Hey everyone, great news! The economy is back on track and unemployment is declining at a rapid rate. There are so many jobs available!

Just come in to one of our many stores and we’ll explain all the details and then you can apply online and submit your application to a person in another state who doesn’t even know what you look like, let alone that you even exist. It’s that easy!   Continue reading “Now Hiring! Apply Within….Online”

Imagine the U.S. with so much crime and so much hatred that in order to reduce the crime rate to 1%, the government allowed the people one night every year to purge their anger and frustrations by making it legal to kill, massacre and torture anyone they want and get away with it.

Imagine during that time, no emergency services such as police, medical or fire departments would be running and basically your country is in a state of total anarchy and you are on your own, in hopes that anyone you had pissed off in the past year will not come and kill you.   Continue reading “Imagine the Purge”

Yahoo News

BEIJING (AP) — An American boss detained nearly a week by his company’s Chinese workers left the Beijing factory Thursday after he and a labor representative said the two sides reached agreement in a pay dispute.

Chip Starnes, who said he was “saddened” by the experience, told The Associated Press a deal was reached overnight to pay the scores of workers who had demanded severance packages similar to ones given to laid-off co-workers in a phased-out division, even though the company said the remaining workers weren’t being laid off.   Continue reading “US boss held in China leaves plant after payout”

Iceland european unionIce News

Iceland has withdrawn its bid to join the European Union, announced its foreign minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson.

Three weeks after being installed in his position by the newly elected Icelandic government, the foreign minister said that “this is how democracy works”. He explained that the new coalition government in Iceland was against the idea of joining the EU at present.   Continue reading “Iceland opts out of joining EU”

F35David Duke

The Israeli Air force will be one of the first in the world to be given the very latest Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jet fighter—even before the aircraft becomes fully operational in the US Air Force.

In addition, the $2.75 billion price tag of the F35 shipment to Israel, is less than the annual aid subsidy of more than $3 billion, not including the recent special military budget allocated to the Zionist state.   Continue reading “Israel “First” to get New Generation F35 Jetfighter: Paid for by American Taxpayers”

Informed Comment – by Juan Cole

The US government charged Edward Snowden with theft of government property and espionage on Friday.

Snowden hasn’t to our knowledge committed treason in any ordinary sense of the term. He hasn’t handed over government secrets to a foreign government.

His leaks are being considered a form of domestic spying. He is the 7th leaker to be so charged by the Obama administration. All previous presidents together only used the charge 3 times.   Continue reading “So When will Dick Cheney be charged with Espionage? His Crime was the Same as Snowden’s”

War is a Crime – by Francis A. Boyle

I have now had the chance to read Obama’s Report on Nuclear Employment Strategy of the United States, that just came out on Friday, June 21, 2013.  The critical passage can be found on page 5:

“The 2010 Nuclear Posture Review established the Administration’s goal to set conditions that would allow the United States to safely adopt a policy of making deterrence of nuclear attack the sole purpose of U.S. nuclear weapons. Although we cannot  adopt such a policy today, the new guidance re-iterates the intention to work towards that goal over time.”   Continue reading “Obama Backs First-Strike Nuclear War as U.S. Policy”

Washington’s Blog

Unless You Know About This Spying Method, You Might Say Something Which Could Get You In Hot Water

Given that the NSA is tapping into your phone calls and spying on your Internet activities, you might have switched to a search engine which is more privacy-conscious.   Continue reading “The SINGLE Most Important Step to Protect Yourself from Government Spying”

ImageLas Vegas Sun – by Alan Fram

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service’s screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer than has been previously disclosed, the new head of the agency acknowledged Monday. Terms including “Israel,” ”Progressive” and “Occupy” were used by agency workers to help pick groups for closer examination, according to an internal IRS document obtained by the Associated Press.   Continue reading “Documents show IRS also screened liberal groups”

NSA Black PaperSovereign Man – by Simon Black

On March 10, 1975, a group of US diplomatic and national security officials gathered at the office of the Turkish foreign minister’s office in Ankara. Henry Kissinger was among them.

