Yahoo News – by Oliver Knox

The United States restated Tuesday that it means to drive Bashar Assad from power in Syria, but denied it would use potential U.S.-led military strikes in response to his forces’ alleged chemical weapons attack to do so.

“I want to make clear that the options that we are considering are not about regime change,” White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters at his daily briefing. “They are about responding to clear violation of an international standard that prohibits the use of chemical weapons.”   Continue reading “U.S.: Not trying to take out Assad with Syria response”

Prophesies of the End Times

Later this year, Comet ISON will pass through the asteroid belt, enter the Inner Solar System and sidestep Mars on its way past Earth, putting on what scientists expect will be a spectacular heavenly show that is not to be missed.

Comets offer one of the most spectacular celestial scenes the unaided human eye can see. By November or December, ISON is expected to be brighter than a full moon. Some believe it will be up to 15 times brighter.   Continue reading “Comet ISON..Harbinger?”

Business Insider – by Jim Edwards

It’s not news that Time magazine uses different covers for its different regional editions, but it’s only when you gather them all together — so you can see what Europe and Asia read in Time compared to what Americans read in Time — that it becomes clear how insular the U.S. edition of Time is.

If you live abroad, the current edition of Time features a dramatic picture of an Arab rebel wearing a gas mask under the headline “Revolution Redux.” In America, we got “Why anxiety is good for you”:   Continue reading “These Time Magazine Covers Explain Why Americans Know Nothing About The World”

GREENSBORO, NC - Overpasses For Obama's Impeachment protest goes well nationwide with a rather large turnout. (Photo: Reader submitted/ IntelliHub – by Andrew Freeman

A group of activists were arrested while conducting a peaceful protest on an overpass.

One of the activists arrested made the following post to their YouTube channel:

Two patriots are arrested for not obeying an officer and one was also charged with resisting arrest. Did he resist arrest? You be the judge. Oh, and one more thing, they never read us our Miranda Rights. We spent 24 hours in the St. Charles Count Jail with Missouri Hwy Trooper Jenkins acting as judge, jury and executioner.   Continue reading “Activists Arrested in Peaceful “Overpasses For Obama’s Impeachment” Protest”

Ohio Man Orders Empty Gun Safe, Finds 300 Pounds of Pot Inside (ABC News)Yahoo News – by Kami Dimitrova | ABC News Blogs

An Ohio man expected the gun safe he ordered online to be empty, police said.

But instead, he found $425,000-worth of tightly wrapped marijuana bricks inside.

“I’ve been in law enforcement for 47 years and I’ve never seen anything like this,” Shelby County, Ohio, Sheriff John L. Lenhartsaid. “It’s quite effective if you think about it: wrapped airtight to withstand high temperatures. Drug-sniffing dogs probably couldn’t smell it.”   Continue reading “Ohio Man Orders Empty Gun Safe, Finds 300 Pounds of Pot Inside”

After trying to apply for a customer service job at eBay in my area and reading their privacy policy, I have to wonder, which part is private? Needless to say, I didn’t apply to them after reading this and even though I have never done business with them, I will most certainly never do business with them in the future as well.

I urge others to read eBay’s privacy policy and tell me exactly which part is private? My thoughts on each of the subject headings are highlighted in bold underneath the paragraphs.   Continue reading “eBay’s Privacy Policy is actually Public Policy”

APD_2_20130208183514_JPGTo my Austin, friends. Giving you all a head’s up on this. Be careful in your neighborhood.


AUSTIN (KXAN) – Austin police are investigating a series of armed robberies that happened late Friday into the early morning hours Saturday.

APD said three armed men in their late teens or early 20s robbed people at eight locations across the city. The robberies all happened in parking lots — most of them at apartment complexes.   Continue reading “Heads up. 8 robberies in 8 hours in Austin”

C-Net – by Chris Matyszczyk

A politician’s life often seems rather pleasant.

Yes, people tend to abuse you to your face. But there are hidden perks that surely make you feel a little like Nero, before Rome caught fire.   Continue reading “Guess who doesn’t get radar tickets in Colorado? Politicians”

USA Today – by Bobby Carmichael

A BP (BP) refinery in Indiana will be allowed to continue to dump mercury into Lake Michigan under a permit issued by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

The permit exempts the BP plant at Whiting, Ind., 3 miles southeast of Chicago, from a 1995 federal regulation limiting mercury discharges into the Great Lakes to 1.3 ounces per year.

The BP plant reported releasing 3 pounds of mercury through surface water discharges each year from 2002 to 2005, according to the Toxics Release Inventory, a database on pollution emissions kept by the Environmental Protection Agency that is based on information reported by companies.   Continue reading “BP gets OK to dump mercury into Lake Michigan”

Journal Sentinel – by John Diedrich

The ATF has settled a claim from the landlord of the building where the agency ran a troubled undercover sting in Milwaukee last year, leaving behind broken doors and walls, unpaid utility bills and damaged carpeting from an overflowing toilet.

The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives closed its phony store, called Fearless Distributing, in October after an agent’s guns, including an automatic machine gun, were stolen from his vehicle. Then, the storefront was burglarized of $40,000 in merchandise. The stolen machine gun remains missing.

The landlord, David Salkin, asked the ATF to pay to cover damage to the building and unpaid utility bills. ATF supervisors in Milwaukee and regional headquarters in St. Paul refused.   Continue reading “ATF settles with landlord after flawed sting”

Hey everyone, great news! The economy is back on track and unemployment is declining at a rapid rate. There are so many jobs available!

Just come in to one of our many stores and we’ll explain all the details and then you can apply online and submit your application to a person in another state who doesn’t even know what you look like, let alone that you even exist. It’s that easy!   Continue reading “Now Hiring! Apply Within….Online”

Imagine the U.S. with so much crime and so much hatred that in order to reduce the crime rate to 1%, the government allowed the people one night every year to purge their anger and frustrations by making it legal to kill, massacre and torture anyone they want and get away with it.

Imagine during that time, no emergency services such as police, medical or fire departments would be running and basically your country is in a state of total anarchy and you are on your own, in hopes that anyone you had pissed off in the past year will not come and kill you.   Continue reading “Imagine the Purge”

Yahoo News

BEIJING (AP) — An American boss detained nearly a week by his company’s Chinese workers left the Beijing factory Thursday after he and a labor representative said the two sides reached agreement in a pay dispute.

Chip Starnes, who said he was “saddened” by the experience, told The Associated Press a deal was reached overnight to pay the scores of workers who had demanded severance packages similar to ones given to laid-off co-workers in a phased-out division, even though the company said the remaining workers weren’t being laid off.   Continue reading “US boss held in China leaves plant after payout”

Iceland european unionIce News

Iceland has withdrawn its bid to join the European Union, announced its foreign minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson.

Three weeks after being installed in his position by the newly elected Icelandic government, the foreign minister said that “this is how democracy works”. He explained that the new coalition government in Iceland was against the idea of joining the EU at present.   Continue reading “Iceland opts out of joining EU”

F35David Duke

The Israeli Air force will be one of the first in the world to be given the very latest Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jet fighter—even before the aircraft becomes fully operational in the US Air Force.

In addition, the $2.75 billion price tag of the F35 shipment to Israel, is less than the annual aid subsidy of more than $3 billion, not including the recent special military budget allocated to the Zionist state.   Continue reading “Israel “First” to get New Generation F35 Jetfighter: Paid for by American Taxpayers”