Rancher Cliven Bundy is shown. | GettyPolitico- by Manu Raju

Federal law enforcement officials are investigating threats made against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the aftermath of his sharp-edged attacks against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, sources said Monday.

Reid has not minced words about Bundy’s battle with the Bureau of Land Management, referring to Bundy’s supporters as “domestic terrorists” and the rancher himself as a “hateful racist.” As he’s stepped up his criticism, Reid has been the subject of threats himself, prompting an increase in his own security detail in recent days, people familiar with the matter said Monday.   Continue reading “Police investigating Cliven Bundy-related threats to Harry Reid”

Opposing Views – by Sarah Fruchtnicht

Police in Wausau, Wis., cited six students for disorderly conduct because they were having a Nerf gun battle.

Residents in Wausau allegedly called police after they spotted the students pointing a Nerf gun at a car Tuesday night. Even though the toy only shoots foam bullets, Wausau Police Capt. Ben Bliven told WAOW-TV that residents were frightened so police responded appropriately.   Continue reading “Six Wisconsin Students Cited For Nerf Gun Battle”

Navy Times – by Tom Vanden Brook, USA Today

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to destroy more than $1 billion worth of ammunition although some of those bullets and missiles could still be used by troops, according to the Pentagon and congressional sources.

It’s impossible to know what portion of the arsenal slated for destruction — valued at $1.2 billion by the Pentagon — remains viable because the Defense Department’s inventory systems can’t share data effectively, according to a Government Accountability Office report obtained by USA TODAY.   Continue reading “Report: Pentagon to destroy $1B in ammo”

grimminternal15121.jpgFox News

New York Rep. Michael Grimm was arrested Monday morning, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to Fox News, as federal prosecutors prepare to announce charges against the Republican congressman.

Grimm was transported to FBI headquarters in Manhattan. He had been expected to turn himself in, after learning several days earlier that charges were forthcoming.    Continue reading “Rep. Grimm arrested in New York”

Relatives and families of members of Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi react in front of the court in Minya, south of Cairo, after hearing the sentence handed to Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and other Brotherhood supporters April 28, 2014. REUTERS-Mohamed Abd El GhanyReuters – by Yasmine Saleh

An Egyptian court sentenced the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and 682 supporters to death on Monday, intensifying a crackdown on the movement that could trigger protests and political violence ahead of an election next month.

In another case signaling growing intolerance of dissent by military-backed authorities, a pro-democracy movement that helped ignite the uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak in 2011 was banned by court order, judicial sources said.   Continue reading “Egyptian court seeks death sentence for Brotherhood leader, 682 supporters”

Kharkov Mayor Gennady Kernes (RIA Novosti/Chekachkov Igor)RT News

The mayor of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov, Gennady Kernes, has been shot in the back by unidentified gunmen, the city council’s press service reports.

At about 11:30 am (8:30 GMT) local time Kernes was taken to the local hospital. The City Hall’s website says that doctors are fighting to save his life.

“They shot him in the back from the forest,” Kernes’s friend Yury Sapronov told Vesti Ukrainy news outlet.“The injury is serious. His lung is pierced and his liver pierced all the way through.”   Continue reading “Mayor of Kharkov, Ukraine shot in back, hospitalized – press service”

Watertown Daily Times

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — An organization representing the eight states and two Canadian provinces that surround the Great Lakes announced a partnership Friday with former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to recruit foreign manufacturing investment to the region.

The Council of Great Lakes Governors and The Paulson Institute, based at the University of Chicago, will try to capitalize on the growing interest of China and other emerging economies in making “direct investments” in advanced nations. Such investments — which often involve buying or expanding plants and other assets — have greater potential to create jobs than bond holdings bought or sold through paper transactions, Paulson said.   Continue reading “Partnership to push Chinese investments in Great Lake”

Washington’s Blog

Banks Create Money Out of Thin Air … Conferring Enormous Windfall Profits At the Expense of the People

We’ve pointed out for 4 1/2 years that banks create money out of thin air.

Specifically, it has now been conclusively proven that loans come first … and then deposits FOLLOW.   Continue reading “The Biggest Secret About Banking Has Just Gone Mainstream”

A pro-Russian armed man holds his weapon in front of the seized town administration building in Kostyantynivka April 28, 2014. REUTERS-Marko DjuricaReuters – by MATT SPETALNICK AND THOMAS GROVE

U.S. President Barack Obama announced new sanctions against some Russians on Monday to stop President Vladimir Putin from fomenting the rebellion in eastern Ukraine, but said he was holding broader measures against Russia’s economy “in reserve.”

