Bastion of Liberty

Late breaking news informs us that our esteemed Leader will “consult” with Congress when it reconvenes after the holiday weekend on how to proceed against Syria over that nation’s alleged use of chemical weapons within its own borders.

“The chart is a spin-off of the most amazing letter to the editor ever written, which appeared in Thursday’s Financial Times. It also explained the entire Middle East, in a few short sentences. Here they are:   Continue reading “Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding the Middle East”


[This is a long post, on something I’ve been kicking around in my head for quite some time…  so please bear with me.  If nothing else, pull up the chair, pour a glass of wine, and I’ll hopefully give you some useful food for thought.]

“There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a liege lord.” Yoshi Toranaga   Continue reading “The ONE Mitigating Circumstance…”

Breitbart – by WILLIAM BIGELOW

As Kathleen Fox with The Paducah Sun reported, an art teacher at a Kentucky High Schoolset up an exhibit where students were supposed to stand on an American flag while they wrote how they felt about it. Art teacher Shand Stamper at McCracken High School in Paducah set a music stand with paper to write on on top of the flag so that students could contemplate their feelings and then note them.

The exhibit was a re-creation of “Dread” Scott Tyler’s 1989 “artwork”  titled “The Proper Way to Display an American Flag.”   Continue reading “Kentucky High School Art Teacher Has Students Stand on American Flag”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

It appears the Missouri Legislature, which is led by Republicans, will look to override Governor Jay Nixon’s veto of a gun bill that would expand gun owner rights and nullify federal gun laws. The vetoed gun bill is entitled the “Second Amendment Preservation Act.”

The Associated Press reports:   Continue reading “Missouri Aims to Override Governor’s Veto & Nullify Federal Gun Laws”

American Revolution 2Militia News – by Christian J. Yingling, August 1, 2013

I am no linguist, I am no scholar, I am NOT the be all, end all of warfare. What I am is a Father, a Christian, and a Veteran… in that order. I am also the Commanding officer of my militia unit, The Westmoreland County Militia, Regulators 1st Battalion. . . with my people placing their lives in my hands, in hopes that I will keep them safe and ultimately lead them to victory and someday a better life than what is being presented to them now. This is a very large responsibility and one I do NOT take lightly. I have lost A LOT of sleep because of it. I promise you.   Continue reading “Are We Prepared For What Is About To Happen?”

Barack-Obama-Liar-TraitorMilitia News, May 6, 2013

Barack Hussein Obama is a traitor.

The treasonous acts by Obama start with him and his conspirers hijacking the political process by registering as Democrats when, in fact, they make up a combination of socialists, progressives, communists, Marxists, anarchists, and UN-American detractors. A prime example of this is how Obama originally campaigned with the “Democratic Progressive Party” (DPP) scattered all throughout America, although they are not legally recognized as a valid political party in America to enter campaigns which would gain them enough votes to be seated. Therefore, they deliberately schemed to hijack the Democratic Party. This was led previously in part by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and others who believed the Democrats were too timid to put forth their agenda, in 1991, they formed the progressive caucus within the halls of the United States Congress and used that status as a means to lend false credibility to their cause and illegitimate platform.   Continue reading “Barack Hussein Obama Is A Traitor”

ATF's Jones, VP Biden and AG Holder will be happy to increase their control over gun owners at the request of collectors.Examiner – by David Codrea

The Obama administration’s proposed regulatory amendment regarding background checks for principal officers of gun trusts will still require a chief law enforcement officer sign-off, and the rule change itself was initiated by a petition from a group representing National Firearms Act gun collectors. That information comes from a draft Department of Justice notice made public this morning by firearms industry consulting attorney Joshua Prince.   Continue reading “NFA firearms collectors group initiated ATF gun trust rule change”

Obama Issues Two More Anti-gun Executive OrdersThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

At the swearing-in ceremony at the White House on Thursday of Todd Jones as the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (still known as ATF), President Obama’s point man on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden, announced that the ATF was issuing new rules concerning the re-importation of U.S. military surplus weapons. Where such importation was previously allowed only with government approval, now all requests for such importation will be denied altogether (except for museums and the government itself).   Continue reading “Obama Issues Two More Anti-gun Executive Orders”

Max Velocity

I decided to write this post after spending a day up at my site with J.C. Dodge from Mason-Dixon Tactical. He originally came up to meet and ended up staying all day to help with some work we were doing to improve the training site. We had a long tactical discussion and as part of that we were discussing SHTF ATV tactics. So credit where credit is due – he helped form some of the ideas behind this post.   Continue reading “Tactical Use of ATV ‘Four-Wheelers’”

Barack Obama, Gabrielle GiffordsAP Big Story – by Josh Lederman

WASHINGTON (AP) — Striving to take action where Congress would not, the Obama administration announced new steps Thursday on gun control, curbing the import of military surplus weapons and proposing to close a little-known loophole that lets felons and others circumvent background checks by registering guns to corporations.

