CA “heroes” Beat Motorist Over Tinted Windows, “Missing” Front Plate

Eric Peters Autos

Well, here’s another one…

In Pasadena, CA “heroes” noticed a motorist driving a car with windows that were tinted “too much” and which was missing its front license plate. Heinous offenses against the peace, you see. Can’t that let that go.  

This led to a violent beat down of the unarmed, unresisting motorist:

The “heroes” beat the man – 21-year-old Christopher Ballew – bloody and broke his leg, later claiming that Ballew’s attempts to ward off the beatdown constituted “resisting” and “assault upon a peace officer.”

Cue irony organ.

Bellew was the peaceful party here – until accosted by a gaggle of armed government workers, who were anything but “peace officers.” If they had been peace officers – as opposed to law enforcers – they’d have left Bellew in peace. Instead, they savagely beat him, until he was literally bloody and broken, lying facedown in the road – to the accompaniment of shouted obscenities.

All this happened over something that should never have happened. The initial stop being an affront to anyone who thinks people shouldn’t be stopped – much less violently assaulted – for not causing any harm to anyone.

Who is harmed by “too much” window tint? It is illegal, certainly. So?

“Heroes” tint the windows of their vehicles opaque. Why should it be an offense for us to tint our windows just as much? So that they they can see into our cars more easily? Why should we be subject to that? Isn’t it exactly the same thing as a demand we never shutter the windows to our homes, because doing so makes it harder for a law enforcer to see inside?

How is anyone harmed by a car not having a front license plate? Is it not enough to have one?

Or is the requirement that we have two merely a means for “heroes” to more easily hurt us – again – this time by extracting money from us over other harming-no-one actions such as driving faster than an arbitrarily decreed number posted on a sign, posted such that almost every driver is likely to be “guilty” of driving faster?

Meanwhile, “heroes” routinely exceed the speed limit – which applies to us without exception but to them as they please.

Regardless, no one should be subject to a beatdown over such trivial offense as “too much” window tint and the absence of a front license plate.

No one who lives in a free country, that is. Or even a decent one.

America is no longer either.

Eric Peters Autos

5 thoughts on “CA “heroes” Beat Motorist Over Tinted Windows, “Missing” Front Plate

  1. I had to put my glasses on…

    I thought the article said…

    CA Heroes: Beat Off Motorist Over Tinted Windows “Missing Front Plate”.

    My eyes are getting bad.

  2. “Regardless, no one should be subject to a beatdown over such trivial offense as “too much” window tint and the absence of a front license plate.”

    Tick, tock…

    They’ll be paying for it with their (miserable, worthless) lives soon.

  3. This is why no one gives a rat’s ass when any of these gestapo thug bastards gets what they deserve. They escalate things, all in the name of collecting mammon for their masters.

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