Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat has just signed legislation designed to give further subsidies to his corporate backers, Boeing and General Electric.  The bill, HR 2072, which reauthorizes the US Export-Import Bank’s mandate through 2014 and increases its financing cap from $100 billion to $140 billion, is an outrage.

These monies are and will continue to be used to an even larger extent to facilitate the transfer of jobs, industry, and raw resources out of this country.
Continue reading “Obama Signs Legislation for $140 Billion to go to those Corporations He Hates”

A CNN reporter stated yesterday that the GOP primary is in the past, indicating that all those who have just voted in Texas did not count.  Of course she said that Romney would naturally win Texas…..although Dr. Ron Paul has served as a Congressman for that state for some 30 years, being elected over and over again.

We have seen our election process turn into a literal media dictatorship.  They construct so called opinion polls through selective questioning of a handful of selected individuals and then report this fraud as fact.  Those who control the parties then simply have a few select individuals lie as to the vote count, and as their lie matches the fraudulent opinion polls, well what exactly are we bitching about?
Continue reading “Maybe They Will Let Ron Paul be President of Egypt”

The run-up to the 2012 general election is not surprisingly looking like the run-up to the 2010 midterms.  The strategy is to demonize the poor, old, and unemployed right up until the last two weeks, and then everyone will come out saying the only issue is jobs, jobs, jobs.  And of course as soon as the election is over, it is right back to the status quo with record corporate profits and more industry and jobs being moved out of the United States.

This time around there is a glitch, otherwise known as Dr. Ron Paul and his supporters, which are the majority in this country.  We want Ron Paul.  But there is another matter we had better be looking at, and that is the Congress and the Senate.  If we allow either the false left or the false right to gain a two-thirds majority in both, the job of reinstating our Republic under our Constitution through peaceful means will be made impossible.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Patriots, Ready Yourselves for the Final Round”

The mainstream propaganda machine, representing the false right of the one party system, has come out in defense of Bain Capital in specific and capitalism in general, saying that Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital was and is in the business of propping up and saving US companies to the benefit to all involved.

Under CEO Mitt Romney, Bain saw 50% to 80% gains and apparently the stock holders loved him….not so much so those who lost their jobs, as Bain Capital, in “propping up companies” dismantled factories, shipped them to China, reassembled them, and manned them with slave labor.  This discrepancy in the cost of American free labor and Chinese slave labor is in reality where the annual gains for stock holders come from.  And apparently these actions cannot be criticized as they are labeled “capitalism” (capitalizing on slave labor) and any criticism of capitalism is labeled “socialism”.
Continue reading “Free Enterprise and Capitalism”

In 2008 the mortgage derivative fraud/scam was discovered as the bubble burst.  The largest central banks were wiped out, literally by their own hand.  Congress surrendered its power over allocations to the Treasury Department and Henry Paulson was named Treasury Secretary.  Then the American people were told that they were going to have to replace the wealth that had been stolen through the toxic derivatives because these privately owned central banks were too big to fail, thus the failure was dumped onto the people.

$32 trillion was stolen.  $32 trillion was borrowed in the name of the American people, leaving those people in generational bonded servitude.  Now the thieves had only to collect the wealth.
Continue reading “The Banking Cartels think they are going to take our Social Security”

The Treasury Department released its semi-annual FX Report, which they say shows that no country in the world is at present manipulating currency and that is including China.  This would be laughable if the American taxpayer had not paid for the report.  The one thing that is confirmed is that the Chinese have established significant control over the US Treasury Department.

I hope we can all remember last week when the traitor Timothy Geithner cleared the way for the Chinese government to buy US Treasury Bonds directly from the US Treasury, which no other country in the history of our nation has been allowed to do.  These are not acts of incompetence, but rather blatant acts of treason against the people of the United States.
Continue reading “The US China Trade War”

The US State Department is outraged.  Apparently Shakil Afridi, the Pakistani doctor who assisted US intelligence in their attempt to identify Osama Bin Laden’s family and establish that they were living in Pakistan, has just been convicted of treason and sentenced to thirty years hard labor by the Pakistani government.  How dare they?

Personally I believe that this whole dog and pony show is nothing more than an attempt to add some kind of credibility to the “Barack Obama killed Osama Bin Laden” story, which can be considered nothing more than a story as Bin Laden had already been killed several times prior to the Pakistan production.
Continue reading “US Citizenship through Treason for Bin Laden Doctor”

Beginning in the fall of 2011, the international elite started pumping the US stock market up, in an attempt to get those Americans who still had a little money in the bank, to invest.  They saw $15 trillion in private savings and 401K retirement accounts, just waiting to be stolen.  They would pump a few billion dollars in, coupled with a propaganda campaign saying “strong recovery” and the stock market would shoot up by a couple hundred points.

Then when they saw no one was biting, they would pull their money out, the stock market would fall, and they would start devising a new scheme.  This is when they realized that those Americans who still had money left were not going to be so easily fooled.
Continue reading “Facebook…I Can’t Believe You Fell for It…Again”

The mainstream propaganda machine is boldly marching forward with its production of the 2012 general election contest featuring Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.  These sleazing slithering traitors in the mainstream media have completely divorced themselves from the reality that the majority of Americans are looking directly in the eye.

