National Review – by Ryan Lovelace

President Obama is encouraging Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to slack off on the job, former border cops tellNational Review Online.

Some ICE officials think the Obama administration has intentionally neglected to give them orders to support efforts to resolve the crisis on America’s southwestern border, says Ronald Colburn, former national deputy chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. As a result, the wave of unaccompanied children from Central America is unfolding while ICE officials cool their heels.   Continue reading “Obama Gives ICE the Cold Shoulder”

AFP_531889123_66033624USA Today – by Tom Vanden Brook

The Russian military fired artillery rounds into eastern Ukraine on Thursday, a “clear escalation” of hostilities there, Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said.

Russia has about 12,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, Warren said. Russian tanks, artillery and rocket launchers have crossed into Ukraine to support separatists there.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has not spoken to his Russian counterpart about the artillery attack and has no plans to, Warren said.   Continue reading “Russian military fires artillery into eastern Ukraine”

My Fox DFW

President Obama has said most of the undocumented children in the U.S. from Central America will not be allowed to stay.

The process of deciding which ones will stay and which ones will go is often decided in court, but Tuesday, 18 of 20 undocumented children failed to show up to their first immigration hearing in Dallas federal court.   Continue reading “Many undocumented N. TX kids miss first immigration hearing”

Image from @Astro_AlexRT

A German astronaut managed to capture the Gaza war zone from space while aboard the International Space Station. He called it his “saddest photo yet.”

Alexander Gerst, a German flight engineer, geophysicist and volcanologist, spread the news with a short tweet on Wednesday, as the ISS was on a flyby over Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. The image went viral.   Continue reading “‘Saddest photo yet’: Astronaut photographs Gaza offensive from space”


KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has announced his resignation following turmoil in government.

Yatsenyuk made the announcement from the dais of the parliament after two parties said they would pull out of the governing coalition. “I am announcing my resignation in connect with the collapse of the coalition,” Yatsenyuk said.   Continue reading “Ukrainian prime minister announces resignation”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

ROCKPORT, Texas—Deployment of the Texas National Guard may take up to 45 days before any impact will be visible to the general public. Leaders of the Texas Military Forces (TMF) under the command of the Texas Adjutant General, Air National Guard Major General John Nichols, are now developing plans based upon the directives issued to them by Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).   Continue reading “Texas Nation Guard: Deployment Not to Begin for 30 – 45 Days”

ben gurion israelBusiness Insider – by PAUL SZOLDRA

The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its ban on U.S. flights going in or out of Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport late Wednesday evening.

“Before making this decision, the FAA worked with its U.S. government counterparts to assess the security situation in Israel and carefully reviewed both significant new information and measures the Government of Israel is taking to mitigate potential risks to civil aviation,” the FAA said in a press release.   Continue reading “FAA Lifts Ban on Flights to Israel”

overholtSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Eddie Overholt was attending his second county board meeting last Friday when he was arrested by police for interfering with a public meeting and resisting arrest for the dastardly act of asking county officials to speak up so that the audience could hear the proceedings.

According to 76-year old Overholt and others present at the meeting, the board had assembled around a table at the front of the room. Some city officials were turned with their backs facing the crowd making it difficult to hear what was being said.   Continue reading “Cops Arrest 76-Year Old Veteran For Town Meeting ‘Outburst’: “I Asked Them To Speak Louder So We Could Hear””

PHOTO: Duff Watson is seen in this undated photo posted to his Twitter profile. ABC News – by Yazhou Sun

A Minneapolis man said he and his two children were kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight after the father tweeted about a “rude” gate agent who refused to give his kids priority boarding.

The incident happened on Sunday afternoon when Duff Watson was traveling with his two daughters, ages 9 and 6, from Denver to Minneapolis.

“I have been traveling with Southwest for a few years now, and I’m an A-list member,” Watson told ABC News today. “You can board the plane early.”   Continue reading “Family Booted Off Southwest Airlines After Dad Tweeted About ‘Rude’ Gate Agent”

USA Today – by Doug Stanglin

An Air Algerie flight en route to Algiers from Burkina Faso with 116 people aboard — including 50 French citizens — crashed Thursday in northeastern Mali, the airlines said.

