genocide 2aThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

I recently interviewed Daniel Estulin the author of what will be the newest best seller, TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction.

Estulin wrote the book based largely on a Bilderberg white paper which was smuggled to him by a Bilderberg insider. The document was filled with information which spelled the end of the human race as we know it.   Continue reading “The Bilderberg Plan to Obliterate Humanity”

The Left-Right DivideReal Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

The bickering of the right and the left looks more hopeless everyday. The eternal Capitalism vs. Marxism dialectic is alive, but is it still well?

As we know, the Money Power directs history through dialectics. By creating two camps with a narrative that both suit our masters, they co-opt opposition.

Both sides of the coin always have some good points and some very bad ones. Because people feel forced to make a choice, they are seduced into the evil/lesser evil kind of thinking that is so symptomatic of the Dark Side. By polluting an in itself worthwhile position with other nasty ones, they get what they want anyway.   Continue reading “How Ignoring Usury Makes Us All Look Like Fools”

Times of India

PESHAWAR: Unknown gunmen on Monday shot dead a Pakistani employee of the US consulate in the northwestern city of Peshawar, officials said.

Two gunmen riding a motorcycle opened fire on Faisal Saeed, 30, outside his residence in Peshawar, senior police official Najibur Rehman told AFP.   Continue reading “US consulate employee shot dead in Pakistan”

iowa-sisters-internal.jpgFox News

Two sisters of an Iowa state representative have been found dead of apparent gunshot wounds in the Pittsburgh home they shared in what police are investigating as a double homicide.

The bodies of 44-year-old Susan Wolfe and 38-year-old Sarah Wolfe were found Friday afternoon in their basement after they didn’t show up for work, authorities said. Police found Sarah Wolfe’s car around 1:15 a.m. Saturday parked nearly a mile away.   Continue reading “Iowa state representative’s sisters found dead in apparent homicide, police say”

Tenth Amendment Center

The OffNow coalition has now marched state and local efforts to stop unconstitutional NSA spying right onto the agency’s front porch.

Late last week, Maryland State Delegate Michael Smigiel introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to end all state cooperation with the National Security Agency (NSA).   Continue reading “Nullify NSA Campaign at Agency’s Front Door: Maryland Bill Bans State Resources for Spy Agency”

Get ready to pay more: Christmas tree growers will put millions into a Farm Bill-approved fund to hep them with marketing, with consumers likely footing the bill in the form of higher pricesDaily Mail – by DAVID MARTOSKO

The federal government pays for a $15 million ‘wool trust fund,’ runs a $170 million program to protect catfish growers from overseas competition, sets aside $3 million to promote Christmas trees, funds another $2 million to help farmers sell more sheep, and plunks down $100 million researching how to get Americans to buy more maple syrup.

And that spending is just three one-hundredths of one per cent of the Farm Bill that President Barack Obama signed Friday in Michigan.   Continue reading “Catfish oversight, weather radios and a Christmas tree tax: Meet the pork-filled $956 BILLION Farm Bill”

Time – by Kimberly Dozier

(WASHINGTON) — An American citizen who is a member of al-Qaeda is actively planning attacks against Americans overseas, U.S. officials say, and the Obama administration is wrestling with whether to kill him with a drone strike and how to do so legally under its new stricter targeting policy issued last year.

The CIA drones watching him cannot strike because he’s a U.S. citizen and the Justice Department must build a case against him, a task it hasn’t completed.   Continue reading “U.S. Suspect Possibly Targeted for Drone Attack”

Middle Class at RiskLiberty Gold and Silver

While the ever distracted and perpetually preoccupied American public is just recovering from the onslaught of the Super Bowl and readying itself for two continuous weeks of the vicarious videotaped splendor of the Winter Olympics from Russia, ominous signs of the inevitable collapse of the American economic and social order continue to grow. Regrettably, very few of these signs are ever discussed on any of the business channels.

