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NEVER, EVER, EVER, GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS! Throughout recorded history Gun Control Legislation has ALWAYS led to eventual Gun Confiscation which has ALWAYS been followed by the MASS MURDER of innocent men, women, and children at the hands of their very own Governments! (This does NOT include soldiers who died in battle.  These deaths were Extermination / Genocide)

You may think this could never happen in your lifetime, and maybe you’re right.  But, it’s our children and grandchildren who are growing up in a totalitarian police state and because most of you remain SILENT, our kids think this is completely normal!
Continue reading “250 Million Innocent Civilians Exterminated by Their Own Government in the Past 100 years!”

Business Insider – by Joe Weisenthal

Last night just before 2 AM, the Senate overwhelmingly agreed to pass a bill that will avert the Fiscal Cliff.

The bill is pretty straightforward. Income tax rates will only rise on those making over $400K (liberals wanted $250K, GOP wanted no taxes to rise). Spending cuts will be delayed for 2 months to give the sides more time to address them.
Continue reading “6 Things You Won’t Believe That Are In The Fiscal Cliff Bill That The Senate Passed At 2 AM While Most Americans Were Drunk”

The Daily Sheeple- by Kimberly Paxton

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control public service announcement included many top celebrities endorsing “a plan”. These celebrities are endorsing the defilement of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. They are using their fame and influence to manipulate the people into supporting the abolition of the rights of responsible American gun owners in a propaganda attack. While they travel with a cadre of armed bodyguards, while their children attend private schools with armed security, they want you to “demand a plan” to become defenseless.
Continue reading “Boycott Gun-Control Advocate Celebs”

Ian 56

The neocon GOP and MIC propaganda is all pervasive.
(MIC is the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address in 1961. Here is the clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY
Please watch it, if you haven’t already done so. It is only 2 minutes long.)

This propaganda appears on ALL TV channels and ALL the main papers.
Continue reading “What the mainstream media and the politicians are NOT telling you about military spending”

letten-perricone.jpgNOLA.com The Times-Picayune – by Gordon Russell

Federal authorities who were ordered to conduct a deeper investigation into an online commenting scandal in former U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s office have issued a subpoena to The Times-Picayune’s parent company, asking it to provide, among other items, information about 11 commenters on NOLA.com. The company’s lawyers have objected to providing the information thus far, instead asking the feds to demonstrate they have a basis for seeking the information.
Continue reading “Feds seeking information on 11 additional NOLA.com commenters: Update”

NJ.com – by The Star-Ledger Continuous News Desk

A major sporting goods retailer has pulled all guns from its store nearest to Newtown, Conn., according to a report on CNN.com.

Twenty children and six staff members were fatally shot Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown by a 20-year-old man who then took his own life.
Continue reading “Dick’s Sporting Goods removes guns from shelves following Connecticut school shooting”

Daily Camera – by Ryan Parker, The Denver Post

This weekend set a new record for all single-day background check submittals in Colorado for potential gun purchases, according to Colorado Bureau of Investigation officials.

The first day after news of one of the worst mass shootings in America, when a gunman killed 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., requests to buy guns in Colorado surged to more than 4,200.
Continue reading “Colorado gun background checks break records after Sandy Hook massacre”

New York CBS Local

In the wake of the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that left more than two dozen people dead, including 18 children, CBS 2 has learned the school district had just installed a new safety policy designed to prevent situations such as what happened on Friday.

At approximately 9:41 a.m. a gunman opened fire inside Sandy Hook Elementary School. Early reports indicated one child and the gunman, who has not been identified yet, were killed, but later the horror of what actually took place started to come to the surface. It was later learned a second person connected to the massacre was taken into custody, but the specifics of who he is and how he was possibly connected to the tragedy were not immediately known.
Continue reading “Newtown, Conn. School District Had Recently Installed New Safety Protocols”

Citizens for Legitimate Government

‘More than one shooter’ on scene at Oregon mall – Reports —‘He looked like he was on a mission’ – Witness describing Oregon mall shooter –Oregon Mall Gunman Identified as Jacob Tyler Roberts —‘Erie similarities’ to Colorado theater shooting [Yeah, that’s because they were likely given the same drug – scopolamine.] Continue reading “‘More than one shooter’ on scene at Oregon mall – Reports”

Hartford Courant – by STEPHEN BUSEMEYER

The state trooper who allegedly stole cash and a gold chain from the victim of a fatal motorcycle crash was one of two troopers who went to the victim’s mother’s house that night to tell her that her son had died, according to an arrest warrant.

Trooper First Class Aaron Huntsman, 43, was the lead investigator of the Sept. 22 crash in Fairfield that killed John Scalesse, 49, of Orange.
Continue reading “Warrant: Dashboard Video Implicates Trooper Charged With Stealing Crash Victim’s Cash, Jewelry”

Health Impact News Daily – by Brian Shilhavy

The Courthouse News Service is reporting about a case where a public health nurse inoculated kindergartner Madison Parker without her mother’s consent, and against her mother’s wish. The vaccination was Peramivir, in response to the H1N1 flu virus. The mother, Jennifer Parker, sued both the school district and the health department in St. Lawrence County Supreme Court in New York.
Continue reading “New York Appeals Court: Federal Government Can Vaccinate Your Children Without Your Consent – Trumps State Laws”

Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

In July of this year it became apparent through a flood of mainstream media reports that the National Security Agency (NSA) was “desperate to hire new hacking talent to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure” yet the NSA is notorious for its surveillance programs on American digital activity.

David Petraeus, former director of the CIA, said at a summit for In-Q-Tel, that he was speculating on the “internet of things” and that “‘Transformational’ is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies . . . particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft.”
Continue reading “CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Internet & Interact With Users to Discredit Factual Information”

Free Beacon- by Adam Kredo

U.N. ambassador has investments in companies doing business with Iran, disclosure forms show

The portfolio of embattled United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice includes investments of hundreds of thousands of dollars in several energy companies known for doing business with Iran, according to financial disclosure forms.
Continue reading “Susan Rice’s Enrichment Program”

Campaign for Liberty

Farewell to Congress

This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor.  At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period.  My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today:  promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the principles of individual liberty.

It was my opinion, that the course the U.S. embarked on in the latter part of the 20th Century would bring us a major financial crisis and engulf us in a foreign policy that would overextend us and undermine our national security.
Continue reading “Ron Paul’s Farewell Address”

Silver Circle Underground 

Last Saturday evening, two Indianapolis homes exploded, killing two people and damaging 18 neighboring structures. At first, authorities suggested that it was caused by a gas leak or faulty furnace. However, overhead photos of the blast show devastation that looks much more like a bombing. According to CBS News, expert testimony suggests that a furnace could not cause this type of devastation. Also, Chicagoist is reporting that Citizens Energy has performed an investigation looking for gas leaks, and none could be found.
Continue reading “Was the Mysterious Explosion in Indianapolis a Drone Strike?”