Bob Owens

There is a special sort of sickness that infects those souls who come into money, power, or fame, that gives them the illusion that they are somehow better than the population at large, and that because of their extraordinary individual circumstance or fortune, they are then “experts” who may dictate to the masses what their God-given rights are, and how their lives are to be conducted.  Continue reading “Bloomberg wants to reintepret the Constitution”

800px-White_FlagFreedom Outpost – by Karen Schroeder

As Americans surrendered their educational system to the federal government, they also surrendered their republic.

During the 1960s, educational expert Benjamin S. Bloom’s Handbook I and II shaped ten educational goals for public schools. Nine of those goals focused upon changing the values and belief systems of American children so they would embrace Bloom’s vision of a “world view”. I remember that history text books used in my classroom in the 1970s typically provided only two sentences about America’s republic. One contained a superficial definition and the other stated that America was a republic. The rest of the chapter praised democracies.   Continue reading “Americans Peacefully Surrender Their Republic”

TL in Exile – by TL Davis

The one thing more humiliating than being caught by the authorities in an attempt to fight back against a corrupt and illegal system of government is to be caught not making the attempt.

There is no doubt in my mind that every single law restricting ownership of firearms is an illegal law. I can argue that case by case if needed, with a few moments to check my notes. A great resource, however, can be found here. It is an exhaustive look at the Second Amendment as related to U.S. v Miller. Most notable are the arguments made in favor of the United States. The logic and references made there are convoluted and entirely void of references to the founders who made their sentiments known time and time again on where the right rested. It rests with the individual.   Continue reading “A System Adrift”

Lew Rockwell – by Joel Poindexter

There’s really no other word that would accurately describe the behavior of the many agencies that stormed through Boston and its suburbs this week. Thousands of State and local police, sheriff’s deputies, FBI SWAT employees, Homeland Security Shock Troops, and National Guard soldiers conducted a massive search – virtually none of it in compliance with the 4th Amendment – in search of a single teenager. They practically ordered an entire city “locked down” and were presumably prepared to begin arresting residents who refused to comply with what amounted to martial law.   Continue reading “Totalitarian”

Public Intelligence

The following bulletin was released in March by the FBI Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center.  The bulletin was first reported on and made public by a writer for who published low quality images of the document.  This version of the bulletin is significantly higher quality and contains renderable text making it easier to read and refer to.   Continue reading “FBI Bulletin: Potential Use of Exploding Targets as Explosives in IEDs”

Survival Blog – by James Wesley

Just as I warned SurvivalBlog readers, it appears that the BHO Administration is taking executive action on firearms importation. Take a few minutes to read this: After Senate setback, Obama quietly moving forward with gun regulation. Here is the key portion of the article:   Continue reading “Here Come the First of the Executive Actions”

Zero Hedge -by Tyler Durden

The liquidity tsunami that started in September of 2012 in the Marriner Eccles building and continued with the BOJ’s own epic QEasing expansion three weeks ago, has so far provided the impetus for Europe to kick the can of its inevitable dissolution for a few more months, yet slowly but surely the market is starting to read through the artificial levels implied by Italian and Spanish bonds, driven by recycled ECB funding via bank and repo conduits and of course Japanese carry cash, and rumblings of a return to crisis conditions are back.   Continue reading “Merkel To Europe: “Prepare To Cede Sovereignty””

Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Max VelocityMountain Guerrilla and American Mercenary all have great posts about gear, rucksacks and living in the field (and MV has a followup article here).  These men all know a generous amount about their subject and I won’t try either to repeat their views here or to disagree with any of it.  However, I had considered writing about my own experiences in the field (I have spent a copious amount of time in the field) and landed on an option where I simply provide a running list of things I do and don’t like (and do or don’t advocate).  The reader can weigh in with his own observations.   Continue reading “Living In The Field”

worden_carl_141Federal Observer

Not too many people know that I personally investigated the Kennedy assassination. I was enabled to do that because my job with Circus Vargas allowed me to travel the U.S. and elsewhere extensively, and I was always connected to law enforcement agencies in one way or the other during that time as a private contractor doing drug interdiction work on the side.

