John DrydenDaily Herald – by Susan Sarkauskas

A Batavia High School teacher’s fans are rallying to support him as he faces possible discipline for advising students of their Constitutional rights before taking a school survey on their behavior.

They’ve been collecting signatures on an online petition, passing the word on Facebook, sending letters to the school board, and planning to speak at Tuesday’s school board meeting.   Continue reading “Constitutional Warning lands Batavia teacher in hot water”

130521-death-row-debbie-teaseThe Daily Beast – by Terry Greene Sterling

For more than 22 years, Debbie Milke has sat on Arizona’s death row, convicted of killing her only child. Known locally as Death Row Debbie, Milke and her lawyers have argued for years that she was the victim of a crooked cop with a history of lying under oath. Finally, the courts took notice. And Death Row Debbie could be free in a matter of days.   Continue reading “Death Row Debbie Milke Could Soon Be Free”

eton collegeHuffington Post – by Lucy Sherriff

Eton College asked 13-year-old boys competing for a scholarship to pretend to be Prime Minister and justify the army shooting dead 25 protesters as a “necessary and moral” decision, it has emerged.

The public school set the question as part of an exam to win one of 14 King’s Scholarships, which is worth one tenth of Eton’s £10,689 termly fees.   Continue reading “Eton College’s Exam Asks Boys To Justify The Army Shooting Protesters Dead”

AFP Photo / US Navy / MC2 Tony D. CurtisRT News – by Pepe Escobar, May 24, 2013

Forget it; the Global War on Terror (GWOT) is not becoming more “democratic” – or even transparent.

US President Barack Obama now pledges to transfer the responsibility of the shadow ‘Drone Wars’from the CIA to the Pentagon – so the US Congress is able to monitor it.

Until virtually yesterday the Obama administration did not even recognize in public the existence of the shadow ‘Drone Wars’.   Continue reading “The entire globe is a battlefield for Pentagon”

Refreshing News- by Pooja

A school board in Canada has launched an investigation after school staff strip-searched 28 tenth grade students after a cell phone went missing during a final exam.

The students at Cap-Jeunesse high school north of Montreal were told to place their phones on the teacher’s desk to prevent cheating during a math test. When one phone went missing, teachers ordered the strip search.    Continue reading “28 grade 10 students in Quebec stripped search due to a missing cell phone during an exam”

Lone Star Watchdog

It is a national disgrace that are veterans are ignored by our government. Many returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan are in need of follow up care for injuries sustained in combat. Obama’s sequester cuts have further defunded the VA. That means more war veterans who were wounded in combat will not get the care they need. Many will die waiting for approval from the VA. Many Veterans are homeless in need of mental health treatment.   Continue reading “Why Say No To Amnesty? Illegal Aliens Get Better Government Care While War Veteran’s Needs Are Ignored.”

Lone Star Watchdog

The IRS should be eliminated because it has used a tax system that exploits class warfare and used by every President to go after their political enemies. The most obvious case of abuse was with the famous boxer Joe Lewis who had been robbed ruthlessly by this agency that is the collection arm of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Now President Obama is now being grilled and rightly so for using the IRS to harass the Tea Party movement and other patriot groups trying to silence and shut them down to send a chilling effect not to challenge the White House.   Continue reading “Beware of the “Fair Tax” Scam Solution While they Call for the End to the IRS”

Lions of Liberty – by John Odermatt

A former Southwestern Pennsylvania Judge is facing a slew of drug and theft charges, according to a Grand Jury Presentment.  The charges stem from a Grand Jury investigation that began as a result of repeated requests by Judge Paul Pozonsky to have drug evidence brought to him and left in his chambers.  In some instances the drugs were never returned and even when drug evidence was returned seals were broken, drugs were missing, and some drug baggies had been filled with baking soda.   Continue reading “Felony Friday: Pennsylvania Judge Facing Drug and Theft Charges”


MI5 asked Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo if he wanted to work for them about six months before the killing, a childhood friend has said.

Abu Nusaybah told BBC Newsnight his friend – one of two men arrested after Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder in south-east London on Wednesday – had rejected the approach from the security service.   Continue reading “Woolwich attack: MI5 ‘offered job to suspect’”


(Philadelphia, PA, May 24, 2013)— Political prisoner and activist Adam Kokesh has released a statement from inside the Philadelphia federal prison about his planned July 4th, 2013 Open Carry March on Washington, DC. The statement was read by comedian and activist N.A. Poe, until recently a fellow prisoner of Kokesh’s, today Friday, May 24 at 1PM in front of the Philadelphia federal prison.

What follows is Kokesh’s complete and unabridged statement.   Continue reading “Provocateur Alert: Adam Kokesh Calls on American Revolutionary Army to March on 50 State Capitols”

Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian

Our co-evolution with the plant kingdom for the past half a billion years has resulted in the very genetic/molecular fabric of our body depending on certain key compounds from plants in our diet, delivered in natural form, not irradiated, overly-cooked or petrochemically-farmed… usually raw.

Most food contains vitamins, protein, amino acids, caloric content – but more and more research is confirming that some foods also have “gene And epigene regulatory codes” that appear to help prevent major Illnesses – possibly even AIDS.   Continue reading “Every Plant on Earth has been Programmed over 50 Million Years of Evolving – Along with Us! – to Grow Key Chemicals Critical to Our Health…”

Infowars – by Adan Salazar

A new Department of Homeland Security bulletin warning of the security risks 3D printed guns pose may be setting the stage for 3D printer regulation or at the very least more intrusive pat downs when attending certain events.

