90 Miles From Tyranny

Aries A good day to use children as props for, well leftist project you are looking to promote, Global War…errr Climate Change is a good one. Hug the children as you sell their futures to Socialism and suck their souls from them.

Taurus Discuss how to steal err.. redistribute income from the middle class with your caucus by using class warfare to justify your zeal to destroy hope.  Tonight: keep your manicure scissors nearby in case your mistress gets her braces caught in your hair again.   Continue reading “Socialist Guide Stones”

GarandposterBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

General George S. Patton recognized the .30-’06 M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle as “the greatest battle implement ever devised,” and the rifle accompanied American Marines and soldiers up the beaches of Normandy against the Germans, across the islands of the Pacific against the Japanese, and through the brutal cold of the Korean winter. It served America as our primary battle rifle through two wars, and is still prized today by collectors and shooters for itls timeless design and reliability.

Now Century Arms International is having to lay off workers because the Obama Administration has refused to allow these pieces of American history to be re-imported from South Korea.   Continue reading “Gun Company Lays Off Workers As Obama Administration Blocks Re-importation Of The Rifle That Won World War II”

The following is a response to a great guy lamenting the cost of, and the searching for supplies and gear.

“…..Quality gear is expensive, and yet, to duplicate it is even more of a challenge…….”

Not if you know where to look! “grasshopper” …… And knowing what you need, and how to buy it, is an art. Besides, what do you think I’ve been doing all these 25 plus years? Building reports with venders and power buying, when I could. Why do you think I go to all the gun shows that I can? One NEVER knows what will turn up at one, and the potential.   Continue reading “On Finding Supplies and Gear”

042913_411_paltrow1_640.jpgThis creature is the antithesis of a normal and healthy, functioning human being. In other words, liberals, progressives, or what have you. These creatures truly do have mental disorders. They should never be allowed to handle sharp objects….. Nor hold positions of any kind of authority.

But yet, there’s Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Henry Waxman, Bab’s Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee, and their ring leader, “the boy”, the mental midget himself, Barry the Rat. All these, AND MORE, show and display the attributes of mentally deficient individuals.   Continue reading “Gwyneth Paltrow: Mean words hurt water’s feelings”

Jefferson DavisMilitia News – by Calvin E. Johnson Jr.

“Never teach your children to admit that their fathers’ were wrong in their efforts to maintain the sovereignty, freedom and independence which was their birthright”—-Jefferson Davis.

June 3, 2014, is the 206th birthday of Jefferson Davis who was born in Christian County, Kentucky, on June 3, 1808.   Continue reading “Remembering Jefferson Davis: A True American Hero”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Expert, whistleblower Greg Evensen joins the Gianluca Zanna radio show to talk about the unfolding US police state, confirmation received from State Troopers of Russian spetsnaz in America at the request of FEMA and confirmation of foreign governments agents from around the world BLENDING INTO our own government so that when the final transition to a world government is made, it will be made seamlessly.

The first 8:30 of this video are an introduction of Greg followed by news on the unfolding dictatorship in America and the govts preparation for war upon Americans. The conversation shifts to the Russians ALREADY HERE in America after the 8:30 mark as Greg shares with us what the NWO has planned as this next stage of the ‘New World Order’ unfolds. Continue reading “Greg Evensen: Cops Confirm Worst! Russian Spetsnaz In America, Foreign Govts Blending In!”

Barack Obama Is A Most Successful PresidentMilitia News – by Eileen F. Toplansky

If one sets out to destroy the core pillars of a society, to incrementally break down the values of a country, and to dishearten its inhabitants, then Barack Hussein Obama has been a sterling success.

He is no amateur; he is not a feckless individual who doesn’t know what he is doing. His actions are deliberate, and his goals are in direct opposition to the vast majority of the American people. His so-called misdirections are calculated, and his leadership traits are not intended to support America. He knows exactly what he is doing, and far too many people still don’t comprehend or want to believe the machinations of this man and his underlying political arc.   Continue reading “Barack Obama Is A Most Successful President”

 photo ea9c24be-58cd-4189-ba56-d69a79efabeb_zps1a2c77da.jpgAmerican Power – by Stormbringer

Forwarded from the secret Special Forces unauthorized back channel frequency:

“We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to “walk the earth” and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”. Next morning he’s gone.   Continue reading “U.S. Special Forces Back Channel Account on Bowe Bergdahl Desertion”

Freedom Outpost – by Darwin Rockantansky

Recently I posed the question as to whether the release of the identity of the CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan was an act of consummate stupidity or just plain out and out Treason.

I believe that today’s announcement of a prisoner exchange of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban prisoners, who, until now, were being held in Guantánamo Bay, answers that question beyond any and all possible extremes of “reasonable doubt.” Continue reading “Obama’s Prisoner Exchange – Yet Another Act of Treason”

Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Editor’s Note: I post the following with great remembrances of my family’s own dealing with CPS in our state. It was not pretty and the incompetence of the social workers we dealt with, as well as many of the doctors was staggering, but to have children taken and then trafficked to who knows where and to whom is sickening. Once you read this piece, take time to read this additional article, which can be found here, concerning Benghazi and child trafficking. I have not had contact with Dave’s source, but I was contacted directly by the woman who fed the late Nancy Schaefer her information on the child sex trafficking going on from the east coast into the San Diego area and out to the world. This woman’s children were taken from her, but she was able to get one of them back and flee to Mexico. There is much more I could disclose about this woman and may do so at a future date. For now, the threat is real in the United States that children are being stolen from families, put into sex trafficking rings and being trafficked around the world, and in some cases it’s to fund Muslim warfare in other countries, and apparently Barack Obama supports it.    Continue reading “Child Protective Services Stealing & Sex Trafficking Children Stories Could Get You Killed – But They Must Be Exposed”

Military Intelligence [MI] [Branch+Regimental][1.5]Guerrillamerica – by SAMUEL CULPER III

I recently started incorporating the four D’s into Mission Planning and Analysis.  The mission drives intelligence and intelligence drives the fight.  Therefore if we don’t understand the mission, we can’t drive the fight.

The mission of protecting your family and community through tactical engagement is not enough.  There’s a reason why there are aggressive Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations during conflict: to discover the threats before they appear and to discover the attacks before they’re launched.  US/CF disrupted countless attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it could not have happened had we been tucked away in our bases all day surfing on SIPR or JWICS.   Continue reading “Mission Analysis & the Four D’s”

sceneBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Two armed robbers in attempted to hold up the wrong Gamestop video game store in Harris County, Texas:

It all happened shortly after noon on Wallisville Road near Beltway 8. According to investigators, the two men attempted to rob a Game Stop store when they were stopped by the 28-year-old U.S. Marine.

Continue reading ““Ooh-rah!” U. S. Marine Veteran With Carry Permit Drops Armed Robber”

Ben Swann – by Joshua Cook

What’s wrong with people? It seems like we’re living in alternate universes with the news reporting on the decline of tea party candidates and RINOs like Lindsey Graham soaring in the polls.

What gives?

The Hill reported that, “Banks are breathing a sigh of relief after established GOP incumbents bested a handful of Tea Party challengers at the polls recently.”   Continue reading “Socialism or Liberty? Which one, South Carolina?”