Some of Lee Harvey Oswald’s last publicly recorded words in front of the camera were, “I am just a patsy”. Let me ask you something. You’ve probably seen about a gazillion reality cop shows by now, and when was the last time you heard a suspect tell a cop, “I am just a patsy”?   Continue reading “Worden: I am Just a Patsy”

bloodNatural News – by PF Louis

High blood pressure (BP) or hypertension is considered a high risk factor for heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Many have high BP, but most don’t know as it doesn’t usually have its own symptoms.

Blood pressure readings are in two sets of numbers. The top number, systolic pressure, indicates pressure on the artery walls when the heart beats. The lower number, diastolic pressure, shows the pressure on artery walls between heart beats.   Continue reading “Nine foods that lower blood pressure”

The New Boston Tea Party

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” 238 years ago on April 19, 1775, colonists sent the British troops fleeing back to Boston. The troops engaged the colonists in battle at Lexington and Concord, in what now is characterized as “the shot heard round the world.”   Continue reading “The 2nd Amendment Going Forward”

New America Now – by Jack Mullen

Charles Dickens begins his book A Tale of Two Cities with the line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I doubt Dickens’ time could have look better or worse than our times now: let me explain.

We are witnessing a violent regurgitation of history never learned.

It’s happening again, according to script in the same way as the last times – even discussing it seems cartoonish. When will mankind ever learn? Perhaps this is our last chance, our Hail Mary moment, because the enemy does learn and is about to lock the entire world in a grotesque, dystopian tyranny, using the same deceptions, recreated drama, clownish tricks, tactics and false flag fear used each time in the past. Only this time, it would seem the enemy has learned how to make it last.    Continue reading “Lessons Not Learned From History”

TL in Exile – by TL Davis

As most of you know, I have backed off from blogging as it is basically a tool for the establishment. My words are being collected and used as evidence as we speak. So, why don’t I just shut up? Because that is what they want me to do.

I am engaged in this fight. This is a war. Things are beyond discussion.   Continue reading “The Cold War Has Gone Hot”

TL in Exhile – by TL Davis

I am not afraid to say that we are in an all out battle for the soul of the nation. It is a counter-revolution. No one in the sphere of the Patriot/Liberty Community is interested in overthrowing the American government, but rather re-establishing the documents of its founding. It is a re-assertment of the Constitution that we seek.

In order to brand any of us as revolutionaries, they must first admit that they have abandoned the Constitution. To do that would be to de-legitimize their own offices. They can’t do it.    Continue reading “Acts of Rebellion”

130415timetochooseWND – by Drew Zahn

“This is a message to every member of law enforcement and the military,” a sizzling new YouTube video begins. “You know you have a choice to make.”

The video, produced by a man identified on Facebook as Aaron Hawkins, is a challenge to those who enforce America’s laws, warning them the day is coming when gun-control legislation will undermine the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment and police forces will be asked to restrict or even confiscate American citizens’ firearms.   Continue reading “Police told to choose: Gun Control or Constitution”

Michigan House Unanimously Passes NDAA Nullification BillThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

On Thursday, April 18, the Michigan House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill prohibiting state agents and law enforcement from participating with the federal government in the indefinite detention of its citizens.

By a vote of 109-0, state representatives joined their colleagues in the state senate in protecting citizens of the Wolverine State from being apprehended and detained in federal prisons without trial. The state senate unanimously approved an identical measure in March.   Continue reading “Michigan House Unanimously Passes NDAA Nullification Bill”

weapons-storage-military-storage-060420121440049531-640-1115Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

While Barack Obama and the Democrats have been pushing gun control, that has ultimately failed, others on the other side of the world have had their eyes on weapons with U.S. origins. Apparently a cache of 20,000 M16 rifles have been stolen, according to a report.

World Tribune reportsContinue reading “20,000 US Origin M16s Stolen, No Leads”