The propaganda machine launched the lie of 8.3% unemployment on the first of the month.  As stated in yesterday’s article it is the way of the propaganda campaign to support a lie through various forms of disinformation from a hundred different angles.  You will have noticed that the main lie of the drop in unemployment has kind of magically disappeared for the moment, and again, this is a part of the strategy.

As the supporting lies are revealed we will report them to you so that we the people can use our media, the internet, to shove the elites’ lies right back in their faces.

The first angle the propagandists have taken is in reference to income discrepancy.  Again, this is an attempt to create an illusion wherein the wealth is not being further transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich.
Continue reading “Mainstream Reports Economy Getting Better – Lie”

Unemployment has dropped to 8.3%.  Unemployment has dropped to 8.3%.  Unemployment has dropped to 8.3%.  Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes the truth.  The economy is improving.  Iran is our enemy.  Israel is our friend.  And Ron Paul cannot be elected president of the United States.  These are not just repetitive lies, this is propaganda being forced and reinforced from a hundred different angles, right down to the cops beating our people in the streets.

We have seen 23 months of steady job creation.  This is the latest lie being perpetuated.  Do the elitists think that the poor and middle class have no memories, or is it that in putting drugs in our water and food they believe they have reduced our memory span to two weeks?  I believe most can remember the last three years quite well as they have been hard years, and for those at the bottom, a living hell.
Continue reading “Unemployment Numbers Falling and the Repetitive Lie”

Once again the international elite have shown their complete contempt for the American people of the American race as the elitist candidate Mitt Romney is portrayed as winning Nevada’s GOP Caucus, in spite of the fact that this contention defies logic and reality right down to the ground.  If we are to believe the results of this fraudulent election we would have to believe that a majority of the 99% are voting for Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

Mitt Romney was CEO of Bain Capital and it is undisputed that he has actively participated in dismantling US factories and moving them overseas for profit.  It is also undeniable that Romney has offshore accounts which are being used to further destroy our economy and move our jobs out of our country.
Continue reading “Nevada Caucus Status Quo Election Fraud”

“Don’t get excited about the headlines when there is no substance behind them.”  Amilya Antonetti made this statement on an interview with FOX Business’s Cavuto Friday.  Ms. Antonetti, a business mentor, said she had just come in off the road.  The essence of her position was that the reporting in the mainstream is not matching the reality on the streets in reference to this so called recovery, which like all the other so called recoveries before it, is an out and out fraud.

Cavuto, when trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth at once, admitted that the way the unemployment rate is calculated has been changed and that that is why the number went down, not because of any improvements in the economy or the jobs market.
Continue reading “US Unemployed Given Fraudulent Numbers in Lieu of Job”

The people of Nevada and Maine are stepping up to the plate, bending over, and preparing to be disenfranchised right up their backsides through the soviet style voter fraud.  Nevada has a 12.6% unemployment rate and Maine has a 7% rate.  I would have to think that the people in Nevada are well awake to the fact that not only is there no recovery, but we are in fact falling deeper into depression every day.

The mainstream propagandists have decided to continue to lie the unemployment rate down, even pointing out in their own reports that they have used a different denominator in making their calculations.
Continue reading “GOP Caucuses Convene in Nevada and Maine”

New filings for unemployment benefits came in at 367,000 and the propagandists are hailing this pathetic number as a sign that the job market is slowly healing.  Everyone out there does realize that these unemployment numbers are now being seasonally adjusted.

Personally I would like to know just how that works.  The number is supposed to represent those individuals who lost their jobs, came into the unemployment office, and filed for benefits in a single week.  So how in the hell do you seasonally adjust this number?
Continue reading “New Jobless Claims come in at 367,000 for the Week”

For the past fifty years the international corporate mafia has been using race, gender, age, class status, and religion to divide the American people in order to position themselves to inflict tyranny upon us all.  Today Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, standing at the podium, was telling us how he was down on his knees talking to God.  And apparently God agrees with Obama’s policies.  I guess God must be a registered Democrat.

It is interesting to observe how the politicians get religion every few years when coming up on an election.  Of course on the other side you have Newt Gingrich saying that Obama has launched a war on religion in the United States.  Newt Gingrich, now there’s an example of a righteous man.
Continue reading “Presidential Candidates Weigh in on Religion and Morality”