Sent in by a reader, whose brother is the one holding the sign.

Boston Globe – by Will Weissert |  ASSOCIATED PRESS

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Thousands of gun advocates gathered peacefully Saturday at state capitals around the U.S. to rally against stricter limits on firearms, with demonstrators carrying rifles and pistols in some places while those elsewhere settled for waving hand-scrawled signs or screaming themselves hoarse.
Continue reading “Thousands rally against stricter gun control in US”

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.- unknown

This simple phrase contains a profound nugget of wisdom, but that many are unaware of. Whoever you are dependent on has power over you and can control you. If you understand this concept, it is not hard to understand the dangers of collectivism. Collectivism pools the resources of many to be distributed by a few. It can wield great power and heavy responsibility. Because of this, most positions of authority attract many seeking personal gain and it scares away the majority of the average people.

Collectivism, within a government, is not unlike a Ponzi Scheme except many are forced by mandate to give instead of being conned into it.  Collectivism takes choice, freedom and individualism out of the picture and it takes away your right to decide for yourself.
Continue reading “Life, Liberty and Freedom for All”

Gov Slaves Info

(Lawrence Hunter)  In 2000, New York legislators recognized the ubiquitous and unambiguous connection between violence, especially gun violence and mass murder, and the widespread prescribed use of psychiatric drugs.

Senate Bill 7035 was introduced in the New York State Senate that year requiring police agencies to report to the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) on certain crimes and suicides committed by a person who is using psychiatric drugs, including assault, homicide, sex offenses, robbery offenses, firearms and other dangerous weapons offenses, kidnapping and arson. The preamble to the bill read, in part: Continue reading “Forbes Deletes Popular Pro Gun Story, Linking Psychiatric Drugs To Murders”

Seattle PI

MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. (AP) — A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten.

Her family has hired an attorney to fight the punishment, which initially was 10 days but was reduced to two.
Continue reading “Pa. kindergartner suspended for bubble gun remark”

WND – by Michael Carl

A new study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center is linking opposition to abortion and other “fundamental” positions to terrorism, and pro-life leaders say it’s just a way to paint them in a negative way.

The study, “Challenges from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” says the major far right threats are from, “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement.”
Continue reading “West Point: ‘Far Right’ Dangerous to U.S.”

Infowars – by Kurt Nimmo

IRS credit to citizens who allow government to confiscate their firearms.

On January 13, 2013, H.R. 226 was introduced in the House of Representatives by Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro. The bill will amend the 1986 IRS code and allow a credit if taxpayers “surrender” their guns to the government.

Cited as the “Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act,” the proposed legislation represents another effort to convince citizens that they must voluntarily turn in their guns as a civic duty and to do their part to reduce “gun violence” and protect children, as Obama said yesterday.
Continue reading “Gun Confiscation Bill Introduced in Congress”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

If you needed another reason to avoid visiting a doctor, Obama just gave you a new one: as part of Obama’s 23 executive orders announced today, doctors will be transformed into gun control snitches who are ordered by Obama to ask patients about guns they might have at home.

Here’s the doublespeak from the executive order text:
Continue reading “Obama turns doctors into gun control snitches running health care spy network”

The Organic Prepper – by Daisy Luther

My kitchen is about 95% clean.   No, I’m not talking about the standards of hygiene or the crud that tries to take up residence in the grout – I’m talking about the contents of my pantry and refrigerator.

I’ve worked hard to banish GMOs, pesticides and chemical additives from the premises.  With the proliferation of “dirty” food-like substances that fill the grocery stores, it’s been a challenge to build a clean long-term food supply, especially on a tight budget.
Continue reading “Clean Your Kitchen: How to Trash the Toxins in Your Pantry”

News Press

Today, the President is announcing that he and the Administration will:

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
Continue reading “President Obama’s Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions”

C Net – by Steven Musil

We the People platform quadruples the number of signatures required on petitions before they merit the Obama Administration’s attention.

Future petitions to the White House to build a Death Star, have Piers Morgan deported, or fire Aaron Swartz’s prosecutor will have to attract more support in the future to merit the White House’s attention.

Beginning today, petitions filed on’s We the People platform will need to log 100,000 signatures in 30 days to receive an official response from the Obama Administration, quadrupling the previous minimum of 25,000.
Continue reading “White House raises petition signature threshold to 100K”

The Lone Star Watchdog – by The Watchdog

One thing I see with tyrants. They play dirty and do not have any rules. The end justifies the means, whether it is by hook or by crook. They will cut throats to get what they want. These people have no honor or any guiding principles. These despots believe in the raw use of force to achieve their agenda.

Here are the dirty tricks they will use to confiscate guns:
Continue reading “Three Dirty Tricks The Government Will Try to Use to Confiscate the Guns”

BidenGun Owners of America

— Up to 50-80% of all guns in circulation could be covered

Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:

* A Feinstein-like semi-auto ban which, according to experts who have done the counting, could ban up to 50% of all long guns currently in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns. Incidentally, if you wanted to keep the AR-15 you currently have, you would have to have a 6-month FBI background check, be fingerprinted, and get a machine gun-type license.
Continue reading “Biden Proposals Include Framework for Gun Registry and Confiscation”

Chron – by MICHAEL GORMLEY, Associated Press

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A key New York senator says he expects the New York Legislature to pass a “comprehensive” gun control bill Monday with the support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

It would be the nation’s first gun control measure following last month’s Connecticut school shooting.
Continue reading “NY Senate leader says he expects gun control bill”

Natural News – by Ethan A. Huff

An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far as illness rates are concerned. As reported by the group Health Freedom Alliance, children who have been vaccinated according to official government schedules are up to five times more likely to contract a preventable disease than children who developed their own immune systems naturally without vaccines.
Continue reading “Survey: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children”