PANDA (People Against the National Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA) announces the kickoff of Operation Homeland Liberty.

On January 3, 2013, PANDA launched Operation Homeland Liberty. The goal of this operation is to stop the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA (National Defense authorization Act) in all 50 states across America by December 31st, 2013.

We are launching this effort for two main reasons. Firstly, we now have the network and resources necessary to push back against this encroachment by the Federal government. The Tenth Amendment Center, Patriot Coalition, Freedom Outpost, Western Journalism, and We Are 1776, among others, are assisting us in restoring the Constitution nationwide.
Continue reading “PANDA announces the kickoff of Operation Homeland Liberty.”

Exhibit A

Bill of Rights.

That the general, great and essential principles of liberty and free government may be recognized and established, we declare:

SECTION 1. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States; and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government unimpaired to all the States. Continue reading “State of Texas Legislature and Governor for the State of Texas.: Repeal all laws pertaining to firearms or ammunition.”

Fox News – by Todd Starnes

A South Carolina school district has launched an investigation into a high school teacher who allegedly threw an American flag on the floor and stomped on it as a classroom full of students watched.

Mark Bounds, a spokesman for the Lexington –Richland5 School District, confirmed to Fox News that an English teacher at Chapin High School was placed on leave as they investigate the incident.
Continue reading “Teacher Stomps on American Flag inside Classroom”

Corrections Officer Kris Rongen Receives Officer of the Month Award

Lew Rockwell Blog – by William Gregg

Auburn, Washington resident Dustin Theoharis was asleep in his bed on February 11, 2012 when two armed strangers entered his room and started to give him orders. Understandably startled, Theoharis reached for a flashlight. This prompted the two intruders to open fire. Theoharis – who was still in bed —was shot sixteen times, but survived.
Continue reading ““Justified”: Uniformed Invaders Shoot a Man 16 Times in his Bed”

Guns Save Lives

Chicago’s illustrious Police Chief, Superintendent or SuperNintendo (whichever you wish to call him) got on a local radio station in Chicago and told it like he perceives it.

He said that citizens licensed to carry could be, and indeed predicted they would be shot by Chicago Police Officers.
Continue reading “Chicago police chief: We’ll shoot licensed civilians with guns”

International Business Times

At least two people were shot at Taft High School in Kern County, Calif., Thursday morning, and authorities have the alleged shooter in custody.

“TAFT HIGH UPDATE: Officials say at least 2 shot; shooter now in police custody,” the Twitter account for KABC in Los Angeles tweeted around 9:32 a.m. local time.
Continue reading “Taft High School Shooting: 2 Shot In Kern County, California; Alleged Shooter In Police Custody”

Fox News

Police who entered a man’s house for a probation check found a $100, 000 stash of marijuana guarded by a five-foot-long alligator.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that when Alameda County deputies entered the home of Assif Mayr Wednesday afternoon for a probation check, they found 34 pounds of marijuana and the alligator in a tank in the bedroom.
Continue reading “San Francisco man used alligator to guard $100,000 pot stash, cops say”

The Organic Prepper- by Daisy Luther

This year’s flu promises to be one of the  worst on record.  The CDC estimates that over 200,000 flu victims will be hospitalized.  The aggressive strain of H3N2v was not included in this year’s vaccine, so even if you got jabbed (and believe that the flu shot is effective) you’d still be at risk for this nasty virus. According to the CDC, H3N2v is mutation of the swine flu.
Continue reading “Avoid the Pharmacy: Fight the Flu with Remedies from the Kitchen”

ABC News – by  Arlette Saenz

Representatives from Wal-Mart, one of the largest sellers of firearms in this country, will attend gun violence meetings with Vice President Joe Biden tomorrow after initially turning down the invitation, a spokesperson for the company confirmed Wednesday.

Biden, cabinet members and senior staff are preparing to hold meetings this week with a number of groups focused on the problem of gun violence. Thursday he will meet with advocates for sportsmen and women and gun ownership groups, including the National Rifle Association.
Continue reading “Wal-Mart Reverses Stance, Will Attend Biden Gun Meeting”

Ian 56 – by Ian Shilling

The Petraeus resignation had nothing whatsoever to do with his extra marital affair and everything to do with the pro Israel lobby and Benghazi being used by the CIA as a staging post to supply arms and fighters to the rebels in Syria.

Petraeus had angered the pro Israel lobby in 2010. The pro Israel lobby wanted to replace Petraeus with a more hard line pro Israel and neocon appointment as Director of the CIA.

The Benghazi incident provided the smokescreen and opportunity for them to do exactly that.
Continue reading “The Petraeus resignation, the Israel lobby, Benghazi and John Brennan”

Washington Times – by Seth McLaughlin

A new poll shows that Congress is less popular than carnies, root canals and colonoscopies, but more popular than the ebola virus, meth labs and gonorrhea.

Those findings are in a Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey released Tuesday showed that 9 percent of the respondents held a favorable opinion of Congress, while 85 percent held an unfavorable view.
Continue reading “Congress less popular than root canal, cockroaches and lice, poll says”

Off Spectrum – by James Farganne

Proof That Antidepressants Destroy People – BY DESIGN

Jim Stone, the man who proved that Israel did Fukushima, made the following chart to show you with horrifying visual clarity what antidepressants (Prozac, Paxil, Effexor, etc.) do to the cells of the frontal lobe of your brain. Here it is, unspeakably awful, please take a look:
Continue reading “Want A Chemical Lobotomy? Take Antidepressants!”

Overworld Magazine

You would think that a company that gets bailed out by the government of the United States of America would have enough dignity to at least respect its constitution… Think again. In April 2012 Kelly McMillan, owner of McMillan arms reported that Bank of America began terminating business with them even though they were in good standing. According to bank representative Ray Fox, it was purely political.
Continue reading “First McMillan then American Spirit: Bank of America’s War on Guns”