Sipsey Street Irregulars

You definitely should not do this . . . (Fill out multiples of the NY State Police Assault Weapons(s) Registration with the names and addresses of gun grabbers.)

Do you know what happens when a wooden shoe is stuck in the mechanism of a windmill? It grinds to a halt. (It’s a Dutch invention, I’m proud to say.)   Continue reading “Defy. Resist. Evade. Smuggle. SABOTAGE.” North Carolina – by Dr. Michael Hill

The proper response to tyranny is to oppose it with every resource at your command. After all, its design is to destroy you. But if you’re an average Southerner with a job and family, how do you oppose tyranny? That’s what we will explore. But first, let me give you an inspiring example of opposing tyranny when you are young and free of the responsibilities of job and family.   Continue reading “The Proper Response to Tyranny”

Crossroad KJos Ministries

“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent in the way the radical Right believes the Communist act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups [called the CFR in the USA], has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I…was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records.” [Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p.950]   Continue reading “The Financial Tyranny of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)”

Retrofitting Civilian Vehicles with Ballistics Armor to Survive Firefights and IED BlastsUS Crow

In light of the recent Boston Marathon Bombing our contributors have been tasked to develop terrorism counter-measures. Fortunately our readers know strategic survival and tactical operating skills is kind of our thing. In this portion of the CMF online survival manual we will outline some parameters civilians and militia members can take to retrofit their vehicles with ballistics armor.   Continue reading “Retrofitting Civilian Vehicles with Ballistics Armor for Combat and IED Survival”

Disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light-Armored VehiclesUS Crow – by CMF Contributor

As of 2013, constitutional Americans have witnessed an increase in hostile posturing by the federal government. These hostile actions were clearly outlined by the CMF Website Administrator in the article ‘The American Government continues to target Preppers’. One of the most notable actions outlined in this article was the purchase of 2,700 MRAP Light Armored Vehicles by the Department of Homeland Security. A purchase warranted as unnecessary and irrational by seasoned military and police personnel. This single purchase of MRAPs is understandably unnerving for those in the survival community.   Continue reading “How to disable MRAP Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Light Armored Vehicles”

Gecko45 and his pals prepare for war.Bob Owens

It was absurd that a city of millions shutdown, and a cowardly people surrendered their basic rights and human dignity, because of the threat of one young terrorist.

Now it seems that the same thuggish Boston Police Department that ran roughshod over the rights of it’s law abiding citizens, forcing them from their homes at gun point and aiming machine guns at people who dared film their abuse, has been caught blatantly lying about the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev:   Continue reading “Did the Boston PD lie about the “hour-long firefight” with Boston terror suspect?”

Senator Infoe 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Congressman Frank Lucas (R-OK-3) today introduced in their respective chambers the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability (AMMO) Act of 2013. The legislation would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a report on the purchasing of ammunition by federal agencies, except the Department of Defense, and its effect on the supply of ammunition available to the public. The AMMO Act would restrict agencies from obtaining additional ammunition for a six-month period if current agency stockpiles are higher than its monthly averages prior to the Obama Administration.     Continue reading “Inhofe, Lucas Introduce Bill Limiting Federal Agencies From Stockpiling Ammunition”

Ludwig von Mises Institute – by Andrei Znamenski

Imagine a country that has a corrupt authoritarian government. In that country no one knows about checks and balances or an independent court system. Private property is not recognized in that country either. Neither can one buy or sell land. And businesses are reluctant to bring investments into this country. Those who have jobs usually work for the public sector. Those who don’t have jobs subsist on entitlements that provide basic food. At the same time, this country sports a free health care system and free access to education. Can you guess what country it is? It could be the former Soviet Union, Cuba, or any other socialist country of the past.   Continue reading “Native American Reservations: “Socialist Archipelago””

Activist Post – by Andrew Puhanic

An exciting and new water treatment breakthrough has been announced that will now make the removal of fluoride from the drinking water supplies of the world’s poorest people more affordable than ever.

