james_madison_rectFreedom Outpost – by Publius Huldah

1. What can a State – or several States – do to resist encroachments & usurpations by the federal government?

2.  Federalist No. 46  (7th para) discusses how individual States or several States carry out resistance to the federal government’s unconstitutional encroachments. If a particular State takes an action which the federal government doesn’t like, but which has the support of the People of that State, the federal government can’t do anything about it unless it is willing to use force.  Continue reading “What Should States Do When the Federal Government Usurps Power? Advice From James Madison, Father Of The US Constitution”

cayenneNatural News – by P. Simard

Cayenne pepper may not be overwhelmingly used in America but it certainly deserves to be given a lot more attention considering the many health benefits associated to eating it. This very spicy herb has many advantages such as helping the cardiovascular system; preventing stomach ulcers; aiding the digestive tract and fighting against inflammation, just to name a few.

Cayenne pepper owes its given name to a town in French Guiana where it is cultivated. It’s a hot chilli pepper from the capsicum family, related to bell peppers, jalapenos and paprika. The plants are no more than four feet tall and generally grown in a tropical environment, as they require a moist and warm soil for optimal results. These grown peppers turn out to be very rich in nutrients and they are an excellent source of vitamins, more specifically vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin, vitamin B6 and vitamin K.   Continue reading “Cayenne pepper is a lot more than just a hot herb”

Survival Blog – by James Wesley, Rawles

Reader Joe K. sent this news link: Bill Seeks Steel Cents, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters. Note that the bill’s main sponsors are from Ohio, which is a steel manufacturing state. But this legislation is more than just grandstanding.

Unlike similar legislation in previous sessions of congress, this new bill will probably gain traction in the current congress, since the government has now been losing money with the seigniorage costs of pennies and nickels for many years. Well, I’ve been warning you since 2009, folks.    Continue reading “Penny and Nickel Debasement Bill Introduced in U.S. Congress”

Calif. Assembly Passes Bill to Allow Non-citizens to Serve on JuriesThe New American – by Warren Mass

California’s Assembly passed a bill on April 25 that would permit non-U.S. citizens to serve on juries. If the bill, AB 1401, passes the Senate and is signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown, California would become the first state to allow this practice. Brown has not take a public position on the bill.   Continue reading “Calif. Assembly Passes Bill to Allow Non-citizens to Serve on Juries”

Bob Owens

Daily Beast writer named Lee Siegel has issued an “edgy” rant about how much he hates the South, and how he wishes he wouldn’t have to deal with our politics, religion, people, or culture anymore.

He wants us to secede.

Seigel’s display of contempt for flyover country isn’t even original, and appears to have been plagiarized wholesale from a 2004 rant by an anonymous fellow leftist. It’s hardly surprising that Seigel stole his rant. Those that refuse to allow diverging thoughts are by definition stuck regurgitating the same rhetorical hate speech.   Continue reading “Secede, Hell.”

Daily Camera – by John Aguilar

ERIE — Magpul Industries, the Erie-based ammunition magazine maker that pledged to leave Colorado after gun-control legislation was signed into law in March, is for the first time manufacturing its weapons accessories out of the state.

The company revealed the news in a Facebook reply late Monday night to a customer who expressed frustration with the lack of information about where Magpul planned to move its operations.   Continue reading “Erie-based Magpul begins making ammunition magazines outside Colorado”

Mountain Guerrilla – by John Mosby

(The following article is the first in a series that will discuss the Combat Rifle POI as I teach it.) –J.M.)

“Shattering illusions, and crushing misconceptions…It’s just what I do.” –Me, to my mother-in-law recently.

