalist institution that paves the way for a new Currency Order after the Petrodollar has been done away with.    Continue reading “The BRICS Bank: Next Stop On The Road To World Currency”

motorcycle-crash-car-876.jpgFox News

Spider-Man has some competition.

A Russian dashcam caught a motorcyclist running into the back of a moving car, flipping onto its roof and landing safely on his or her feet.

Dashcams are very popular among Russians, who use them to combat corrupt law enforcement officials and capture evidence of accidents, like this one.   Continue reading “Biker crashes into car, lands standing on its roof”

Honduran Illegal Arrested After Home Break-in, Sexual Assault on ToddlerInfowars – by Adan Salazar

In a report that went largely glossed over by the establishment press, an illegal alien hailing from Honduras broke into a Florida home over the weekend and attempted to sexually assault a young child, a case underscoring the fact that criminal elements are actively exploiting the United States’ lax immigration laws.

Last Saturday, police arrested 47-year-old Pampilio Alvarado Flores, a Honduran citizen living illegally in Orlando, after he allegedly broke into the home of an acquaintance “and sexually assaulted a child while his parents and siblings slept nearby,” reported NBC local affiliate WESH.   Continue reading “Honduran Illegal Arrested After Home Break-In, Sexual Assault on Toddler”

Atlanta Journal-Constitution – by Ernie Suggs

An increasingly frustrated police commander on Tuesday blamed a “tiny minority of lawbreakers” for the continued violence here in Ferguson after another long night of violence and civil unrest.

Monday was the latest in an unbroken string of violent nights in Ferguson, which has been a tinderbox since the shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager, by a white police officer on Aug. 9.    Continue reading “Two shot, 31 arrested in another round of violence in Ferguson”

Local 10- by Steve Kastenbaum, Holly Yan and Michael Pearson

FERGUSON, Missouri (CNN) – The Ferguson, Missouri, police officer who killed Michael Brown says the teenager rushed at him full speed in the moments before the shooting, according to an account phoned into a St. Louis radio station and confirmed as accurate by a source with detailed knowledge of the investigation.

According to the account on KTFK, phoned in by a woman who identified herself as “Josie,” the altercation began after Officer Darren Wilson rolled down his window to tell Brown and a friend to stop walking in the street.   Continue reading “Radio caller: Michael Brown rushed officer”

American Policy Center – by Tom DeWeese

The news is full of the “humanitarian crisis” taking place on the U.S. southern border. We hear of the “unaccompanied children” who have been tragically released into the nation without parental oversight. It paints a horrifying picture that has affected compassionate, caring Americans, bringing many to tears and wanting to help. That’s what Americans do. We care. We cry. We rush to help.

What many, blinded by their compassion, are not seeing, is the reality of what this modern day version of Castro’s infamous Muriel Boat Lift will bring to U.S. cites in coming months and years. That’s because only about 20% of those now rushing across the border are actually innocent children. Many more are dangerous felons, members of murderous gangs, and some are even Middle Eastern terrorists avoiding the TSA.  Continue reading “The “Humanitarian Crisis” and the Coming Crime Wave in U.S. Cities”

The armored men surround the home and prepare to breach. (Source: YouTube)Police State USA

EVANSVILLE, IN — An innocent elderly woman’s home was raided by SWAT when she was suspected of using the internet to trash-talk and post threats toward the local police.  In response, gun-wielding assailants breached her doors and windows in a violent search for electronic evidence.

The hair-raising incident took place at the household of Louise Milan on Powell Street.  It was the place where she and her husband had raised their six children, and had lived for three decades.   Continue reading “Indiana grandmother suffers violent SWAT raid after a neighbor uses her wireless internet”

Online Threat Arrest_Cham640081814.jpgFox News

A 15-year-old boy arrested Sunday on suspicion of posting online threats to shoot students at Southern California schools apparently did so as a prank, Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials said.

The teen, who was arrested after investigators served a search warrant at his home, wrote the posts to get a reaction from his friends, officials said.   Continue reading “California teen arrested after allegedly threatening school shootings in Instagram posts”

CNN – by Jethro Mullen

A powerful earthquake struck early Monday in western Iran, injuring at least 250 people in a region near the border with Iraq.

Local authorities said they fear the quake may have caused widespread destruction in rural areas.

