We all know it’s coming and for some of us, it’s already here. Gun confiscations and invasions into our homes will happen and to deny it is like an ostrich putting its head in a hole in hopes of hiding from it.

I have taken some time to compile some excerpts from the book, Total Resistance: Swiss Army Guide to Guerrilla Warfare and Underground Operations by Major H. von Dach Bern in order to explain just one of the ways they will come and how to be on the lookout and prepare for it and, through careful analysis of it, possibly find your own way to counter it.  Continue reading “How They Will Disarm Us and Search Our Homes”

President Obama speaks in Boston on October 30 about the Affordable Care Act (AP)Yahoo News – by Eric Pfeiffer

President Obama said in an interview on Thursday that he’s sorry a number of Americans are being forced to change their health care plans despite previous assurances that the Affordable Care Act would allow them to keep their existing plans.

“I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,” Obama told Chuck Todd during an interview with NBC News at the White House.   Continue reading “President Obama says he’s sorry for Americans losing insurance plans”

What has our country become?

People are battling to be the next ones on Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil type talk shows or are competing to be on “The Biggest Loser” (which has a double meaning). Our children are idolizing people like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, the Kardashians, Tim Tebow or people who don’t even know themselves, let alone give a damn whether you are alive or not as long as you pay lip-service to them. Teenagers and young adults are humiliating themselves on reality shows like “Fear Factor”, “The Apprentice” or “Beauty and the Geek”.

All of these idiotic shows brought on by Hollywood and the MSM via the idiotbox, encourage Americans to come up and make fools out of themselves by demoralizing and degrading their self-worth, individuality and humanity in front of the whole country, if not the world.   Continue reading “What Happened to God’s Country?”

There are those who say, “The Revolution will not be televised”. If I had a coin for every time I’ve heard that saying, I’d probably have my own private security force and my own MSM communications company setup already.

Too often we are made to think that the revolution will not be televised. It’s almost becoming a psychological deterrent that is holding us back from doing what needs to be done. We must hop over this stumbling block and face the MSM head on.   Continue reading “It’s Time to Knockout the MSM and Broadcast the Revolutionary Spirit on the Airwaves!”

KWA, April 4, 2012

What is a False Flag Operation?

A false flag operation is any procedure, which is carried out by one organization, but designed to appear as though it was orchestrated by another entity. The term “false flag” comes from the days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy and then attack a ship in its own fleet. These operations often precede war and are sometimes employed to provoke enemy retaliation. They occur in the context of war, terrorism, politics, the corporate world, and religious ideology.   Continue reading “When Drills Go Live: How to recognize the signs of False Flag Terrorism (Operations)”

When the war with Syria failed miserably and all the escalated rhetoric for a global war came to a direct halt, people believed that our leaders listened and caved in to the demands of We the People. We thought we had the power to finally push back these elitists who have manipulated us all this time. While it may seem that we did just that, was it just another part of the elitists plan? Was it both a distraction and intentionally done in order to make the U.S. out to be the enemy and to turn the U.N. and the entire world against the U.S.?

If so, it would symbolize the dramatic shift from military warfare to social warfare. All the elites have done so far and are continuing to do is implement a social change rather than a military change, as social control rather than military dominance seems to be the key here.   Continue reading “Was the Attempted War with Syria Meant to Fail in Order to Shift the Entire World Against the U.S.?”

As Obama recently finished his dictatorial orders on the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, I was given this piece of paper today by my supervisor at work. He stated that it was required by law that every company makes sure that all employees signed a statement saying that they received a copy of this to show what healthcare options we had and that these are what the company can offer us. (Sounds like Mommy government spoon-feeding me)

Requiring me to sign a statement saying that I have received a copy? What’s next? The government telling companies to make me sign a statement to make sure I received a copy on appropriate work attire aka dress code and what my options are? Seriously?   Continue reading “Obamacare already trying to be Pushed through at the Workplace, Yet No One Wants It”

windows 8 location dataAdesso

For some people, the fact that mobile applications gather location data and use it to provide services is an intolerable violation of their privacy. For others, it doesn’t really matter as long as their mobile device can direct them to a nearby Starbucks. So what will change in regards to location data with Windows 8?   Continue reading “Location Data Collection & Windows 8: Friend or Foe?”

Proof that Windows 7 and 8 both have one giant homing beacon/NSA backdoor in them.

Remember: Turning the feature off doesn’t necessarily mean it is off. It’s just like your webcam. NSA can easily turn it back on without you knowing.

Trish Tech

The Windows Location Provider feature in Windows allows applications to find your geographical location. This feature can make use of GPS hardware in your computer directly or it can make use of IP address resolution, Wi-Fi or cellphone tower triangulation methods to locate you geographically. Continue reading “Turn off Windows Location Provider in Windows 8”

Recently, I have been shopping for a new computer and have been looking for any computer that does not have Windows 8, as I am an American and I FREELY CHOOSE to NOT want that operating system on my computer. I am fully aware of all of the bugs in the new operating system, including the fact that Microsoft has a default setting in their system that allows the NSA to go in, view and copy any information on your computer to be used against you WITHOUT your explicit authorization and going against any or all privacy laws.

