The Detroit News – by CHAD LIVENGOOD

East Lansing — Police in riot gear dispersed rowdy crowds early Sunday in East Lansing, where thousands converged around fires and some overturned cars to celebrate Michigan State University’s first Rose Bowl appearance in a quarter century.

East Lansing police denied social media reports tear gas was used to scatter a group at River Street, where a large fire was burning.   Continue reading “Police disperse East Lansing crowds after MSU win”

California Obamacare exchange giving out customer informationThe Daily Caller – by Tim Cavanaugh

Widespread fears that Affordable Care Act exchanges would fail to guard customer information are already coming true in California, where the state exchange is giving selected insurance agents customer contact information, resulting in unwanted calls and emails to Californians who have checked out the exchange but declined to buy insurance.

The Los Angeles Times’ Chad Terhune reports that Covered California, which Obamacare proponents have held up as a rare example of a functioning state health care exchange, provides names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of customers who did not ask to be contacted.   Continue reading “California Obamacare exchange giving out customer information”

US Senators return to Washington on Monday for a decisive weekYahoo News – by Ivan Couronne

Washington (AFP) – US lawmakers are preparing a possible vote on new sanctions against Iran, a move President Barack Obama and his P5+1 partners fear could sabotage the nuclear deal reached in Geneva.

Administration officials have beaten a path to Capitol Hill in recent weeks, warning Congress against short-circuiting the delicate negotiations.   Continue reading “US Congress may throw wrench into Iran nuclear deal”


As we count our blessings this holiday season, let us also say a prayer of thanks for all the men and women at Pearl Harbor who sacrificed their lives for our freedom on that fateful December 7th, 1932.

It is a privilege to live in a nation that has revered liberty since its inception, and I am thankful to all who protect it.

I hope you keep reading for an update on what’s happening in Washington and my visit throughout the Lone Star state.   Continue reading “Sen. Cruz Praises Terrorist Nelson Mandela”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

A RADCON 5 Alert has been issued in Edison, New Jersey as shown in the charts from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center – NETC. RADCON 4 warnings have also been issued from Virginia Beach, Virginia up as far North as New York. Is this more Fukushima radiation that has made its way across the Pacific Ocean and across America all the way to the east coast? This chart shares that not even the East coast of America is immune to Fukushima’s radiation as Japan enacts their tyrannical ‘state secrets law’ to coverup the ongoing Fukushima disaster as shared in the 1st video below while the 2nd video shares how to protect yourself from this.   Continue reading “RADCON 5 Alert: New Jersey – RADCON 4 Up & Down East Coast”

13Institute for Historical Review – by Roger A. Stolley

Each year near the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, I get angry at the lie perpetrated upon the U.S. people that it was a surprise attack.

It may have been a surprise to the U.S. people, but it certainly was not a surprise to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the select few persons who surrounded him or the U.S. Army intelligence officer working under his direct orders.   Continue reading “Pearl Harbor Attack No Surprise”

At Philadelphia International, travelers walk through electronic scanning devices between Terminals D and E. The TSA wants to expand such – by Linda Loyd, Inquirer Staff Writer

Airports across the country have sued to block a new Transportation Security Administration directive that requires them, starting Jan. 1, to begin guarding exit security doors as passengers leave flights and head for baggage claims.

The agency, created in the aftermath of the September 2001 terrorist attacks, said the change will save $88.1 million a year. The TSA wants its workers to focus on screening passengers and baggage, and said exit-lane monitoring is an airport function.   Continue reading “Airports sue TSA over who guards the exits”

obama mandelaUSA Today – by David Jackson

From White House spokesman Jay Carney:

“President Obama and the First Lady will go to South Africa next week to pay their respects to the memory of Nelson Mandela and to participate in memorial events. We’ll have further updates on timing and logistics as they become available.”

Officials have held off on a detailed announcement as travel plans, logistics, and security are worked out; services for Mandela will be part of a mourning period in South Africa that will last about 10 days.   Continue reading “Obama to attend Mandela services”

Fox News – by Perry Chiaramonte

The independent auditor who postponed a probe into a $34 million “white elephant” of a military facility the Pentagon built in Afghanistan over objections from top leaders is reopening his investigation.

