
A “terrorist” staged an unsuccessful attack on a container ship passing through the Suez Canal on Saturday, in an attempt to disrupt the flow of ships through the waterway, the head of the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Memish said.

The Suez Canal is a key global shipping line which is secured by the armed forces.   Continue reading “Suez Canal Authority says attack attempted on container ship”

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)RT News

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared ‘utter nonsense’ the idea that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own people and called on the US to present its supposed evidence to the UN Security Council.

Putin has further called the Western tactic a ‘provocation.’   Continue reading “Putin: US should present Syria evidence to Security Council”

Demonstrators, including former CIA intelligence officer Ray McGovern (2nd L), gather on the north side of the White House to protest any U.S. military action against Syria August 29, 2013 in Washington, DC.Examiner – by Gregory Patin

Yesterday, the White House released an intelligence report assessing “with high confidence” that chemical weapons were used in Syria on civilians by the Syrian government. There are serious doubts both within U.S. intelligence agencies and the international community as the whether this allegation is accurate.

It is fairly evident that some sort of nerve gas was released on August 21 in Ghouta, near Damascus. The real question is: Who released it? The U.S. claims it was fired by the Syrian government with rockets and artillery. Independent and foreign media outlets and the governments of other nations claim otherwise.   Continue reading “Doubts regarding who used chemical weapons in Syria”

Fox News

University of South Florida researchers have begun work to excavate graves at a former reform school known for extreme abuse.

USF spokeswoman Lara Wade has confirmed that measuring and marking work began Saturday morning at the now-closed Dozier Arthur G. Dozier School. Digging will follow.  Continue reading “Grave excavation work begins at Florida reform school site known for abuse”

Activists and homeowners march in front of the Philadelphia convention center following a protest against hydraulic gas drilling, or "fracking," Wednesday, September 7, 2011. The several hundred activists and homeowners who gathered outside the convention center where an industry conference was being held claim that fracking and shale gas drilling in general have led to polluted air and water and made people sick. (AP Photo/Mark Stehle)Mint Press News- by Martin Michaels

“They said you’re going to be a millionaire in a couple of years, but none of that has happened,” said Don Feusner, an owner of a dairy cattle farm in Northern Pennsylvania. “I guess we’re expected to just take whatever they want to give us.”

Like many landowners in Pennsylvania, Feusner was promised generous royalties from the natural gas wells on his farm. ProPublica reports that the issue has become a widespread problem, not only in Pennsylvania, but across the United States. Oil and gas companies appear to be withholding billions of dollars in royalties owed to landowners like Feusner who agreed to lease land for fracking operations.   Continue reading “Landowners Shorted Billions In Fracking Revenue From Oil Companies”


A North Carolina student was injured and another taken into police custody after shots were fired in an altercation during a fire drill at a high school in Winston-Salem on Friday, authorities said.

Gunfire was reported at 2:30 p.m. EDT at Carver High School as students began to walk back inside the school buildings at the end of a planned fire drill, Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree said at a press conference.   Continue reading “Shots fired during North Carolina high school fire drill”

Police plan DUI patrols, roadblockThe Tennessean

The Tennessee Highway Patrol and local law enforcement agencies will conduct a special “no refusal” DUI enforcement campaign in several counties across the state this holiday weekend.

Tennessee’s “no refusal” law allows officers to seek search warrants for blood samples when they suspect a driver to be impaired.   Continue reading “Tennessee Highway Patrol To Conduct ‘No Refusal’ DUI Checks”

Photo: U.S. Embassy, Turkey. Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

During his State Department speech today, Secretary of State John Kerry grossly misrepresented the facts about the chemical attack at Ghouta near Damascus.