On the ground, pro-Moscow rebels showed no sign of curbing their uprising, seizing public buildings in another town in the east. Interfax news agency reported that the mayor of a further major eastern city, Kharkiv, had been shot and was undergoing an operation. It gave no details of the shooting.   Continue reading “Obama announces new U.S. sanctions on Russia over Ukraine”

oklahoma-tornado-quapaw-internal.jpgFox News

At least 18 people were killed Sunday by three separate tornadoes spawned by a powerful storm system that moved through the central and southern United States.

The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management confirmed early Monday that at least sixteen people had died after a tornado tore through central Arkansas, while an Oklahoma county sheriff’s dispatcher reported that one person had died in the town of Quapaw, near the state’s borders with Kansas and Missouri. Fox News has also confirmed that one person died when a tornado hit Keokuk County, Iowa.   Continue reading “Tornadoes kill at least 18 as storms pummel Plains, Midwest, and South”

Yahoo News – by Jim Gomez

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The United States and the Philippines have reached a 10-year agreement that would allow a larger U.S. military presence in this Southeast Asian nation as it grapples with increasingly tense territorial disputes with China, White House officials said Sunday.

Two Philippine officials confirmed the agreement to The Associated Press before the White House announcement.   Continue reading “US, Philippines reach deal on troops”

Walter White / Breaking Bad Youtube screenshotDaily Caller – by Robby Soave

California cops planted drugs in a woman’s home to frame her after finding nothing in their illegal search of her home, a lawsuit alleges.

Allison Ross has filed a federal lawsuit against against the Santa Clara sheriff’s department, crime lab and 12 officers that she claims participated in a conspiracy to plant drugs in her house and frame her for a crime she did not commit.   Continue reading “Lawsuit: Cops found nothing in raid, so they PLANTED DRUGS to frame innocent woman”

Update: Apparently, we won’t be moving until early next week.  I did not realize they do not work on the weekend and there is ‘Migration Assessment’ that has to take place before the big move.

Sorry for the chicken neck and feel free to send in articles and post comments.

From the Trenches World Report will be moving to another server this afternoon after the broadcast of The Word From the Trenches.  We hope this will be done painlessly and with as little downtime as possible, but one never knows about these things.

Until the transfer is complete we will be unable to upload articles and any comments you post during the transfer will be lost.

All apologies and we hope things will go smoothly.  Thanks for your understanding.

Coomand postLos Angeles Times – by Frank Shyong

A man believed to be armed with a shotgun barricaded himself inside of a disabled veterans facility in Woodland Hills on Friday and has threatened to kill himself, authorities said.

Los Angeles police responded to reports of a barricaded gunman in the 6500 block of Corbin Avenue around 7:30 a.m., said Los Angeles police Cmdr. Andy Smith. Helicopters and a  SWAT team were dispatched to the scene and authorities have evacuated the surrounding areas, Smith added.   Continue reading “Man barricaded in veterans hall threatening to kill himself, cops say”

.Bundy Ranch – by Cliven Bundy

What I am saying is that all we Americans are trading one form of slavery for another.  All of us are in some measure slaves of the federal government.  Through their oppressive tactics of telling the ranchers how many cows they can have on their land, and making that number too low to support a ranch, the BLM has driven every rancher in Clark County off the land, except me.  The IRS keeps the people of America in fear, and makes us all work about a third or a half of the year before we have earned enough to pay their taxes.  This is nothing but slavery from January through May.     Continue reading “We are trading one form of slavery for another.”

Philly.com – by Serena Gordon, HealthDay News

More than 7 percent of American schoolchildren are taking at least one medication for emotional or behavioral difficulties, a new government report shows.

Apparently, the medications are working: More than half of the parents said the drugs are helping their children, according to the report.

“We can’t advise parents on what they should do, but I think it’s positive that over half of parents reported that medications helped ‘a lot,’ ” said report author LaJeana Howie, a statistical research scientist at the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics.
Continue reading “1 in 13 U.S. Schoolkids Takes Psych Meds: Report”