American Everyman – by Scott Creighton
A guy who is linked to Big Oil’s quest to conquer the Caspian Sea oil basin and a former CIA contractor says Temerlan was led astray by websites that say our efforts in the Middle East are all about oil and the CIA is responsible for 9/11. Go figure
According to Ruslan Tsarni, Tamerlan was apparently anti-Semitic and had a mysterious mentor who was a convert to Islam named “Misha”. he was partly “radicalized” by “conspiracy theory” websites like Prison Planet. That’s what Ruslan says anyway. You remember him. He came out like 20 minutes after they were announced as the suspects and basically said “Yeah, those losers did it” Continue reading “Boston Bombings: Tamerlan is an anti-Semitic “Truther” and the FBI’s CI has a Name – “Misha””