Morph City – by Cassandra Anderson  Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming.  There is evidence that this program has already been implemented for many years using unidentified chemical aerosols, known as chemtrails.

A geo-engineering/ chemtrails experiment using a balloon to spray sulfur particles into the sky to reflect solar radiation back into space is planned for New Mexico within a year by scientist David Keith.  Keith manages a multimillion dollar research fund for Bill Gates.  Gates has also gathered a team of scientist lobbyists that have been asking governments for hand-outs to for their climate manipulation experiments with taxpayer money.
Continue reading “Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People”

David Icke  But to understand the financial crisis, 9/11 and so much more, it must be spoken constantlyAs we begin a new year, amid ever-gathering global tyranny, this information is vital for everyone to know.

I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

Most conspiracy researchers either don’t realize the fundamental significance of this network or are too frightened to say so if they do. Sod that.
Continue reading “They Dare Not Speak its Name – Rothschild Zionism”

Daily Paul – by kcop  It’s a paper entitled “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, an 82-page analysis that concludes that the American national interest is fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.

The study was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community comprising 16 American intelligence agencies with an annual budget in excess of $ 70 billion.
Continue reading “An 82-page analysis concludes that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests”

Arizona’s Cochise County Sheriff: DEVER’s Elimination Psychopaths have NO compunction to Homicide? Just the Facts! Sent in by Chris near Las Vegas

Veterans Today  America, Downsized, Criminalized and “Blue Gang” Controlled

This is a story we don’t see enough of, a law enforcement officer going after criminals, or at least the ones he is “allowed” to go after.  The story you will be seeing here, from Fox News, tells a story and yet doesn’t tell a story. 
Continue reading “No One in Arizona Could Write this Story and Live”

Pixiq  Police in Texas shot an unarmed man 41 times, then turned around and confiscated another man’s camera after he started taking photos and shooting video of the bloody aftermath.

Dallas-area cops then deleted the man’s footage before returning the camera four days later.

Now police from two agencies are vowing to do a “complete investigation,” which, of course, means we will hear nothing more about the August 31 incident for at least several months.
Continue reading “Texas Police Kill Unarmed Man Before Confiscating Witness Camera and Deleting Images”

Daily Paul – by High with Attitude  “Am I being detained?” Powerful words.

I was on a Greyhound this morning after a 12 hour trip and was really looking forward to getting off the bus. As we pulled up to the terminal, my final destination, I saw a couple of uniformed figures headed toward the bus. The driver announced we should all keep our seats.
Continue reading “Detained in America”

Rense – by Stephen Lendman  Obama and other Washington extremists support an alphabet soup of federal and international freedom-destroying measures.

SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, ACTA, and now TPP are stealth pro-corporate, anti-populist hellish schemes.

Two previous articles by this writer called TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) ACTA 2.0 and a trade deal from hell. Another one said ACTA is worse than SOPA and PIPA.
Continue reading “Stealth Corporate Coup d’Etat”

Rumor Mill News  Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s campaign on Wednesday partied with wealthy donors on a 150-foot yacht that flies the flag of the Cayman Islands, according to an ABC News report.

Members of the Romney Victory Council, who have each raised more than $1 million for the candidate, mingled with Romney’s brother, Scott, and other relatives in Tampa aboard the luxury yacht “Cracker Bay.”
Continue reading “Romney Party Yacht ‘Cracker Bay’ Flies Cayman Islands Flag in Tampa”

RT News  A US veteran is facing charges of terrorism after being arrested for trying to get some exercise. That’s William Alemar’s story, at least, who was detained this week after jogging in full military fatigues in public while carrying a training rifle.

Authorities have charged 23-year-old Army National Guardsman and Iraq war veteran William Everett Alemar with “committing a terroristic act and wearing body armor while committing a felony offense.” He was arrested on the morning of August 20 after officers responded to calls of an armed man running along a road adjacent to a Martinsburg, West Virginia high school.
Continue reading “Iraq vet arrested on terrorism charges after jogging with training rifle”

Huffington Post  Wait, isn’t Dr. Ron Paul out of the presidential race? Isn’t it all tied up nicely in a bow with the Romney/Ryan ticket?


Why would the GOP be scared of Ron Paul but end up nominating him?

I’ll explain.
Continue reading “Why the GOP Is Scared of Ron Paul and 4 Reasons He Might Still Get the 2012 Republican Nomination”

Daily Paul – by RPvGoldman Sachs  ATTENTION ALL ATTORNEY’S “AT” [against] LAW: You can either cease and desist now – or face the wrath of the now stirring masses when they come to full consciousness! Judgement day is coming!


“The practice of Law CAN NOT be licensed by any state/State.”

(Schware v. Board of Examiners, 353 U.S. 238, 239)
Continue reading “PROOF: “BAR” attorney’s are AGENTS of a FOREIGN power and most of them KNOW it.”

Monday Morning  In a riveting interview on CNBC, legendary investor Jim Rogers warned Americans to prepare for “Financial Armageddon,” saying he fully expects the economy to implode after the U.S. election.

Rogers, who for years has been an outspoken critic of the Feds policies of “Quantitative Easing,” says the world is “drowning in too much debt.” He put the blame squarely on U.S. and European governments for abusing their “license to print money.” In the U.S. alone, the national debt has surged to nearly $16 trillion, that’s more than $50,000 for every American man, woman and child.
Continue reading “Jim Rogers: It’s Going To Get Really “Bad After The Next Election””

The End Run  Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly toldIreland’s Herald earlier today.
Continue reading “Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46”

The Economic Collapse  If you want to figure out what is going to happen next in the financial markets, carefully watch what the insiders are doing.  Those that are “connected” have access to far better sources of information than the rest of us have, and if they hear that something big is coming up they will often make very significant moves with their money in anticipation of what is about to happen.

Right now, Wall Street insiders and central banks all around the globe are making some very unusual moves.  In fact, they appear to be rapidly preparing for something really big.  So exactly what are they up to?
Continue reading “Startling Evidence That Central Banks And Wall Street Insiders Are Rapidly Preparing For Something BIG”

The Examiner – by Gregory Patin  Over the past five years at least 49 people in 16 American cities have drawn the ire of authorities for coloring things with chalk. Most were arrested for sketching designs or writing messages on public streets or sidewalks.

On Saturday in Madison, Steve Books, a long-time Veterans for Peace activist, wrote “This is far, far, far from over” in chalk on a sidewalk next to the Capitol building. As a result, he was taken away in handcuffs by Capitol Police and issued a citation for “conduct otherwise prohibited” under Wisconsin Administrative Code 2.14 that in Books’ case carries a fine of $205.05.
Continue reading “The war on chalk”