The airlines said on its Twitter account that the plane went down about 40 miles from the Malian city of Gao. It did not give any additional details.

“The plane disappeared at Gao (in Mali), (300 miles) from the Algerian border. Several nationalities are among the victims,” Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal was cited as saying by Algerian radio, the French news agency AFP reports.   Continue reading “Air Algerie plane with 116 aboard crashes in Mali”

AP Arizona Execution Drugs_001USA Today – by Michael Kiefer and Mariana Dale, The Arizona Republic

PHOENIX — The Wednesday afternoon execution of convicted murderer Joseph Rudolph Wood III took nearly two hours, confirming concerns that had been raised by his attorneys about a controversial drug used by the state of Arizona.

Wood remained alive at Arizona’s state prison in Florence long enough for his public defenders to file an emergency motion for a stay of execution with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, after the process began at 1:53 p.m. MST. The motion noted that Wood “has been gasping and snorting for more than an hour” after being injected with a lethal cocktail of drugs.   Continue reading “Inmate’s execution takes nearly 2 hours”

Daily Times – Reuters

WASHINGTON: More than 50 former Israeli soldiers have refused to serve in the nation’s reserve force, citing regret over their part in a military they said plays a central role in oppressing Palestinians, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

“We found that troops who operate in the occupied territories aren’t the only ones enforcing the mechanisms of control over Palestinian lives. In truth, the entire military is implicated. For that reason, we now refuse to participate in our reserve duties, and we support all those who resist being called to service,” the soldiers wrote in a petition posted online and first reported by the newspaper.   Continue reading “More than 50 Israeli reservists refuse to serve”

Infowars – by Adan Salazar

By leaving strategic areas along the southern U.S. border unprotected, and by using children as the face of the illegal immigrant surge to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as “asymmetrical warfare” against the American people, a former U.S. Border Patrol agent is warning.   Continue reading “Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children For ‘Asymmetrical Warfare’”

RUSSIAN AKM Underfolder RifleAmmoLand

Washington, DC –-( President Obama last week announced new, wide-reaching economic sanctions on Russia in reaction to the situation in Ukraine, including bans that effect direct importations of Russian made Rifles and Handguns.

The restrictions cover certain major financial institutions, energy companies, Russian government leaders and eight arms manufacturers, including the Kalashnikov Concern.   Continue reading “Obama’s Newest Executive Orders Bans Eight Russian Arms Manufacturers”

Breitbart – by Dan Riehl

Brooks County is too far from the border to receive federal funds for illegal immigrants, but from the discovery of mass graves, illegals, including children, who roam aimlessly sometimes until dead from the heat and exhaustion, the current immigration crisis is far from confined to the border.

Zamarripa, 27, is one of 15 reserve deputies brought in to assist the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office, whose four deputies have lately found themselves overwhelmed by 911 calls from migrants stranded on the vast ranches that stretch from here to the horizon in all directions.   

Then there are the bodies of migrants who didn’t make it to retrieve and identify: 42 so far this year.

Continue reading “Texas Town Swamped with Dead Bodies, 911 Calls 70 Miles From the Border”

The Globe and Mail

Pro-Russian rebels have shot down two Ukrainian fighter jets, a spokesman for Ukraine’s military operations said on Wednesday.

The spokesman said the two were downed near Savur Mogila in eastern Ukraine. No details were known about the pilots.

In Donetsk, pro-Russian separatists are leaving their positions on the outskirts of the east Ukrainian city and retreating towards the city centre, Ukrainian military officials said on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Ukrainian jets shot down by pro-Russian rebels”

"A much larger and more dangerous movement": Right-wing militias thrive post-Bundy -- and the media won't talk about itSalon – by Paul Rosenberg

Three months after the standoff at the Cliven Bundy ranch, the Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a report—”War in the West: The Bundy Ranch Standoff and the American Radical Right“—stating what should have been obvious at the time, but which most media coverage utterly obscured: The standoff was not some quirky, standalone event that spontaneously just happened out of the blue. Rather, it was a highly coordinated event reflecting the threat of a larger militia movement, which in turn has drawn together multiple threads of far-right ideology over the course of the last 40 years. Continue reading ““A much larger and more dangerous movement”: Right-wing militias thrive post-Bundy — and the media won’t talk about it”