Mitt Romney is not the GOP candidate for president and if he ever is it will be as a result of election fraud so blatant that it would make a Russian blush.  It now appears that these elitist traitors are going to declare their fraudulent count of the delegates as matter of fact in an attempt to ram Mitt Romney down the throats of a population that does not even want him on the same planet as them.
Continue reading “Obama or Romney, the Lesser of Two Evils?”

In just one hundred short years, the Zionist established Federal Reserve has effectively brought the United States into a condition of international receivership.  Quite an accomplishment considering the fact that the United States is and has always been the richest country on the planet Earth.  And now the repo man is coming to town.

China now has six ports in the United StatesChina has purchased tracks of land across our country, including oil fields and minesChina has purchased a retail deposit bank chain in the United States.  China just purchased the AMC Cinema Chain establishing a foothold for their propaganda in the movie industry.  And now the Chinese government is buying treasury notes directly from the US treasury.  No other foreign government has ever done this in the history of our nation.
Continue reading “Chinese Conquest of the USA”

The Ninth Circuit Judicial will be holding a conference August 13th through August 16th of 2012 in Maui, Hawaii.  This lavish get together will cost the US taxpayer half a million dollars.  And why should we complain, as every few months we send Obama and his family on a vacation to Hawaii to the tune of $7 million?

Everyone does realize that, at least in theory, these judges and presidents are supposed to be the people’s employees.  In what business in the private sector do the employees ride around in limousines and jet set around the world while the stock holders live in squalor and deprivation?
Continue reading “Ninth Circuit Judicial Hawaiian Extravaganza”

Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng arrived in the United States Saturday night in Newark, N.J., and was ferried to an apartment at New York University, where he will be a fellow at the School of Law.  You see the American dream is still alive and well, at least for a Chinese national.

There are at present thousands of US nationals living in tent cities.  These people are educated.  They worked and paid into this corrupt system all their lives and now they are discarded like garbage as a Chinaman is handed everything the US has to offer on a silver platter.
Continue reading “The US Embraces the Invader”

Chicago Police, wearing UN powder blue helmets and riot gear, treated brutally with the protesters who had come out to picket the NATO Summit.  Footage coming out of the city showed these Nazis clubbing unarmed citizens, whom they had determined would be barred from the part of their city where the international elite had gathered to plan for another year of death and destruction throughout the world.

This is National Socialism in its ugliest form.  The people who own the streets of Chicago are beaten down like animals by those deceptively referred to as public servants.
Continue reading “United Nations Chicago Police”

I heard it for the first time last week from one of the neo-con national socialists.  “We are going to have to get used to eating beans and rice for a while.”  Of course the elitist that uttered these words has never known a hard day in his life and when he says “we” he means you and me, the middle class and poor.

Yesterday I heard another utterance that caused me concern,  “We are all going to have to pay higher taxes, especially that 50% that pay none”, of course again meaning the middle class and those working poor who are living so far beneath the poverty level that they are exempt from income tax.
Continue reading “They’re Asking Us to Tighten our Belts a Little More”

The propaganda machine, in a desperate attempt to regain some small measure of credibility, employed an interesting technique this week, Jeopardy! Power Players.  All this week the number one game show in the United States featured contestants drawn from the ranks of the mainstream propagandists.  This little blitz was carefully orchestrated with clips of the Jeopardy! contest appearing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX.

These propagandists are being billed by Jeopardy! literally as those who shape the thinking of the American public and every effort was made to portray them as intellectuals.  However the questions for the contest were at a high school level and even at that, many of the contestants, like Chris Matthews, embarrassed themselves as their lack of any real intelligence became undeniable.
Continue reading “Power Players in Jeopardy!”

Facebook went public today.  Through this move the value of the company will go to around $100 billion.  Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, at the ripe old age of 28, has amassed $17.5 billion and a thousand more millionaires are to be made.  One fellow will get $100 million for creating the mural for Facebook.

So where did all this wealth come from?  Those trying to justify this gross enrichment of a handful of preselected future ultra elitists, would credit advertising.  Well that is not quite true.  This is what really happened.
Continue reading “The Great Facebook Con”

As Facebook goes public, one of its cofounders, Eduardo Saverin, will be renouncing his citizenship and leaving the United States to avoid paying taxes on the billions he will make.  This is the way of things.  The United States has been reduced to a whore to be used and then tossed aside.

The American taxpayer pays for the development of technologies that are handed over to a select few, who are then allowed to capitalize.  Saverin was evidently a Swiss citizen all along.  He just came to the United States to take his share of our country and leave.
Continue reading “Marco Rubio Defends Facebook’s Eduardo Saverin”

The treasonous sleazebags at Google are removing From the Trenches articles from the searches.  We know Google’s start up was funded by the CIA and that Google works hand in hand with that agency to spy on we the people and to suppress information that shows the international socialist insurgency for the reality it is.  The people who own Google and operate it are nothing but Zionist lapdogs.  They serve Benjamin Netanyahu, the King of Israel and are protected by the traitors within our own government.

Unless you can employ a law firm, you cannot even so much as complain about Google’s actions, hence they are above any of the laws of we the American people.  Hell, you cannot even write an email to Google.  What other business in the United States is so protected that you cannot even file an administrative complaint with the agency that regulates it?
Continue reading “Google Crime Syndicate Censoring the Web for the International Corporate Mafia”