Researchers from Rajasthan University in India have discovered that the Tulsi plant, also known as Holy Basil, can be used to significantly reduce the amount of fluoride in drinking water.   Continue reading “Researchers Discover That The Tulsi Plant Can Be Used To Remove Fluoride From Drinking Water”

Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan

Canada’s Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has targeted rare heritage sheep at Wholearth Farmstudio owned by Montana Jones for years now. Shropshire sheep are among the rarest – and CIFA could aid in their extinction with their recent eradication efforts over unfounded fears of a sickness called scrapie.

They killed her pregnant ewes to find out if they were healthy. ???? Worse yet, after a house raid, CIFA is convicting her and others in the same boat like Michael Schmidt for conspiracy among other criminal offenses. She faces 12 years in jail and $1.5 million in fines!   Continue reading “Farmed and Dangerous – CFIA Destroys a Shepherd’s Life and Her Rare Sheep”

Video Shows Link Between SPLC and Attack on Family GroupThe New American – by Dave Bohon

As prosecutors seek a lengthy prison term for Floyd Lee Corkins, the man who pled guilty to terrorism and armed assault in an August 15 attack on the Washington, D.C., office of the Family Research Council (FRC), the conservative Christian, pro-family FRC has released a video with clips that shows Corkins shooting building manager Leo Johnson in the aborted assault — and later telling FBI agents that information he gleaned from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) website inspired the attack.   Continue reading “Video Shows Link Between SPLC and Attack on Family Group”

The New Boston Tea Party

Having just learned of the battle at Lexington and Concord, Captain Benedict Arnold and the Governor’s 2nd Company Foot guard demand the powder house key to obtain gun powder and shot before marching off to help their fellow Patriots in the AmericanRevolution.

Those Great Americans of days gone by would never believe that we have now come full circle. We the Patriots of today demand no less that the government throw down their weapons of mass destruction.  We beg them not to force our offensive to move into the battle ground stage.  We will not compromise our God given rights, we must live as free men/women or die for the cause. Tyranny again prevails in the land of the free. This time the government does not dictate from a far, but resides on our soil. Traitors to the Constitution must be held accountable for their deeds.   Continue reading “Our Demands Are No Less”

Jerry BrownFreedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

California inched closer to passing a gun confiscation bill last week. The bill returns to the Senate for some “non-controversial” amendments and then goes to the desk of Governor Brown. What the people of California need to realize is that this is all a formality. The gun confiscation is already happening and will continue. This legislation would only provide more money to expedite the process. 

With all of the major news stories this legislation has been largely unnoticed in the media. What I want all of our readers to understand is that what is happening in California, and will continue to happen, is only happening because people do not know and understand their rights.   Continue reading “California, When Gun Confiscation Starts, Don’t Let Them In The Door”

Washington Examiner – by Joel Gehrke

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano does not have the authority to refuse to enforce laws that require illegal immigrants to face deportation, according to the federal judge hearing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement union’s lawsuit against DHS.   Continue reading “Judge to Janet Napolitano: You have to deport illegal immigrants”

Bible2Alaska Dispatch – by Jerzy Shedlock

The U.S. Army has ordered soldiers at Fort Wainwright, an Army post in Interior Alaska adjacent to Fairbanks, to remove references to two Bible verses on their weapon scopes.

Michigan-based defense contractor Trijicom supplied the scopes, which referenced two New Testament passages, John 8:12 and Second Corinthians 4:6. The references appeared at the end of the scopes’ serial numbers, Fox News reported.   Continue reading “Army orders removal of Bible references from Fairbanks soldiers’ weapon scopes”

Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon government false flag, a new phrase has gained strength in the global government dictionary; a term used commonly in prisons is now being used in the United States to be imposed on Americans. ‘Lockdown’ is the new catch phrase the government-mainstream media complex has created to catch criminals that are ‘REALLY’ dangerous.   Continue reading “Government-Media Complex Sneaks New Buzz Word on American Public: “LOCKDOWN” – aka Martial Law”

130419_CRIME_search_jpg_CROP_article568-largeOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

Once the curfew was lifted in Watertown, Massachusetts, “resident David Hanberry noticed that the tarp covering his boat in his backyard and been disturbed. Checking to see what was wrong, David was shocked to find Dzhokhar curled up inside the boat, covered in blood. He immediately alerted police.”   Continue reading “Success or Failure: Authorities Practice Martial Law After Boston Bombing”