The discussion turned to foreign aid and supply of parts for military equipment, at which point Kissinger (Secretary of State at the time) suggested something that violated the law.   Continue reading “How to give the NSA the finger”


Police in northeast Charlotte say they were forced to shoot a teenager in a gang-related undercover drug operation. The teen has since died.

[…] Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Chief Rodney Monroe says the shooting involved a marijuana drug deal between an undercover officer, informant and two teenage suspects.   Continue reading “Charlotte, NC police shoot, kill 17-year-old in botched marijuana sting”

NYPD (Photo: Randall Thomas)IntelliHub

According to the video evidence an “incompetent” police officer approached the camera wielding citizen Thomas, telling him, “You are making a lot of people uncomfortable… I got another 8 hours, I’ll follow you all around town. That’s not a crime”.   Continue reading “Photographer Arrested by NYPD for Taking Pictures”

Investment Watchblog

FBI Agents Have Fatally Shot 70 ‘Subjects’ In The Past 20 Years And Deemed Every Single Incident Justified

A month after the shooting death of Ibragim Todashev during an FBI interrogation about his connection to the Boston bombing suspects, we still don’t have a clear narrative of what happened.   Continue reading “FBI Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings and Justified Having Fatally Shot 70 ‘Subjects’ In The Past 20 Years”

Police incident involving Dante Harrell, Shannon RobinsonNews Forage

A frantic 911 call is shedding light on a police mistake that turned a lunch date into a showdown with officers.

A judge recently ruled that the ugly incident in March 2010 in City Heights was sparked by an illegal action by police.

In the 911 call, which is part of court filings, Shannon Robinson is heard talking to a 911 operator. She placed the call from inside a parked Pontiac Sunfire as she sat with her fiancé Dante Harrell and a friend.   Continue reading “911 Call Captures Escalation of Traffic Stop Based on Cop’s Mistake. Motorist Eventually Gets Pepper Sprayed and Repeatedly Tasered”

Philadelphia Closes 23 Schools, Lays Off Thousands, Builds Huge PrisonThe Gawker – by MAX RIVLIN-NADLER

Philadelphia laid off thousands of school employees last week after the state of Pennsylvania continued its austerity measures against public schools. And while the state is essentially destroying Philadelphia public schools through under-funding (claiming budgetary concerns), it somehow found enough money to build a $400 million prison just outside of the city.   Continue reading “Philadelphia Closes 23 Schools, Lays Off Thousands, Builds Huge Prison”

article imageOpposing Views – by Sarah Rae Fruchtnicht

A Virginia school board is changing its weapons policy after two 7-year-old students were suspended for pretending their pencils were guns.

The two boys attend Driver Elementary School in Suffolk. They were suspended for pointing pencils at each other and making shooting noises. Second grader, Christopher Marshall, whose father is a former marine, told his mother they were “pretending they were in the military.”   Continue reading “School Board Changes Weapons Policy After Suspending Second-Graders For Pretending Their Pencils Were Guns”

NSABusiness Insider

The National Security Agency (NSA) is in the information harvesting business — and business is booming.

That’s why the nation’s premier covert intelligence gathering organization has been building a million square-foot data mining complex in Bluffdale, Utah, that will house a 100,000 square foot “mission critical data center.”   Continue reading “Here’s The $2 Billion Facility Where The NSA Will Store And Analyze Your Communications”

images-2Daily Censored – by Stephan Lendman

He’s Obama’s FBI director choice. He’ll replace current rogue head Robert Mueller. In September, he’ll step down.

He’s run the agency since September 4, 2001. He succeeded acting head Thomas Pickering. He assumed office days before 9/11.   Continue reading “New FBI Head James Comey: Police State America is “In Good Hands””