“The United States government now knows that at least 1,429 Syrians were killed in this attack, including at least 426 children,” Kerry said. “I’m not asking you to take my word for it. Read for yourself, everyone… the evidence from thousands of sources, evidence that is already publicly available,” he added.   Continue reading “Kerry Misrepresents Syria Chemical War Dead”

Zero Hedge- by Tyler Durden

The UK may be out, but Saudi Arabia isn’t taking any chances. Moments ago, Reuters reported that the regime which as we reported is behind the entire conflict in Syria (hint: nat gas) has raised its level of military alertness in anticipation of a possible Western strike in Syria, sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.  Saudi Arabia’s defense readiness, their version of DefCon, has been raised to “two” from “five”, a Saudi military source who declined to be named told Reuters. “One” is the highest level of alert. “It is a must, no one knows what will happen,” he said. And so all those who thought there would be no war and sold off gold and crude, are suddenly caught short.   Continue reading “Saudi Arabia Goest To “DefCon 2””

24.07.2012 Сирия повстанцы мятежник оппозиция война оружие боевик Voice of Russia

In an interview with Dale Gavlak, a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press and Mint Press News, Syrian rebels tacitly implied that they were responsible for last week’s chemical attack.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” he writes in the article.   Continue reading “Syrian rebels take responsibility for the chemical attack admitting the weapons were provided by Saudis”

The Week

Blocked at the UN by Russia and stripped of British backing, US President still ready to launch assault.

The US is facing the prospect of attacking Syria without UN approval and without the support of its closest ally following last night’s defeat of a Commons motion approving Britain’s involvement.   Continue reading “Syria latest: Obama set to attack despite falling support”

A Lightning War for Liberty – by Mike

Throughout history, one of the ways in which the human spirit has overcome or dealt with the brutish forces of authoritarian regimes has been through the use of humor. As such, it is no surprise that clever Americans from sea to shining sea have figured out ways to mock the NSA while also making a dollar or two. One of these folks is Dan McCall, founder of politically themed T-shirt company Liberty Maniacs. Several days after the spy scandal erupted, Dan created a shirt that read NSA: The only part of the government that actually listens. See below:   Continue reading “Nothing Better to Do – The NSA Goes After Parody T-Shirts”

business meetingThe Burning Platform

Here’s another depressing list to ruin your day. You can tell a lot about a society by what they value, what they build and what they do. The only new buildings I see being built are banks and medical facilities. That tells me a lot. I look around and see that we value fancy new leased or financed cars, financed McMansions, fastfood, and lots of shopping outlets. And now this list tells me a lot about where this country is headed. Among the ten fastest growing jobs in America, only one can be considered well paying. Only two of the jobs are in industries that produce something. Only one requires a non-liberal arts college degree. Most of the jobs barely pay a living wage. Most of these jobs are non-essential service jobs that add absolutely nothing to society. A society that does not produce is destined to decline. We’re doomed.   Continue reading “If These are the Fastest Growing Jobs in America – We’re Doomed”

RT News

Any possibility of British involvement in a military campaign in Syria has been effectively ruled out after British lawmakers voted down the prospect in parliament, costing the US the nation’s closest ally in a potential strike.

By a 285 to 272 margin British MPs rejected the government’s motion to support in principle military action against Syria. A second vote was due to be held on committing to action following the report by United Nations weapons inspectors, who are currently investigating claims that Assad used chemical weapons on civilians.    Continue reading “British MPs reject military intervention in Syria”

russia un syriaHuffington Post – by PETER SPIELMANN

UNITED NATIONS — A U.N. diplomat says Russia has called for an urgent meeting of the five permanent Security Council members on the crisis in Syria.

The meeting among Russia, the United States, China, Britain and France was expected later Thursday, according to the diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the talks were private.   Continue reading “Russia Calls Urgent UN Security Council Meeting On Syria”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

A reporter with Israel’s most widely read newspaper has been told by defense establishment officials that a US-led attack on Syria will begin on Saturday and end when Barack Obama meets Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

Amir Mizroch @Amirmizroch

Israeli defense estbl assessment: US attack starts when UN inspectors leave Syria on Saturday, ends when Obama meets Putin next Wednesday   Continue reading “Report: US Attack On Syria to Begin Saturday”

CT News Junkie – by Christine Stuart

Attorney General Eric Holder announced Wednesday that the U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Assistance will give $2.5 million in funding to the Connecticut State Police and local law enforcement for their response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The funding compensates the agencies for costs related to overtime, forensics, and security in the aftermath of the murder of 20 children and six educators.   Continue reading “U.S. Justice Department Gives State Police, Newtown $2.5M”