RT News

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has said the CIA may try to kill him prior to upcoming elections. Citing reports of a plot to “destabilize the region,” Correa said the threats were “credible,” given the history of US involvement in Latin America.

Correa alluded to reports by Chilean journalist Patricio Mery Bell, who allegedly passed on information to the Ecuadorian government that President Correa’s life was “under threat” by a CIA plot.
Continue reading “Ecuadorian president warns of possible ‘CIA attack’ before elections”

Sent to us by Becky.

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

What is going on? Have the powers that be launched a full scale attack upon not only the 2nd Amendment but also those who are speaking up loudly and strongly in support of the 2nd Amendment? The manager for a pro-gun youtube channel has been found murdered; not just murdered but executed. The story below is from Liberty and Such. The video at the bottom of story is the most recent to be released by FPS Russia. I feel that this murder is a loud message to 2nd Amendment supporters.
Continue reading “Manager Of FPS Russia Murdered: Pro-Gun YouTube Channel Was 3rd Most Popular YouTube Channel”

Washington CBS Local

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) Helicopters have been conducting radiation tests above portions of the Washington, D.C. area using remote gamma radiation sensing technology.

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has been flying the radiation missions since Dec. 27, 2012 and they will continue until next Friday, Jan. 11. The flights have been conducted during daylight only, and the pilots fly about 80 miles per hour at 150 feet above the approximately 70-square mile radiation assessment area.
Continue reading “Nuclear Security Helicopters Testing Radiation Levels Above DC Area”

Washingtons Blog

Violence and Threats Being Used to Intimidate and Coerce the American Public for Political Purposes.

We’ve documented that – by any measure – America is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world.

But remember, terrorism is defined as:

The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

Continue reading “U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Dana Safety Supply, a major distributor of weapons and accessories to police departments and civilians across the United States, has declared that they will no longer sell semi-automatic rifles to civilians. Instead, they will only sell to law enforcement. This prompted Oconee County, Georgia Sheriff Scott Barry to write them an email in which he told them he would no longer be seeking them out to purchase products for his department based on their decision.
Continue reading “Sheriff Pulls Business From Dana Safety Supply Because They Stopped Selling Semi-Automatic Rifles To Civilians”

The Age – by Ross Gittins

IF YOU’VE ever suspected politics is increasingly being run in the interests of big business, I have news: Jeffrey Sachs, a highly respected economist from Columbia University, agrees with you – at least in respect of the United States.

In his book, The Price of Civilisation, he says the US economy is caught in a feedback loop. ”Corporate wealth translates into political power through campaign financing, corporate lobbying and the revolving door of jobs between government and industry; and political power translates into further wealth through tax cuts, deregulation and sweetheart contracts between government and industry. Wealth begets power, and power begets wealth,” he says.
Continue reading “The four business gangs that run the US”

Offspectrum with James Farganne

On July 20, 2012, we were given by our lamestream media to believe that a timid graduate student with no firearms experience switcherooed into ultimate commando mode and shot up a theater in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 and injuring dozens more.

According to the talking heads, he certainly dressed for the occasion, wearing thousands of dollars of military-grade body armor that he could not have sourced nor afforded. Somehow he also possessed the expertise to trick out his apartment with elaborate booby traps. Yet after being apprehended, drooling and dazed, slumped over the steering wheel of his car, he warned the cops about the booby traps — because hey, that’s why he had gone to all the trouble of setting them up in the first place. So that no one would get hurt. That’s obvious, right?
Continue reading “The Dark Knight Rises With Slasher Zombies”

The Organic Prepper

In a war, it appears that it’s easy to become just as bad as the monsters that you are fighting.

Just ask the survivors of a killing spree in Afghanistan last March, when US soldiers went on a rampage, killing 17 civilians, 9 of them children. Only one soldier, Army Staff Sgt Robert Bales, was charged but the witnesses have a different story:

One mother-of-six, whose husband was killed during the incident, believes there were as many as 20 people involved.
Continue reading “Morality: The Hard Line Between Revolutionary and Terrorist”

Gov Slaves.Info

(Thomas Dishaw) More interesting developments on the Sandy Hook shooting conspiracy…A women named Cathy Gaubert is claiming someone stole her daughter’s “first day of school” picture.

The photo was lifted  from their Flicker account and published  as a victim in the Sandy Hook shooting.

The mother took to Instagram posting this interesting message asking readers to put pressure on Facebook users to remove it from their pages .
Continue reading “Cathy Gaubert Claims Her Daughter’s Photo Was Stolen From Flicker And Used As Sandy Hook Shooting Victim”

Yahoo News – by CHRIS CAROLA and MICHAEL HILL | Associated Press

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. (AP) — Four gun shows, all about an hour’s drive from Newtown, Conn., all canceled.

