Detective Louis ScarcellaCBS News New York

A retired New York City police detective continued to refuse to comment Monday about a review of cases associated with him by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office.

As CBS 2’s John Slattery reported, the review of cases handled by retired Detective Louis Scarcella began after a high-profile 1990 murder case he investigated was thrown out.The defendant in the case had been convicted and served 23 years in prison.   Continue reading “Retired Detective Refuses To Comment As DA Probes His Cases”

Pirate’s Cove – by William Teach

You won’t believe how much….well, you probably will believe it after all you’ve seen from these insane people, though Joe Romm’s Soros funded Climate Progress has no problem with the wasted money, as the writer, Brad Johnson, discusses

On Friday, the City of New York allocated $294 million of Superstorm Sandy recovery funds for resiliency projects to respond to the threat of fossil-fueled climate change.   Continue reading “NYC, Bloomberg, To Waste Sandy Funds On “Climate Change” Projects”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

There are unconfirmed reports of UN movement in Maine.

Reports include connex trailers and tanks being moved along I-95 (between Bangor & Portland), and UN equipment being moved VIA shut down railways.

There are some reports of local Militias mobilizing. Some reports are coming in from several sources that indicate 10 UN tanks were being stored at Belfast and have since disappeared overnight.   Continue reading “UN Tanks & Supplies On The Move – Local Militias Mobilized – Maine”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

A man with an explosive device is holding hostages inside Westland City Hall, according to CBS Detroit.

Police have locked-down a section of Westland, Michigan near Detroit as the bomb squad has been called in to handle a developing situation at the town’s city hall.    Continue reading “Man With Bomb Takes City Hall In Michigan Hostage”

Max Velocity Tactical

It seems a while since I last posted. I ended up taking a week off work (aka ‘real job’) and I’ve been up at the training site all week. I’m heading back out there tomorrow to do the final set-up for this weekends training.

I was just reading Mosby’s latest POST and grinning to myself. No doubt similar has been said about me: I was reflecting on the sheer amount of hard work I have been doing this week for the benefit of some good training. I have invested in some electronic pop-up targets, for a better training experience, and I was out today clearing trees and digging target holes for the jungle walk.   Continue reading “Digging Holes and Cutting Trees”

Scavenging for Survival After SHTFUS Crow

Looting, scavenging, call it what you will. When the SHTF, you might need to do a little scavenging. Scavenging after SHTF carries significant stigma, invoking your most dreaded nightmares. During man-made or natural disasters (including war), scavenging is a common occurrence.  Practicing subscribers to usCrow and other various prepper or survival websites are more prepared than others. However, even the most faithful survivalist will need to scavenge.   Continue reading “Scavenging for Survival After SHTF”

Americans for Tax Reforms – by John Kartch

When Obamacare’s individual mandate takes effect in 2014, all Americans who file income tax returns must complete an additional IRS tax form.

The new form will require disclosure of a taxpayer’s personal identifying health information in order to determine compliance with the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.   Continue reading “Obamacare: Taxpayers Must Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS”

bachmann_09WND – by Bob Unruh

The Internal Revenue Service under the Obama administration – described by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., as the “most feared government agency” – admitted Friday it targeted conservative and tea-party groups during last year’s election because of their politics.

Bachmann, a former tax attorney, told WND in an interview the IRS admission means the credibility of the 2012 election is in doubt.   Continue reading “Why Obama Released Embarrassing IRS Bombshell”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

At, one genius SWAT team member makes this remarkable argument.

Tactical teams seeking their terrorist prey in the greater Boston area did so in great numbers — numbers that would make military commanders in Afghanistan envious. Video footage showed the American law enforcement warrior looking for a fight.   Continue reading “The Hazards Of A Militarized Police Force”


Just a heads up: Since the government likes to stage drills at the same time as real catastrophic events – Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing are the most recent – it is a good idea to note a massive FEMA drill that will occur on May 13, 2013, in Pennsylvania.   Continue reading “FEMA to stage massive drill at Pennsylvania amusement park today”

** FILE ** CIA Director David H. Petraeus testifies on Feb. 2, 2012, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by Joseph Curl

Call it “Oval Office Couch Syndrome.”

By their second term “inside the bubble,” presidents have completely lost touch with reality: Aides and confidants conspire to keep the chief executive insulated from the real world — the bad news, the worse press coverage. They think it’s their job, and lounging on the Oval Office couches, they nod along with the president’s every musing.   Continue reading “Watch out for Petraeus in Benghazi scandal”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

The secretive Bilderberg Group is currently undergoing a major transformation that will see it and other high profile networks merge under the banner of Google as the elite accelerates its plan to consolidate its technocratic agenda.

