Huffington Post – by Charles Furguson

In late 2012, CNN Films approached me about directing a documentary. We discussed a number of potential subjects, and eventually settled on Hillary Rodham Clinton. The film would be ambitious, controversial, and highly visible. But I felt that it was important, that I was qualified to do it, and that I could be fair. CNN gave me complete control (“final cut”) over the theatrical version, and a generous budget.   Continue reading “Why I Am Cancelling My Documentary on Hillary Clinton”

English: Ted Cruz at the Republican Leadership...Forbes – by Eamonn Fingleton

In their never-say-die efforts to defeat Obamacare, Tea Party Republicans brought the federal government a giant step closer to shutdown last night. What they seem not to have considered is how America’s foreign creditors will react.

Although China, Japan, and other major creditor nations have no dog in the Obamacare fight, they have a strong interest in preserving America’s basic financial, economic, and social stability. From their point of view, the Tea Party contingent is not following the script and a corrective may be necessary.   Continue reading “If Republicans Want To Shut Down Washington, They’ll Have To Ask China’s Permission First”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

It turns out that the ominous “government shut down” isn’t so apocalyptic after all since it won’t actually shut down government because the vast majority of federal services and activity will continue as normal.

In addition, the same thing has happened – without dire consequences – no less than 17 times over the past three decades.   Continue reading “‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at the White House in Washington Monday to meet with President Obama. The two are expected to discuss Iran's nuclear program, Syria's civil war, and peace negotiations with the Palestinians.NPR – by Bill Chappell

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is at the White House today, meeting with President Obama to discuss security and intelligence matters in the Middle East, including Iran’s nuclear program.

The White House says the two will discuss “final status negotiations with the Palestinians, as well as developments in Iran, Syria, and elsewhere in the region.”   Continue reading “Obama And Netanyahu Discuss Iran, Palestinians At White House”

featured-imgFox Nation – by Warner Todd Huston

NBC News has announced that it will air a special series that will “help Americans get the most out of the Affordable Care Act.”

A press release reports that NBC News will “help” Americans get all they can out of Obamacare.   Continue reading “NBC’s Effort to Help Sell ObamaCare to America”

The Daily Caller – by Michael Bastasch

Not all scientists are panicking about global warming — one of them finds the alarmism “hilarious.”

A top climate scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology lambasted a new report by the UN’s climate bureaucracy that blamed mankind as the main cause of global warming and whitewashed the fact that there has been a hiatus in warming for the last 15 years.   Continue reading “Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’ flawed”

Russian servicemen gear up at a military ground southeast of Minsk, September 25, 2013. (REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko)Blouin News – by Mark Galeotti

Every two years, Russia holds massive military exercises in its north-western territories that open a window onto its strategic thinking and combat capabilities. September’s demonstrated both a growing aggression in Russian military posture, as well as an underlying strategy to keep the West off-balance.

The latest of these Zapad (“West”) exercises were amongst the biggest yet, a six-day event running until September 26 involving ground, air and sea forces from Russia and its ally Belarus. The exercises were run in Belarus, near the Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian borders, and in Russia’s Kaliningrad territory, between Poland and Lithuania.   Continue reading “Russian troops wargame invasion of Europe for political gain”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Back in August, just after the false flag chemical weapon attack in Syria, we showed that despite all the posturing by the Obama administration (and, of course, France’s belligerent, socialist leader Francois Hollande), the nation behind the entire Syrian campaign was not one of the “democratic”, Western nations but none other than close neighbor Saudi Arabia, and the brain orchestrating every move of the western puppets was one Bandar bin Sultan, the nation’s influential intelligence chief. We also explained the plethora of geopolitical and mostly energy-related issues that Saudi and Qatar had at stake, which they were eager to launch a regional war over, just to promote their particular set of selfish interests. Continue reading “Saudi Arabia “Outraged” At Obama’s Peace Overtures With Syria, Iran”

Combat Reconnaissance Patrol March 28-30Marine Corp Times – by Hope Hodge Seck

As the war in Afghanistan winds down, the Marine Corps’ special operations community is aligning its three battalions with the U.S. military’s global combatant commands, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and Africa.

Officials with Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command say the shift involves all three Marine special operations battalions, or MSOBs, and entails new training and missions. First MSOB, out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., will align with Special Operations Command Pacific, while 2nd MSOB and 3rd MSOB, out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., will partner respectively with Special Operations Command Central and Special Operations Command Africa.   Continue reading “Marine Corps assigns elite units to Pacific, Middle East, Africa”

Yahoo News – by Eric Pfeiffer

Get sent to jail in Arizona’s Maricopa County and you’ll be experiencing some serious life changes. And for those who eat meat, that includes going vegetarian.

County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is no stranger to controversy. Over the years, he has made seemingly countless numbers of national headlines. As recently as August, the five-time elected sheriff was in the news after announcing that his deputies would be required to carry firearms at all times, even while off duty.   Continue reading “Sheriff Joe Arpaio institutes cost-saving, vegetarian meals for inmates”

Americans for Tax Reform – by John Kartch and Ryan Ellis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The IRS is unable to account for $67 million spent from a slush fund established for Obamacare implementation, according to a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) report released today.

The “Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund” (HIRIF) was tucked into Obamacare in order to give the IRS money to enforce the tax provisions of the healthcare law.  The fund, totaling some $1 billion of taxpayer money, was used to roll out enforcement mechanisms for the approximately 50 tax provisions of Obamacare.   Continue reading “IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from Obamacare Slush Fund”

Tikkun Daily – by David Harris-Gershon

A Palestinian village home to 120 people had its houses, kindergarten and shepherding stables demolished this week by Israeli authorities. This came after the Supreme Court ruled its inhabitants – some of whom have lived on the land for generations – didn’t have proper building permits.

The Palestinian Bedouin village of Khirbet Al-Makhul, located in the occupied territories, is the third such village to be demolished by Israel since August. After it was destroyed on Monday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) attempted to deliver emergency aid to the displaced residents on Tuesday and Wednesday, but were stopped by Israeli soldiers.   Continue reading “Israeli Soldiers Throw Sound Grenades at EU Diplomats Bringing Aid to Displaced Palestinian Families”

Alexis moves through the hallways of Building #197 carrying the Remington 870 shotgun.NPR – by EYDER PERALTA

The FBI on Wednesday released some preliminary findings in its investigation of the Washington Navy Yard shootings that left 13 people dead including the shooter.

Perhaps the most chilling piece of evidence released is security video that shows Aaron Alexis, 34, methodically moving through Building #197 armed with a sawed-off shotgun. During a press conference, Valerie Parlave, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, said he was shooting at random people. We’ll embed the video; it doesn’t show Alexis shooting, but be warned some may still find it very disturbing:   Continue reading “FBI Releases Video Of Navy Yard Shooter Moving Through Building”

kerry_un_092413.jpgFox News

Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation, riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate will not ratify the agreement.

As he signed the document, Kerry called the treaty a “significant step” in addressing illegal gun sales, while claiming it would also protect gun rights.    Continue reading “Kerry signs UN arms treaty, senators threaten to block it”