As far as the talking head pundits on Bloomberg, CNBC, and the Fox Business Channel are concerned, the ONLY index of American prosperity and well being is the stock market and nothing BUT the stock market.  It’s as simple as that for this little group of Wall Street sycophant shills.  “Stock market up – happy days are here again!  Having a bad month in equities (think January 2014 – S & P down 3.7%)…well that has to be only a slight correction and just a GREAT buying opportunity to get back into the market and prepare yourself to make even more money than last year.  After all, these markets hardly ever go down and if they do, it’s only a temporary occurrence, you see.  If you’re not IN…you can’t WIN!!!”   Continue reading “Danger Alert!!! 25 Signs that the US Middle Class is Facing Annihilation”

The Fatal Flaw of “Without Rule of Law” –  A look into the future demise of the global communists and their NWO lackeys.

Due to the fact that the average law abiding citizen and American National, are just that, “Law Abiding” (I hate using that description), these globalist pigs are able to tremendously further their agenda and the destruction of this once great nation.

Everything is working just fine, for the Global Communists and here’s why : There IS Rule of Law, plain and simple.   Continue reading “The Fatal Flaw”

Florida Woman Furious After SWAT Team Orders Her Out of Her Own Home During Standoff With Neighbor and What She Found When She Returned HomeThe Blaze – by Elizabeth Kreft

A Jacksonville homeowner thought she may have been robbed Sunday, but realized instead her home had been altered by a SWAT team.

Deborah Franz was told to leave her home by police during a standoff with her neighbor over the weekend. According to WTEV-TV, Franz overheard loud fighting next door, and then saw SWAT team members swarm the street.   Continue reading “Florida Woman Furious After SWAT Team Orders Her Out of Her Own Home During Standoff With Neighbor and What She Found When She Returned Home”

Jeh JohnsonCNS News – by Penny Starr

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, the nation’s top immigration law enforcer, said on Friday that the estimated 11.5 million illegal aliens in the United States are “not going away.”

“They’re here, and they’re not going away,” Johnson said at the Woodrow Wilson Center in remarks billed by the Obama administration as his “first major speech.”   Continue reading “DHS Secretary on Illegal Aliens: ‘They’re Here, and They’re Not Going Away’”

Police say this is the replica handgun that Ariel Levy allegedly brandished when officers performed a welfare check at her apartment on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014. Photo: Hayward Police DepartmentSF Gate – by Henry K. Lee

(02-08) 07:22 PST HAYWARD — The son of a Hayward woman who was fatally shot by police outside her apartment had illegally kept an AK-47 and a machine gun behind a false wall in one of the unit’s closets, authorities said in court records.

Evan Michael Pimental, 23, appeared Thursday in U.S. District Court in Oakland on charges that he received or possessed an unregistered firearm, two days after a Hayward police officer shot and killed his mother, Ariel Levy.   Continue reading “Son of Hayward woman slain by police faces weapons charges”

Libertarian Republic – by Father Nathan Monk

PENSACOLA, FL – Living in Florida, we don’t often have the opportunity to use the heat setting on our thermostat, but this winter we got the chance in a big way. And as a matter of fact, so many people in my neighborhood were using heaters that it blew out the transformer.

So there I was with my wife and three kids, all of us huddled under blankets with the fireplace roaring, watching the temperature continue to drop from a comfortable 65 degrees down to 45. But outside it was 17 degrees and raining and sleeting, and if you were homeless, you had to consider that if you used a blanket to shield yourself from the elements, that you might be hauled off to jail for a violation of a local ordinance prohibiting using blankets, cardboard, or newspaper to cover yourself.   Continue reading “Florida Ordinance Makes It Illegal For Homeless To Use Blankets”

I would like to explain a dynamic that has been in use, in recent years, to keep the Restoration of this once great Republic at bay, “To Quell the Resistance to Tyranny” if you will. It is very important for everyone to understand this, because it is causing the tyranny to gain an incredible stranglehold around the Neck of the Republic.

There are only 2 parts to this dynamic. They are as follows.

1. The National Surveillance State.   Continue reading “The Dynamic”