According to Fox News, a DHS memo is being sent to various state and federal law enforcement agencies cautioning, “Limiting plastic guns may be impossible,” and that 3D guns pose “public safety risks.”    Continue reading “DHS Memo Warns 3D Printed Guns May Be ‘Impossible’ to Stop”

Etienne SyldorFire Dog Lake – by DSWright

As Occupy Our Homes demonstrates at the Department of Justice the fraudclosure crisis continues unabated.

A Florida family man who not only made his mortgage payments on time but made payments early faces foreclosure by Wells Fargo. The explanation for initiating the foreclosure proceedings by Wells Fargo is nothing short of amazing and offers a sad commentary on how little has changed despite the 2008 financial crisis and supposed reforms like Dodd-Frank.   Continue reading “Wells Fargo Forecloses On Homeowner For Making Early Mortgage Payments”

NBC News – by Michael Isikoff

Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on a controversial search warrant that identified Fox News reporter James Rosen as a “possible co-conspirator” in violations of the Espionage Act and authorized seizure of his private emails, a law enforcement official told NBC News on Thursday.

The disclosure of the attorney general’s role came as President Barack Obama, in a major speech on his counterterrorism policy, said Holder had agreed to review Justice Department guidelines governing investigations that involve journalists.   Continue reading “Holder OK’d search warrant for Fox News reporter’s private emails, official says”

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, CO - A serviceman stands outside a pair of giant blast doors at the command center of the Northern Command December 9, 2002 located deep within Cheyenne Mountain at the foot of the Rocky Mountains near Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Cold War-era station now monitors homeland security as well as foreign nuclear threats. Every commercial plane in U.S. air space is monitored from the center. Crews reporting unruly passengers or planes that drop from radio contact are given special attention since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (Photo by Kevin Moloney/Getty Images)IntelliHub – by Shepard Ambellas

The whole concept of Continuity of Government (COG) was originated by the British government during World War II, then was later adopted by the US and other world governments. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first US president to start implementing such a plan as COG, he put it on the table.   Continue reading “Continuity of Government Redefined to Suspend US Constitution”

Boy Scouts salute early Saturday morning, May 21, 2011 during New Jersey's Boy Scouts Camporee in Sea Girt, N.J. The Boy Scouts of America's National Council has voted to ease a long-standing ban and allow openly gay boys to be accepted as Scouts, Thursday, May 23, 2013. Of the local Scout leaders voting at their annual meeting in Texas, more than 60 percent supported the proposal. (AP Photo/Mel Evans, file)How does an agenda like this even become an issue?  I mean, really, is there a problem with boy scouts wishing they could declare themselves gay?  We are talking children here.  Show me one 13 year old on the news crying because he can’t tell the boy scouts he’s gay….  This is really about the homosexual agenda, just like the church, the prime time shows, everywhere.  It’s part of the plan of you know who.

Did you notice the pic?  They chose the dumpiest boy scout to be the poster boy of the new Gay Scouts of America.   Continue reading “Boy Scouts approve plan to accept openly gay boys”

FEMA disk given to school children (Photo: Cassius Methyl, – by Cassius Methyl

Public schools in cooperation with the department of homeland security are now teaching kids safety measures, and advising that they seek relief in FEMA camps in a time of crisis. But are these post disaster relief camps, or military internment camps?

FEMA , the Red Cross, and the department of homeland security are now using taxpayer money to educate children in public schools about ‘getting ready for disaster’. But why would government agencies hold interest in this? Is it because they want schools to be safer, or because they want citizens to flee to FEMA camps in a time of crisis?   Continue reading “Department of Homeland Security Teaching Kids To Go To FEMA Camps In a Time of Crisis”

ABC News – by Jonathon Karl

President Obama is a little uneasy with the way journalists have been dragged into the Justice Department’s aggressive pursuit of national security leak investigations. In fact, he has ordered Attorney General Eric Holder to conduct a 45-day review of the department’s guidelines on the issue.

That bit of news was buried in the middle of the president’s hourlong speech today at National Defense University.   Continue reading “Obama Orders DOJ Review of Leak Investigations”

Connecticut Gun Law Challenged in Federal CourtThe New American – by Jack Kenny

Connecticut’s seven-week-old gun law, passed in response to the massacre at Sandy Hook School in Newtown in December, has been challenged in federal court. A coalition of individuals, gun retailers, sports shooters, and gun rights activists entered a suit in U.S. District Court in Bridgeport Wednesday, asking for a declaration that the law is unconstitutional and both a preliminary and a permanent injunction against its enforcement.   Continue reading “Connecticut Gun Law Challenged in Federal Court”

The Mercury – by Tom Cleary

A bill crafted in secret by Connecticut’s chief prosecutor,governor’s office and legislators would prevent the release of some Newtown school shooting investigation records, including crime scene photos and videos and 911 recordings.

A draft of the proposal was released by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s office Wednesday afternoon, a day after the Hartford Courant reported on the efforts to create the bill.   Continue reading “Connecticut bill would limit public access to records of Sandy Hook shooting”