Four months after a gun control drive collapsed spectacularly in the Senate, President Barack Obama added two more executive actions to a list of 23 steps the White House determined Obama could take on his own to reduce gun violence. With the political world focused on Mideast tensions and looming fiscal battles, the move signaled Obama’s intent to show he hasn’t lost sight of the cause he took up after 20 first graders and six adults were gunned down last year in an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.   Continue reading “Obama offers new gun control steps”

Patriots Against The New World Order – by Pete Smith

The new American way of life is to sit back and follow everything that the boob tube tells them! The news is 99% lies and about 1% half truth, but the sheeple of the country sit back and take it in like its the “Word Of God” and how dare you say any different to the fact! Well my dear Sheep you are being lied to every day of your sick weak life!

Now this news is not news to some of us. I’m sure a large percent of the people that read my blog know that the sheep are asleep and are sure to die or live a life in a FEMA camp. We, Being the awake and alert people to the real truth and the false flag lies of this Government know that doom is only a short time away. Continue reading “Sheep, Fools, and The American Way Of Life”

farmNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

For nearly 15 years, the state of Michigan has had special laws in place that protect small, family-scale farmers from being driven off their land by local zoning ordinances, nuisance lawsuits, and other legal measures often used to prevent individuals from growing and raising their own food. And even after all this time, the Michigan Right to Farm Act (MRFA) still serves as a model template for protecting and encouraging local, sustainable food systems that work.

The law, which was passed back in 1999 and came into effect in 2000, essentially protects individuals who wish to farm or otherwise use their land to produce food from being targeted by their cities and townships for elimination. Backyard chicken farmers, for instance, or families that grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs, are recognized as having the freedom to do so by MRFA, so long as they follow generally accepted agricultural and management practices.   Continue reading “Michigan Right to Farm Act: A shining example of a law that supports small-scale farmers, local and sustainable food systems”

III Percent Patriots – by Kerodin

If the people in our government consider us to be ‘terrorists’ (standing shoulder to shoulder with such ‘terrorists’ as Franklin, Jefferson, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, et al), and knowing how the people in our government deal with ‘terrorists’, what obligation remains for you and me to abide their diktats, to seek discourse based on reason?

Knowing these people hunt and kill ‘terrorists’ all over the world, and now put you and me on the same moral level as murderous, child-raping, innocent-bombing genetic waste, what moral restraint remains upon us to not hunt every single one of them in their daily lives and visit upon them the same remedy they have planned for you and me – before they get to us.   Continue reading “Consider: Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor…”

Although we have a propensity to be leery of news coming out of the former Soviet Union, this article hits it on the head. “Obama’s Mid East Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade.” The title paints an exact picture of what we have seated at 1600, which is, a mindless little creature, with the ability to destroy all those around him.

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Russian Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin compared Barack Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East to a “monkey with a hand grenade.”   Continue reading “Russian Vice-Premier: Obama’s Mideast Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade”

Image courtesy of Canada Free PressNortheast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

29 August 2013:  “We’re in the most dangerous time in modern world history and here’s why, here’s what’s happening,” stated my source deep within the spy world early this morning. “We’re seeing a combination of a nine-percent overall approval rating for intervention in Syria, or the absence of public support for the globalist plans by the Obama regime, the UK, the Saudis and other NATO allies. When have we seen this before, and what does history tell us? The increased likelihood of a false flag event larger and causing more public outrage than the alleged chemical weapons attacks.”   Continue reading “This is the most dangerous time in modern history-intelligence insider update” North Carolina – by Ol’ Remus

The coming free fall into squalor and horror will be particularly shocking to those who rely on designer “resilient communities” and “sustainable life styles” of the five hundred acres and independence kind. There will come a time when they’ll wish they had less expertise in their pet’s dental hygiene and more in how to keep little Suzy off the menu of feral dogs with bad gums. With them, survival means comfort and convenience in the midst of other people’s annoying travails.   Continue reading “Shock”

Setting Up a Phone TreeMilitia News

Every militia should take preparatory measures in setting up a phone tree.

A phone tree is a network of people organized in such a way that they can quickly and easily spread information amongst each other. Phone trees are especially common among parents, who often want to be able to communicate quickly about canceled events and other issues, and they are also used by activists and a variety of other groups as well. Setting up a solid phone tree takes time, but many people feel that it is well worth the effort, since the phone tree can be used again and again.   Continue reading “Setup A Phone Tree.”

Police SWAT team searchMilitia News

Two SWAT teams were deployed and an entire neighborhood in Ft. Collins, Colorado was shut down for four hours to search for a man suspected of stealing a bicycle and a grocery cart full of merchandise from Wal-Mart.

A sheriff’s deputy on scene said the SWAT teams were searching for a robbery suspect who had been tracked to the area.   Continue reading “Two SWAT Teams Shut Down A Neighborhood In Colorado.”