(Left) A box of. 223 ammunition and a case of 9 mm ammunition in Duke's Sport Shop in New Castle, Pa.Washington Whispers – by ELIZABETH FLOCK

The Government Accountability Office tells Whispers it is now investigating large ammunition purchases made by the Department of Homeland Security. Chuck Young, a spokesman for GAO, says the investigation of the purchases is “just getting underway.”

The congressional investigative agency is jumping into the fray just as legislation was introduced in both the Senate and the House to restrict the purchase of ammo by some government agencies (except the Department of Defense). The AMMO Act, introduced Friday, would prevent agencies from buying more ammunition if “stockpiles” are greater than what they were in previous administrations.   Continue reading “GAO Now Investigating DHS Ammo Purchases”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Whether it is due to the recent governmental attempt to enforce assorted gun controlling measures in the aftermath of the Newtown, CT shooting, or, merely driven by the same catalyst that saw a surge in gun sales four years ago, namely the presidential election, one thing is certain: America is weaponizing itself at an unheard of pace, with both Sturm, Ruger shipments and units produced surpassing 500,000 each in one quarter for the first time in history.   Continue reading “Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge”

Daily Paul – by dakealo


Police and National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed Sunday by elements of a para-military right wing extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.   Continue reading “Patriot Militia Attacks Government Forces”

Veterans Today- by Jim W. Dean, April 19, 2013

The dust has settled on Boston, America’s newest example and scene of national insecurity.

As Kevin Barrett’s hugely successful Press TV article pointed out yesterday we witnessed corporate media suggesting a major domestic terror attack might have been done by our own security people. Military Intelligence agrees.   Continue reading “Boston Bombing – DHS Contracted Security out to Israelis”

Y Net News – by Roi Kais

Two people were killed and 20 others were injured in northwestern Syrian province of Idlib Tuesday after warplanes dropped bags containing “strange substances,” Al-Jazeera reported, saying the suspicious material was apparently chemical weapons.

Videos uploaded by the Qatari news network show casualties having difficulties breathing treated in makeshift hospitals. One video showed a healthcare professional drawing attention to the white foam coming out of an injured man’s mouth.   Continue reading “Report in Syria: Suspected chemical substance dropped from planes”

Star Gazette

SYRACUSE — Thirty people protesting against unmanned aerial drones outside Hancock Field Air Force National Guard Base have been arrested.

The Post-Standard reports that the arrests Sunday came after a series of rallies and workshops held in Syracuse over the weekend by the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars.   Continue reading “30 arrested at Hancock, NY base during rally against drones”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

A manhunt in Valley Springs led to a shelter-in-place order after the death of a 9-year-old child Saturday. Multiple law enforcement agencies combed the area Saturday afternoon for a man believed to be armed and dangerous, described as a white or Latino male, with long gray hair, 6 feet tall, muscular build, last seen wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and blue pants.   Continue reading “Martial Law In Valley Springs, CA After 9 Year Old Girl Killed”

The DC Caller – by Neil Munro

The Senate will try again to pass recently defeated gun control legislation, and will be aided by increasing activism from previously neutral voters, Sen. Chuck Schumer predicted today at a press conference.

“I think we will bring the bill back before the end of the year… lots of Senators who thought it was safe to vote against it [April 17] because of the intensity [of gun-rights supporters] are not so sure any more,” Schumer told reporters at an April breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.   Continue reading “Schumer, McCain say gun control bills will return”

Sensors in domestic appliances would check for spikes in demand that would risk blackouts Daily Mail – by RUSSELL MYERS and MARTIN BECKFORD

Fridges and freezers in millions of British homes will automatically be switched off without the owner’s consent under a ‘Big Brother’ regime to reduce the strain on power stations.

The National Grid is demanding that all new appliances be fitted with sensors that could shut them down when the UK’s generators struggle to meet demand for electricity.

Electric ovens, air-conditioning units and washing machines will also be affected  by the proposals, which are already backed by one of the European Union’s most influential energy bodies. They are pushing for the move as green energy sources such as wind farms are less predictable than traditional power stations, increasing the risk  of blackouts.   Continue reading “Big brother to switch off your fridge: Power giants to make millions – but you must pay for ‘sinister’ technology”

sprague riverHerald and News – by DAVE MARTINEZ

SPRAGUE RIVER — A late night episode of violence temporarily locked down the community of Sprague River Thursday night. Officers worked through the morning to peacefully capture a suspect just after 9 a.m. Friday.

In the end, one resident is dead, one is wounded from a stabbing and a third is in custody in the Klamath County Detention Facility.   Continue reading “One dead, one wounded, one in custody after Sprague River, OR violence”

Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis (Reuters/Neal Hamberg)RT News

United States Vice President Joe Biden says the 2014 Boston Marathon will be “bigger, more spectacular” than ever before, and the city’s police commissioner could see that through with some serious changes starting at next year’s race.

Notwithstanding last week’s terrorist attack that killed three and wounded hundreds, Boston, Massachusetts is expected to continue its tradition of hosting the annual 26-mile run next spring. Speaking to the city’s Herald newspaper though, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis says he’s looking to add at least one new element in 2014: unmanned aerial vehicles.   Continue reading “Boston police chief wants drones for next year’s marathon”

goldvault2Liberty Gold and Silver

The worldwide gold battle between paper sellers and physical buyers rages on into its second week…and the physical forces are winning big time!! Ever since the world banking elite two weeks ago attempted to terrify physical precious metals owners by flooding the paper markets with over $50 billion of naked sell orders, something really strange has happened.   Continue reading “Comex Physical Gold Plummets – Gold Disappearing from Depositories Everywhere”

panasenko.jpgSee why we need TSA at all train and bus stations?

NJ.com – by Michaelangelo Conte/The Jersey Journal

More than a week before three people were killed and more than 260 people were injured in the Boston Marathon bombings, a Jersey City man carried two homemade explosives on an NJ Transit train, authorities say.   Continue reading “Jersey City man charged with having explosives on train 8 days before Marathon bombings: cops”

John Boehner (left) and Harry Reid are shown in a composite image. | AP PhotosPolitico – by JOHN BRESNAHAN and JAKE SHERMAN

Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.   Continue reading “Lawmakers, aides may get Obamacare exemption”

The Lone Star Watchdog

Right now the veterans are the number one threat to the power structure, especially the battle hardened Soldiers and Marines returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Why? Because they are well trained, they have been in combat and have a sense of duty and honor even after their term of service.

What is really strange is why has not the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign wars come out to defend the veteran’s right to keep and bear arms. I have not heard anything from these organizations from the national level. These two organizations chartered by Congress are controlled by them. I heard that former servicemen or members who talk about real issues concerning the veterans in these halls of these Veterans organization are told to keep quiet.   Continue reading “Veterans Must Unite And Close Ranks Against the Gun Grabbers”

It occurred to me that what the American people witnessed in Boston, with the show of force and the new phrase “Lockdown”.  It got me to thinking… If the authorities told everyone that it was these two guys, then the officers, TSA, FBI, paramilitary, etc. truly believed it, right?  So, the Governor, the Mayor, and all involved began a total take-over of two towns.

The media, who is always more than happy to oblige to serve this agenda-driven takeover of America, will lambast the videos of the ghost towns, train stations, and whatever else they could show so the people of this country would be in awe of the spectacular show of force and firepower to make us all quake in our shoes.   Continue reading “Lockdown in Boston: Food for thought”