Microsoft’s basically uses the pathetic excuse, “Well, we already had the default setting checked in order to prevent us from giving any information to the government before and no one knew about it in our earlier operating systems, so we are just going to leave that default unchecked and the user can have the option to check it if they want.”   Continue reading “Microsoft Forcing People To Accept Windows 8 and NSA’s Prism Technology”

It seems like every time there is a natural disaster happening in the U.S., coverage was blacked out and FEMA shows up a week late and a few water bottles short of a happy meal. Supply lines get cut off, people’s homes get invaded, guns confiscated, and no MSM coverage is available anywhere until weeks later.

This time it is happening in Colorado, where floods have swamped neighborhoods and disrupted their way of life and to make matters worse, there’s even cases of fracking involved and that toxic chemicals have been released during the crisis. (See here, here,  and here) In addition, people have even sent in pictures and video footage to the MSM, who have all but been mute on the subject, as if they have stand down orders from the government itself until FEMA arrives.   Continue reading “Belated FEMA: Rescuing People Through Fear”

foodNatural News- by Thomas Henry

As economic recovery continues to prove dismal if not illusory, American families are signing up for food stamps in record numbers, showing signs that poverty is increasing and the job market is far from recovering.

According to official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) numbers, households on food stamps increased by 45,900 in one month, hitting a staggering new high in June of 23.117 million households, with an additional 125,079 individuals signing up for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, a near-record 47.76 million people that is just below the December 2012 peak of 47.79 million.   Continue reading “Almost 50 million Americans now on food stamps as nation plunges into widespread poverty”

Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations, speaks to the media after attending a briefing in the Security Council on the weapons inspectors report on chemical weapons in Syria September 16, 2013 at UN headquarters in New York. (AFP Photo/Stan Honda)RT News

Russia’s UN representative says the newly unveiled report on the chemical attack of August 21 in Syria offers no “bulletproof data or conclusions” on who ordered it. The US and UK say the study confirms the regime was behind the attack.

The report is diligent but very technical. It avoids categorical judgments and inferences, and it needs to be studied,” Vitaly Churkin told the Russian media at the UN headquarters in New York.    Continue reading “Russia: UN chem attack report doesn’t show whodunit”

The Hill – by Carlo Muñoz

President Obama has waved federal regulations on U.S. arms sales to begin supplying anti-chemical weapons equipment to rebel forces in Syria.

“This action will allow the U.S. Government to provide . . . where appropriate, certain non-lethal assistance inside or related to Syria,” related to equipment needed to survive a chemical weapons attack, according to a National Security Council Spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden.    Continue reading “White House waives arms export rules for Syrian rebels”

GTY 164276692_001USA Today – by David Jackson

With Syria’s chemical weapons now the subject of negotiations, attention is shifting back to questions about Iran’s nuclear program.

Officials in Israel say Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Obama in Washington on Sept. 30, with Iran at the top of the agenda.   Continue reading “Netanyahu to meet Obama on Iran”

The Resistanct Journals – by Andrew Pontbriand

In recent weeks, there have been numerous bomb scares, and improvised explosive devices found across Staten Island. None of the bombs appeared to be operational.  A number of inoperable devices that included clocks, wires, and plastic bottles were left out on the street, as the NYPD Bomb squad has been busy investigating their origin.

The most recent discovery was made by Staten Island Sanitation workers. They discovered a black backpack on Duncan Road, which had in it what appeared to be an IED (improvised explosive device).   Continue reading “Fake Bombs Have Staten Island on Alert”

As we are nearing WWIII, and the rhetoric with Syria is swiftly changing, we are now starting to see the shift in the all-out destruction of America, coming into existence. Obama has played his orchestrated part in the separatist movement and now it is time for the UN, headed by puppet Putin, to emerge as the true government in this conflict.

Policies are being put into place to insure that Americans and patriots alike do not get a chance to fight back or put a halt in the elite’s ongoing plans. The elite have issued their directive and we can either accept their New World Order or be considered a separatist/terrorist and be rounded up and slaughtered like cattle.   Continue reading “The Genocide of Americans Begins”

img/photos/2013/09/15/Charlotte_Police_Shoo_Fisa.jpgYahoo News – by  Dylan Stableford

A North Carolina police officer was charged with voluntary manslaughter on Saturday after police say he fatally shot an unarmed man who had apparently just survived a car crash in Charlotte and was looking for help.

The victim, Jonathan Ferrell, a 24-year-old former Florida A&M University football player, was shot multiple times and pronounced dead at the scene early Saturday morning.   Continue reading “Police officer charged in fatal shooting of unarmed man who had just survived car accident”

Activist Post – by Tony Cartalucci

In Reuters’ “Syrian Rebels Slam U.S.-Russia Deal, Say Assad Is Moving Chemical Weapons To Lebanon And Iraq,” Qassim Saadeddine of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” rejected the recent Syrian-Russian proposal to turn over Syria’s chemical weapons for independent verification and destruction, vowing to block UN inspectors should they enter Syria to carry out the task.    Continue reading “Syria’s “Rebels” Threaten UN – Will Use US Weapons”

With police in Illinois and Indiana stopping people for a just a glance or for walking down the same street as a criminal once did or even if you are taking a trip through Tennessee on Labor Day weekend and being forced to extract and donate your blood to the government, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the police are out of control in this country. From shooting dogs, old people and veterans to raiding homes without a warrant and beating people to death before realizing that they had the wrong house (sometimes even with a warrant), these acts of excessive force makes you wonder why more people aren’t rioting or declaring war on the police.   Continue reading “Police State Amerika Continues While Some People Are Still Left In Denial”