Breitbart – by Mike Flynn

The Obama Administration has decided to block access to public memorials on the National Mall as a result of the government shutdown. Like its decision to end White House tours when the sequester cuts took effect, there is no rational reason for this. The Park Police, nominally in charge of monitoring these spaces, isn’t even effected by the shutdown. Shutting off access to these sites is gratuitous and petulant.   Continue reading “Obama Administration Decided to Block Access to Memorials”

FedBid logoThe Weekly Standard – by JERYL BIER

Sometimes timing is everything. Yesterday was day one of the federal government shutdown, and one of the biggest stories of the day was the barricading of the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C., nearly preventing a group of 92 veterans from Mississippi who had been flown in on an Honor Flight from visiting the site. But it was also the day that the U.S. Army chose to award a $2,163 contract for a “massage chair”:   Continue reading “Despite Gov’t Shutdown, Army Awards $2,163 Contract for ‘Massage Chair’”

ObamaNatural News – by Mike Adams

All across America yesterday, people were running into frustrating technical problems because the online Obamacare exchanges are full of glitches. Over fifty percent of the exchanges demonstrated critical failures, CNN reported. This is astonishing because CNN has long taken a pro-Obamacare stance.

“The CNN medical team branched out. We tried in about 20 different state states. In 12 of them we hit glitches,” CNN reported. “Sometimes it made it impossible to sign up. There were error messages or that little annoying kind of twirly thing.” (SOURCE)   Continue reading “Obamacare exchanges hit with over 50 percent fail rate; feds claim the worse the glitches, the bigger the success!”

	Christmas Decorations in the Hobby Lobby store, Marlboro Township. New York Daily News – by DAVID KNOWLES

Happy holidays?

Hobby Lobby, the Oklahoma-based arts and crafts company founded by Christian evangelical David Green, stands accused of anti-Semitism because its stores do not carry Jewish holiday decorations.

The controversy erupted Friday after blogger Ken Berwitz posted an article on political website Hopelessly Partisan after receiving word that Hobby Lobby stores in Marlboro Township, N.J., refused to sell menorahs and other Jewish holiday items.   Continue reading “Hobby Lobby accused of anti-Semitism over lack of menorahs, Chanukah decorations”

Petitions 24

To: The President & Congress

This petition of course will not motivate Congress to take any real action, as they are controlled by special interests and not accountable to the people. Rather lets begin the discussion about shutting down large segments of the federal government and the transfer of these powers and programs back to the individual states and localities where they can benefit the unique needs of the people and at a far lower cost.   Continue reading “A Petition To Permanently Shutdown Washington”

CNBC – by Steve Liesman

Administration officials now live in fear of a 19th-century law that could get them fired, penalized or even imprisoned if they make the wrong choices while the government is shut down.

The law is the Antideficiency Act, passed by Congress in 1870 (and amended several times), which prohibits the government from incurring any monetary obligation for which the Congress has not appropriated funds.   Continue reading “143-year-old law puts fear in officials during shutdown”

Irish Times

UN experts charged with starting the process of verifying and eliminating chemical weapons arrived in Syria today for the mission endorsed by the UN Security Council.

A convoy of about 20 United Nations vehicles carrying the experts, equipment and security personnel crossed the border from Lebanon shortly after 1130 GMT, a Reuters television cameraman said.   Continue reading “UN experts begin weapons dismantling process in Syria”

Former child soldiers in the CongoAnti-War – by John Glaser

Ask any policymaker in the White House or Congress, what’s more important than human rights? Their response: “Our government, of course.”

The Obama administration yesterday issued blanket waivers exempting three countries from a federal law banning U.S. military aid to countries that use child soldiers. Think Progress:   Continue reading “Obama Waives Ban on Sending Military Aid to Countries With Child Soldiers”

The six-and-a-half minute chase was uploaded online Monday morning.National Post

A six-minute video posted online Monday morning shows a terrifying high-speed confrontation in New York as a black SUV was chased by dozens of motorcyclists before the SUV’s driver was pulled out of his vehicle and beaten in front of his wife and child.

Sunday’s confrontation appears to have started after the Range Rover made contact with a motorcycle. After the apparent collision, dozens of riders stopped and surrounded the SUV — and the driver took off, running over several bikes in the process.   Continue reading “Video shows violent high-speed chase through New York City as motorcycle gang surrounds SUV, attacks driver”

Huffington Post – by Charles Furguson

In late 2012, CNN Films approached me about directing a documentary. We discussed a number of potential subjects, and eventually settled on Hillary Rodham Clinton. The film would be ambitious, controversial, and highly visible. But I felt that it was important, that I was qualified to do it, and that I could be fair. CNN gave me complete control (“final cut”) over the theatrical version, and a generous budget.   Continue reading “Why I Am Cancelling My Documentary on Hillary Clinton”

English: Ted Cruz at the Republican Leadership...Forbes – by Eamonn Fingleton

In their never-say-die efforts to defeat Obamacare, Tea Party Republicans brought the federal government a giant step closer to shutdown last night. What they seem not to have considered is how America’s foreign creditors will react.

Although China, Japan, and other major creditor nations have no dog in the Obamacare fight, they have a strong interest in preserving America’s basic financial, economic, and social stability. From their point of view, the Tea Party contingent is not following the script and a corrective may be necessary.   Continue reading “If Republicans Want To Shut Down Washington, They’ll Have To Ask China’s Permission First”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

It turns out that the ominous “government shut down” isn’t so apocalyptic after all since it won’t actually shut down government because the vast majority of federal services and activity will continue as normal.

In addition, the same thing has happened – without dire consequences – no less than 17 times over the past three decades.   Continue reading “‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at the White House in Washington Monday to meet with President Obama. The two are expected to discuss Iran's nuclear program, Syria's civil war, and peace negotiations with the Palestinians.NPR – by Bill Chappell

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is at the White House today, meeting with President Obama to discuss security and intelligence matters in the Middle East, including Iran’s nuclear program.

The White House says the two will discuss “final status negotiations with the Palestinians, as well as developments in Iran, Syria, and elsewhere in the region.”   Continue reading “Obama And Netanyahu Discuss Iran, Palestinians At White House”

featured-imgFox Nation – by Warner Todd Huston

NBC News has announced that it will air a special series that will “help Americans get the most out of the Affordable Care Act.”

A press release reports that NBC News will “help” Americans get all they can out of Obamacare.   Continue reading “NBC’s Effort to Help Sell ObamaCare to America”

The Daily Caller – by Michael Bastasch

Not all scientists are panicking about global warming — one of them finds the alarmism “hilarious.”

A top climate scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology lambasted a new report by the UN’s climate bureaucracy that blamed mankind as the main cause of global warming and whitewashed the fact that there has been a hiatus in warming for the last 15 years.   Continue reading “Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’ flawed”

Russian servicemen gear up at a military ground southeast of Minsk, September 25, 2013. (REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko)Blouin News – by Mark Galeotti

Every two years, Russia holds massive military exercises in its north-western territories that open a window onto its strategic thinking and combat capabilities. September’s demonstrated both a growing aggression in Russian military posture, as well as an underlying strategy to keep the West off-balance.

The latest of these Zapad (“West”) exercises were amongst the biggest yet, a six-day event running until September 26 involving ground, air and sea forces from Russia and its ally Belarus. The exercises were run in Belarus, near the Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian borders, and in Russia’s Kaliningrad territory, between Poland and Lithuania.   Continue reading “Russian troops wargame invasion of Europe for political gain”