This past weekend, Infowars reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Jon Scobie visited the luxury Grove Hotel in Watford, UK, site of the 2013 Bilderberg Group conference set to take place June 6-9, a clandestine annual gathering of over 100 of the world’s most influential power brokers in the fields of politics, academia, technology, business and banking.   Continue reading “Google-Berg: Global Elite Transforms Itself For Technocratic Revolution”

garden veggiesThe Organic Prepper

Making a trip to the grocery store these days is like running a gauntlet.  From one side you are assaulted by food-like substances in brightly labeled packages, some even touting exaggerated health benefits from the toxins within.  From the other side, you are gouged and poked by cleverly marketed “natural” foods that are 4 times the price of conventional foods.  When you change directions to avoid one onslaught, you are immediately attacked by the other.   Continue reading “20 Ways to Build a Whole Food Kitchen on a Half Price Budget”

The Obama administration is telling us that immigration reform will be accomplished this summer and this is where the problem begins.  We are not being asked if we want it, we are just being told that it is going to be.  Then of course if there is any backlash, the insurgency simply touts a few fraudulent, paid for opinion polls and claims those in opposition only represent a fringe.

This was a lie with gun control and it is a lie with immigration.  Prior to the false flags, removal of gun control was actually what was taking place, and prior to this socialist agenda to legitimize an invasion, the push was for getting the borders sealed and deporting the criminals who had crossed them.  They will not ask the American people what we want because they know that what we want is not what they want.   Continue reading “Immigration Reform – Whether the American People Want it or Not”

Red lines on cartoon bombs and lines in the sand are nothing more than catch phrases designed to manipulate and coerce.  The Zionists use their 5th column in the United States with its limitless financing to coerce political agreements in the Executive while bypassing the US Congress and thus the people’s represented will.  Obama steps up to the podium and declares a threat of intervention if a so called red line is crossed, with zero authority to do so as the US Congress is the only body with the power to declare war.  And of course the Zionists make sure, through covert black ops, that the lines are always crossed, or at least it appears that they have been crossed.

This scenario, like all of the other Zionist tactics, has been overused to the point that the actions they represent are no longer covert, but easily recognizable by anyone with a little common sense.    Continue reading “Israel’s Desperation to Perpetuate Aggression will Lead to Its Ultimate Destruction”

The Tea Party is outraged at the IRS for denying them 501(c)3 status for political reasons and it is all over the mainstream news.  I guess the question is, why?  Every year, 365 days a year, year after year, the IRS targets individual sovereign nationals and takes everything they have, including their lives if they resist too much and nobody seems to care.  But now the Tea Party, hey that’s a collective that has already been infiltrated.

Why not try to re-legitimatize them?  I mean anything is better than a 40 million man army consisting of heavily armed individuals, sporting hemp ropes.  I bet the status quo would be elated if all the patriots would just go back to the Tea Party and allow Sarah Palin to wield their power.  Hell, they might even make it to another election, resulting in another mandate from the people to take more from us and hand it over to the international corporate mafia.    Continue reading “Tea Party vs the IRS”

childNatural News – by Mike Adams

In a new low for even the mainstream media, the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers in Australia are pushing a campaign of outright medical child abuse they call “NO JAB NO PLAY.” The campaign demands that unvaccinated children be barred from all social contact with other children and condemned to the life of a social outcast where parents are presumably supposed to raise them in cages in dark basements. The paper has launched its horrific, anti-human-rights campaign, “NO JAB NO PLAY” that demands children who are not vaccinated with state-mandated chemicals (which include mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and other toxins) be denied interaction with other children.   Continue reading “Australian Telegraph newspaper endorses medical child abuse: Unvaccinated children should be raised as outcasts”

ION Tiger.(Screenshot from YouTube user USNavyVisualNews)RT News

A drone developed by the US Navy has broken its own endurance record by staying in the air for just over 48 hours. The ‘Ion Tiger’ used a new cryogenic tank for the liquid hydrogen fuel feeding its fuel cells to achieve the breakthrough.

Keeping a drone in the air as long as possible is a chief task for a UAV operator, especially in surveillance. One approach is to use fuel that packs a lot of energy for its volume, like hydrocarbons; drones like the MQ-9 Reaper can fly for 30 hours without landing for refueling.   Continue reading “US Navy’s liquid hydrogen drone flies for record 48 hours”

The US Supreme Court in Washington, DC (AFP Photo)RT News

The United States Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of biotech giant Monsanto, closing the door on a patent case that has pitted a smalltime farmer from Indiana against a titan of the agriculture industry.

The high court said early Monday that 75-year-old farmer Vernon Bowman of Indiana violated Monsanto’s patent rights when he purchased a mix of seeds from a grain elevator that he later planted on his Midwest farm. That mix included patented Roundup Ready soybean seeds manufactured by Monsanto that are sold under license because they can hold up against their namesake, a nasty pesticide regularly used on farms.   Continue reading “Monsanto wins landmark patent case in Supreme Court”