The 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit at a depth of around 10 kilometers (6 miles) in an area 36 kilometers southeast of the Iranian city of Abdanan, the U.S. Geological Survey said. It was followed by a series of aftershocks.  Continue reading “250 injured after strong earthquake hits Iran near border with Iraq”

MedicalMarijuanaMomWGN TV 9 – by Max Tarlton

A new mother in Portland, Oregon says doctors told her she can’t breastfeed, because she uses medical marijuana.

Crystal Cain used medical marijuana during her pregnancy on the advice of her midwife, she says for anxiety and nausea.

She delivered her baby eight weeks premature last week, and the baby needed an incubator to survive.   Continue reading “Mother denied breastfeeding at hospital over medical marijuana use”

A police officer is about to throw a tear gas canister as police try to disperse demonstrators who are protesting the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., Sunday.USA Today – by Yamiche Alcindor

FERGUSON, Mo. — Missouri Governor Jay Nixon early Monday ordered the National Guard into Ferguson hours after police said escalating violence led to shootings, arrests and “pre-planned” acts of aggression by protesters.

Nixon made the announcement following another night of clashes between police and protesters in the suburb of St. Louis. Continue reading “National Guard deployed to Ferguson”


FERGUSON, Mo. — Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said. Continue reading “Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Struck at Least 6 Times”

Fox News

Anger spurred by the death of a black teenager at the hands of white police officer boiled over again early Saturday morning in Ferguson, Missouri, when protesters stormed into a convenience store — the same store that Michael Brown was accused of robbing.

Police and about 200 protesters began clashing late Friday after another tense day in the St. Louis suburb, a day that included authorities identifying the officer who fatally shot Brown on Aug. 9. At the same news conference in which officer Darren Wilson was named, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson released documents alleging that Brown stole a $48.99 box of cigars from the convenience store, then strong-armed a man on his way out.   Continue reading “Ferguson shooting: Police, protesters clash after disclosures”


The U.S. Energy Department has finalized a plan to revamp its process for approving liquefied natural gas exports, and as originally proposed the changes eliminate conditional approvals for LNG projects.

Beginning Thursday, the department will only issue final rulings on whether exports are in the public interest after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or another authorized agency, has completed an environmental review of the project.   Continue reading “U.S. Energy Dept finalizes overhaul of natural gas export reviews”

Armoured personnel carriers with Russian military plates move towards the Ukraine borderThe Guardian – by Shaun Walker

The white trucks of humanitarian aid rumbled through Russia in a convoy stretching for miles, moving slowly southwards on the M4 highway, amid a landscape of fertile fields and Ladas stopped at the roadside – their boots overflowing with watermelons for sale.

But, while the trucks came to a halt well short of Ukraine‘s border, a different Russian convoy did make the crossing into Ukrainian territory late on Thursday evening.   Continue reading “Aid convoy stops short of border as Russian military vehicles enter Ukraine”

Police stand watch as demonstrators protest the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown on August 13, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. (AFP Photo / Getty Images / Scott Olson)RT

The governor of Missouri will reportedly relieve St. Louis County law enforcement from policing the ongoing demonstrations in the town of Ferguson, paving the way for possible state or federal intervention.

Rep Wm. Lacy Clay (D-Missouri told Bloomberg News on Thursday morning that Gov. Jay Nixon, also a Democrat, had confirmed to him that county police will be pulled from their duties in Ferguson, where outrage continues to erupt following the officer-involved shooting and killing of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old unarmed teenager, on Saturday.   Continue reading “St. Louis County police will no longer be involved in policing Ferguson”

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick requests a moment of silence during a ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts November 22, 2013.  REUTERS/Brian SnyderReuters

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has signed into law a measure giving police chiefs authority to turn down a resident’s requests to buy a rifle or shotgun if they believe the person may be a danger.

The measure broadens the authority of police, who were already allowed to deny sales of handguns to people who failed background checks. The new measure gives a police chief 90 days to petition a court to deny a firearms identification card to someone the chief believes to be unfit.   Continue reading “Massachusetts governor signs law tightening state gun rules”

Madison St.Clair Record – by Nancy Thorner

As President Obama considers sidestepping Congress to loosen U.S. immigration policy, a Reuters poll shows that 70 percent of Americans are deeply worried that illegal immigration is threatening this nation’s culture and economy. Because Congress cannot agree on comprehensive immigration reform with amnesty as its goal, Obama is threatening to act alone in the next few weeks through an executive order to give work permits to up to five millions undocumented immigrants and delay some deportations.   Continue reading “Illinois taxpayers foot $4.7 billion cost of illegal immigration”