Godfather Politics – by Philip Hodges

Public figures are more honest when they think no one is watching or listening.

The New Jersey legislature archives their sessions and uploads them to their website for all to listen to. What some of these legislators didn’t realize was that the mic was still on and could pick up what they were saying.   Continue reading ““Hot Mic” Picks Up Dem Lawmakers: “Confiscate, Confiscate, Confiscate””

U.S. Troops in Afghanistan (Photo: Senior Airman Sean Martin, U.S. Air Force)Long Island Press – by Jed Morey

U.S. Military ‘Power Grab’ Goes Into Effect

The manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects offered the nation a window into the stunning military-style capabilities of our local law enforcement agencies. For the past 30 years, police departments throughout the United States have benefitted from the government’s largesse in the form of military weaponry and training, incentives offered in the ongoing “War on Drugs.” For the average citizen watching events such as the intense pursuit of the Tsarnaev brothers on television, it would be difficult to discern between fully outfitted police SWAT teams and the military.   Continue reading “Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’”

Washington Post Reports that Washington, D.C., Officials Are Involved in IRS ScandalThe Blaze – by Becket Adams

And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for the Obama administration, something new comes along.

From the Washington Post:   Continue reading “How High Up Does This Go? New Report Implicates Washington Officials in IRS Scandal”

Live Wire – by TOM KLUDT

Jon Stewart on Monday skewered the Internal Revenue Service over revelations that the agency improperly targeted conservative organizations, arguing that the emerging scandal will embolden right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Stewart blasted senior IRS official Lois Lerner, who seemed to suggest on a conference call last week that the agency’s apology was adequate.   Continue reading “Jon Stewart: IRS Scandal Gives Credibility To ‘Tin Foil-Behatted’ Right-Wing”

A man who ran away on foot during a car stop on Aug. 9, 2012, in West Philadelphia was eventually shot to death by police after the pursuit.Philly.com – by Sam Wood

The number of violent crimes fell last year in Philadelphia, as did assaults on police officers.

But the number of people shot by police is up.

Way up.

The number of shootings by police in 2012 resulting in death or injury climbed to the highest level it’s been in 10 years. Philadelphia police shot 52 suspects last year while responding to calls for reported crimes. Of those shot, 15 people died.   Continue reading “Shootings by Philly police soar as violent crime plummets”

photolibrary_rf_photo_of_colorful_foodsThe Organic Prepper


Just the mention of the word causes an immediate wave of fear through young and old, rich and poor, men and women.   The disease is no respecter of persons.

How far would you go to lower your risk of cancer?   Continue reading “Two Radical ‘Brave Choices’ to Prevent Cancer: Voluntary Mutilation or Clean Living”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following the just concluded recent visit by John Kerry to Russia, one may have been left with the impression that the tensions of the Cold War are dead and buried. Just the opposite it appears. In what may be a well-timed and orchestrated announcement, moments ago Russia announced that it had caught an American, Ryan Fogle, a third-secretary at the US Embassy in Moscow, “red-handed” as he tried to recruit a Russian intelligence officer to work for the CIA.   Continue reading “Russia Captures US Embassy Worker In Act Of CIA Recruitment; CIA’s “Dropbox” Gmail Address Revealed”

All Gov – by Matt Bewig

President Barack Obama is currently blocking the release—or allowing the CIA to block the release—of a comprehensive Senate report on the use of torture by the George W. Bush administration CIA that is said to conclude that torture was not an effective or reliable method of interrogation and that the agency repeatedly misled the White House, the Justice Department, and Congress about its interrogation efforts.   Continue reading “Why is Obama Hiding 6,000-Page Report on Bush-Era Torture and Why is Torture Still Allowed?”

Idaho spud giant bets on biotech potatoesOptimum

A dozen years after a customer revolt forced Monsanto to ditch its genetically engineered potato, an Idaho company aims to resurrect high-tech spuds.

This month, tuber processing giant J.R. Simplot Co. asked the U.S. government to approve five varieties of biotech potatoes. They’re engineered not to develop ugly black bruises – McDonald’s, which gets many of its fries from Simplot, rejects those. They’re also designed to have less of a natural but potentially cancer-causing neurotoxin, acrylamide.   Continue reading “Idaho spud giant bets on biotech potatoes”

schoolNatural News – by Lance Devon

Individual liberty is being burned at the stake, as governments set fire to people natural rights. This time it has everything to do with homeschooling.

It all started in Germany. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike were raising their five children in the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, when they decided to remove their children from the public education system.   Continue reading “Parents have no ‘right’ to homeschool their kids, says Justice Department”

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

The wheels are coming off the Canadian made campaign bus.

Right about now, behind the scenes, Obama has to be sweating like Kelly Pickler on Jeapordy.

The revolving door of lies is spinning like a lathe and none of what is hitting the fan is sticking to the walls enough to cover the handwriting.   Continue reading “Obama Will Not Make It Through 2nd Term”

cantor-borowitz.jpgThe New Yorker – by ANDY BOROWITZ  [Satire]

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A deep divide has emerged within the Republican Party over whether to waste Congress’s time investigating Benghazi talking points or repealing Obamacare, G.O.P. lawmakers confirmed today.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia), sounded the first discordant note at a press briefing this morning, telling reporters, “The time for wasting day after day investigating Benghazi is over. The American people are counting us to waste our time repealing Obamacare yet again.”   Continue reading “G.O.P. Split Over Whether To Waste Time Investigating Benghazi Or Repealing Obamacare”

Deadline Live – by Alex Constantine

The following article originally appeared in the February 2002 issue of HIGH TIMES Magazine

Marley knew the drill – in Jamaica, at the height of his success, when music and politics were still one, before the fog of censorship rolled into the island, old wounds were opened by a wave of destabilization politics. Stories appeared in the local, regional and international press downsizing the achievements of the quasi-socialist Jamaican government under Prime Minister Michael Manley.   Continue reading “The CIA & The Death of Bob Marley”

topinfopost.comTop Info Post

Private First Class Kimberly Rivera, mother of four children and pregnant with a fifth, was sentenced on April 29 to 14 months imprisonment, which was lowered to 10 months based on a plea agreement.   Continue reading “Pregnant Mom Of 4 Sentenced To Prison For Refusing To Serve In Iraq”