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko delayed his initial probe last summer, after the Pentagon vowed to investigate why millions were apparently wasted on the hulking headquarters at Camp Leatherneck in southwestern Afghanistan. But Sopko said defense officials have not addressed concerns he initially raised, leaving him no choice but to restart his inquiry.   Continue reading “Military watchdog to re-open probe of $34M facility built in Afghanistan but never used”


WASHINGTON—U.S. employers continued to add jobs at a steady pace and the unemployment rate fell in November, a sign of stronger economic growth that may intensify debate within the Federal Reserve about reducing central bank bond purchases as early as this month.

U.S. payrolls rose by 203,000 last month, the Labor Department said Friday. The unemployment rate dropped three-tenths of a percentage point to 7.0%, the lowest level in five years. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires had forecast nonfarm payrolls would rise by 180,000 and the unemployment rate would tick down to 7.2%. September and October payroll numbers were revised up by a combined 8,000.   Continue reading “U.S. Businesses Add 203,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.0%”

palmsideStoryLeak – by Mikael Thalen

Parents from Washington state’s Puyallup School District successfully ended the implementation of palm-scanners this week after attempts to push the system without parental approval backfired.

According to the district, the devices, which use infrared technology to map vein patterns in students’ palms, would cut back on fraud by linking students pre-paid lunch account information to their biometric data.   Continue reading “Parents Defeat School’s Attempt To Implement Infrared Palm Scanners”

Liberty Gold and Silver – Mike McGill

With the precious metals market in the doldrums and at the bottom of a thirty month correction, there has definitely been some hand wringing and a whole bunch of moping from investors who purchased gold and silver at or near the 2011 highs. This is natural and to be expected. Nobody wants to lose money. People purchase investments ostensibly to make money – hopefully, a lot of it.   Continue reading “Forget about Trying to get Rich with Gold…You’re going to Need it to Survive!”

Diplomats in NY Defrauded Medicaid System: U.S.NBC New York – by Jonathan Dienst and Joe Valiquette

Dozens of Russian diplomats and their spouses living and working in New York have been charged with defrauding the Medicaid system of about $1.5 million in benefits over a nine-year period, federal prosecutors say.

The Russian diplomats and their spouses allegedly spent tens of thousands of dollars on luxury vacations as well as jewelry and clothing at Bloomingdale’s, Tiffany’s and other retailers. They also spent thousands of dollars online to buy merchandise including Apple products and concert tickets, prosecutors say.   Continue reading “Dozens of Russian Diplomats in NY Defrauded Medicaid System: Prosecutors”

New York Times – by JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr.

An unarmed, emotionally disturbed man shot at by the police as he was lurching around traffic near Times Square in September has been charged with assault, on the theory that he was responsible for bullet wounds suffered by two bystanders, according to an indictment unsealed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Wednesday.

The man, Glenn Broadnax, 35, of Brooklyn, created a disturbance on Sept. 14, wading into traffic at 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue and throwing himself into the path of oncoming cars.   Continue reading “Unarmed Man Is Charged With Wounding Bystanders Shot by Police Near Times Square”

Fox News

A pair of Dalton police officers have been suspended after a school bus surveillance camera recorded a profanity-laced speech they delivered to a group of middle school students.

The Dalton Daily Citizen reports two officers were addressing a group of between 20 and 50 students from Dalton Middle School Nov. 11 when they gave an expletive-laden speech to them about their behavior.   Continue reading “Georgia police suspended for cursing in speech to students about school bus behavior”

oppose120313USA Today – by Erich Pratt

If you like your Second Amendment, you can keep it.

That seems to be the promise being put forward by many politicians on Capitol Hill, even while they are rushing headlong to renew a gun ban that is set to expire next week.

The gun ban supposedly outlaws “plastic guns,” but it’s so poorly drafted, it’s potentially much broader.   Continue reading “A Truly Plastic Gun Ban”