The purpose of the combat rifle is to allow the combat rifleman to engage and kill, directly or indirectly, armed enemy combatants with precision aimed rifle fire. The rifleman’s ability with his weapon is one of the most fundamental measures of his effectiveness and survivability in combat. Continue reading “Heresy: An Introduction to Combat Riflecraft”

South Carolina House of Reps. Expected to Pass ObamaCare RejectionThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

A bill rejecting the enforcement of key provisions of ObamaCare passed another hurdle in the South Carolina state House of Representatives last Thursday. The bill — HB 3101 — was approved by a party-line vote (65-34) and will now move to its third and final reading. Passage of the measure after that reading is described by local media as “perfunctory.”   Continue reading “South Carolina House of Reps. Expected to Pass ObamaCare Rejection”

Bob Owens

Fox News seems to think that PTR was just the first manufacturer to flee Connecticut’s storied “gun valley,” and that the bigger gun companies will soon follow:

Arms manufacturers in at least two states with strict new gun laws are making good on their promise to move their operations — along with thousands of jobs and millions in tax revenues  – to locales they deem friendlier to the industry.   Continue reading “More Connecticut gun companies to move to the free states?”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Some parents in Bedford, Michigan went crazy went they saw that their children’s baseball jerseys had the word “Guns” on them.

The team name is the the Cubs, but the team’s sponsor is “Todd’s Guns.”    Continue reading “Parents Flip Out Because Little League Jerseys Have Word ‘Guns’ On Them”

Zero Gov – by Bill

I am honored to present a guest post from my 15 year old homeschooled son, Keegan, who will be elucidating the varieties and levels of immediate first aid kits to increase prep proficiency for the coming bad times. -BB   Continue reading “Village Praxis Series: Levels Of Medical Kit by Keegan Buppert”

patriotBob Owens

Not so very long ago, there was a species of human screech owl. No, it’s true! I remember them vividly. The champion specimen of the species resided on a ditchbank near Crawford, Texas. The call of this creature was never pretty, and yet, the media broadcast it incessantly. Over a number of months, the human screech owl stopped just hitting notes that were sour, and began defecating on everyone that once praised it. And thus the media turned their backs on Cindy Sheehan, and the rest of the anti-war movement soon evaporated into the ether.   Continue reading “Gatekeepers”

Chemical Warfare SurvivalUS Crow

Chemical and biological warfare survival is an absolute requisite for any survivalist and prepper. Shockingly, civilians have turned a blind-eye towards the realities of war and the likelihood of an attack on American soil. An even more frightening fact; armies across the world have used, and continue to use biological and chemical warfare. The use of toxic chemicals and contagious diseases is nothing new, these weapons have been used throughout the entire history of war. Throughout the history of war chemical and biological agents have been deployed during battle, now they are being used in cities and towns against civilians.   Continue reading “Chemical Warfare Survival”

Tactical Shooting TechniquesUS Crow – by CMF Contributor

An essential skill required to survive disaster is the ability to effectively use your firearm against hostile forces. Learn to control the situation by making each visit to the range purposeful, while advancing your skills. After reading our Firearm Safety Guide you should know above all, to respect your weapon. Work with other shooters, and humbly accept helpful tips while offering some of your own. Avoid feeling intimidated; instructors are just like any other business…  If you decide to attend tactical shooting classes, be honest with the instructor and take their advice.   Continue reading “Tactical Shooting Techniques and Methodology”

Keep-your-troops-alive!-Preventative-Medicine-for-Combat-SurvivalUS Crow – by David Black

You may be ‘Secret Squirrel SCUBA Sniper Ninja Bad Ass’ who kicks ass like Chuck Norris. But guess what… Being Travis Haley with your rifle doesn’t mean shit if you come down with some tropical disease because you didn’t take care of yourself. So if you’re leading troops one of the things you have to consider is Preventative Medicine.   Continue reading “Keep your troops alive! Preventative Medicine for Combat Survival”

Europol in the U.S. — Beginning of an EU-U.S. Police Merger?The New American – by William F. Jasper

Europol, the burgeoning police and intelligence agency of the European Union, has many people in Europe concerned about its continuously expanding mission and powers (see here and here). Now the agency appears to be getting ready to extend its reach into the United States in new ways, as part of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) being promoted by President Obama and a powerful coalition (see here and here ) of Wall Street one-worlders and globalist corporate executives.   Continue reading “Europol in the U.S. — Beginning of an EU-U.S. Police Merger?”