A show in White Plains, N.Y., — brought back a few years ago after being called off for a decade because of the Columbine shooting — is off because officials decided it didn’t seem appropriate now, either. In Danbury, Conn. — about 10 miles west of Newtown — the venue backed out. Same with three other shows in New York’s Hudson Valley, according to the organizer.

Continue reading “Some gun shows canceling after Conn. mass shooting”

Reuters – by Yereth Rosen

The quake occurred about 60 miles southwest of Port Alexander at a depth of about 6 miles at 0858 GMT, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, which downgraded the magnitude from an initial 7.7.

The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska, issued a tsunami warning for coastal areas of southeast Alaska and Canada’s British Columbia, but this was later cancelled.
Continue reading “Quake measuring 7.5 strikes off Alaska”

experts-agree-gun-control-worksMoonbattery – by Dave Blount

The right to bear arms isn’t required only to defend us from criminals. Above all, we need it to defend us from progressive statists — such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and folks who publish editorials in the Des Moines Register like Donald Kaul. Sandy Hook served as a pretext for the following homicidal bile: Continue reading “Des Moines Register Editorial Calls for Killing Gun Owners”

ABC News – by Josh Haskell

Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly met Wednesday with New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, a man who shares their passion for stricter gun laws.

And late Thursday, ABC News learned that Giffords and Kelly plan to visit Newtown, Conn., on Friday for a private visit with families.
Continue reading “Gabrielle Giffords Headed to Newtown After Bloomberg Meeting”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

Government watchdog groups are concerned that the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) has been loaning out sophisticated, expensive drones to local law enforcement, and in the process turning the military’s hottest new weapon on Americans.

In one of the first known instances of domestic drone use, in 2011 DHS loaned one of its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to police in North Dakota in order to spy on a farmer, Thomas Brossart, who had refused to give back some cows that had wandered onto his property. The Brossart case was the first known drone-aided arrest.
Continue reading “Homeland Security Quietly Runs “Loan-a-Drone” Program for Local Law Enforcement”

Ian 56 – by Ian Shilling

Corporate welfare was protected while marginal and middle class taxpayers got a huge tax hike.

Linking Social Security (and other government expenses) to chained cpi is now part of the public consciousness.
It needs time to permeate in – it was way too early to actually implement it. Public Opinion is against it at the moment.  They will keep working on ways to cut Social Security and bring it up again at some future date.
Continue reading “Fiscal Cliff Deal. Goldman Sachs won. The top 0.1% won. Large Corporations won. The politicians won. America lost.”

With all of the escalating homicidal behavior besetting the world at the hands of Americans, it is reasonable indeed to seek resolution. It seems we can’t overcome the grief of one massacre before we’re faced with another. Good then that we each possess the strength to cope with the misfortunes of others or we would be a national wreck, unlike now as we sail toward the edge of the fiscal cliff, secure under the steady guidance of our government. While they don’t slow our mad rush into the abyss, they will on occasion activate the turn signals so we can feel hopeful.
Continue reading “Into Whose Arms”

The Watchdog Blog – by JEFF HORSEMAN

Earlier we covered the outrage that erupted when a New York newspaper published an online map showing the names and addresses of people with handgun permits in two counties. Critics said the map endangered the public and violated gun owners’ right to privacy.

The Journal News’ publisher defended the map, which was created using information obtained from public records requests. It accompanied a story about the debate over how much the public should know about gun ownership.
Continue reading “New York county refuses to release gun info”

Alternet – by Matt Stoller

Throughout the months of November and December, a steady stream of corporate CEOs flowed in and out of the White House to discuss the impending fiscal cliff. Many of them, such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, would then publicly come out and talk about how modest increases of tax rates on the wealthy were reasonable in order to deal with the deficit problem. What wasn’t mentioned is what these leaders wanted, which is what’s known as “tax extenders”, or roughly $205B of tax breaks for corporations. With such a banal name, and boring and difficult to read line items in the bill, few political operatives have bothered to pay attention to this part of the bill. But it is critical to understanding what is going on.
Continue reading “8 Huge Corporate Handouts in the Fiscal Cliff Bill”

Congressman Ron Paul

As I prepare to retire from Congress, I’d like to suggest a few New Year’s resolutions for my colleagues to consider.  For the sake of liberty, peace, and prosperity I certainly hope more members of Congress consider the strict libertarian constitutional approach to government in 2013.

In just a few days, Congress will solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.  They should reread Article 1 Section 8 and the Bill of Rights before taking such a serious oath.  Most legislation violates key provisions of the Constitution in very basic ways, and if members can’t bring themselves to say no in the face of pressure from special interests, they have broken trust with their constituents and violated their oaths. Congress does not exist to serve special interests, it exists to protect the rule of law.
Continue reading “Ron Paul: New Year’s Resolutions for Congress”