screenshot from youtube video by user alschultesRT News

Even though she passed through a security checkpoint at Missouri’s Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, TSA agents picked a three-year-old girl in a wheelchair for additional screening. The agency is now apologizing for the incident.

Lucy Forck, who was on her way to Disney World, suffers from Spina bifida, a developmental disorder that prevents vertebrae and the spinal cord from fully forming. Lucy’s spinal cord is partially exposed as a result. Continue reading “TSA apologizes after picking wheelchair-bound child for security check”

Student of the Gun AR BannerAmmoLand

LUVERNE, AL –-( It is only fitting that this week we are AR heavy.

We’ll take a close look at the Chiappa M4-22, a rimfire version of the famous black rifle that is a hoot to shoot.

Our friends from CMMG introduce us to a .50 caliber muzzle-loading AR, you read that right and you’ll need to see in to believe it. Continue reading “This week on Student of the Gun: Chiappa M4-22, AR Muzzleloader & .223 Carbine, King of Home Defense”

Walmart Saw $17 Billion Profit in 2012Latino Daily News

Walmart Stores, Inc., the world’s largest retailer, said Thursday it posted income from continuing operations of $17 billion in the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, up 7.8 percent from the comparable prior period, thanks to higher sales and lower financing costs.

Revenues totaled $466.1 billion in fiscal 2013, up 5 percent over fiscal 2012, the company said. Continue reading “Walmart Saw $17 Billion Profit in 2012”

To say our right to own and bear arms is facing an all out attack by the communist infiltrators within what is no longer our government would be putting it lightly.  The goal being of course to put we the people under the draconian authority contained in the UN Small Arms Treaty before it comes up to be signed in March.  We are talking about the disarmament of our people for the express reason of leaving us helpless in the face of the foreclosure of our country, a foreclosure admittedly brought about via international fraud.

It is impossible to comprehend that any thinking person could believe one word coming out of the mainstream media.  It has reached the point to where they are no longer attempting to twist the reality but have been reduced to the shoddiest of simple diversions. Continue reading “So what is in the News, or better yet, what’s not?”

MaliUnited Liberty – by Jason Pye

President Barack Obama came a step closer to engaging in military action in Mali. The Associated Press reports this morning that the White House has notified Congress that 100 military personnel have been sent to Niger, which borders Mali to the east:

In a letter to Congress, Obama says the forces will focus on “intelligence sharing” with French troops fighting Islamist militants in neighboring Mali. He says the American forces have been deployed with weapons, quote, “for the purpose of providing their own force protection and security.” Continue reading “U.S. sends troops to Niger”’s Blog

How Many Constitutional Freedoms Do We Still Have?

Preface: While a lot of people talk about the loss of our Constitutional liberties, people usually speak in a vague, generalized manner … or focus on only one issue and ignore the rest.

This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right. Continue reading “Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost?”

The Contributer – by Dave Johnson

You may have seen charts like the one to the right from the Economic Policy Institute, showing how working people’s wages stopped going up along with productivity gains.

This means the gains went…somewhere else. See if you can guess who got them? (Hint: it’s the 1 percent; this is one driver of the terrible income and wealth inequality.) This breakoff of wages from productivity growth is partly the result of trade agreements that pit Americans against exploited workers in non-democracies. This weakened the bargaining power of unions, moved factories and industries out of the country, devastated entire regions of our country — and gave the giant multinational corporations, Wall Street and the billionaires the leverage they needed. Continue reading “40% Of Americans Now Make Less Than 1968 Minimum Wage”

Retired Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honore, far left at lectern, appears Thursday at a news conference at the Chicago Military Academy in Bronzeville.Chicago Tribune – by Lolly Bowean, Chicago Tribune reporter

To reduce the homicides and shootings plaguing Chicago streets, elected officials should consider calling on the state and federal governments for help, even the National Guard if necessary, said a retired Army lieutenant general who spearheaded the military response after Hurricane Katrina. Continue reading “Retired general says National Guard could help curb Chicago violence”

Gun measuresAmerican nationals need to show up at these events armed to confront these parasitic communist infringers.  Then let so called law enforcement show themselves as either patriots or lackeys for the insurgency.

LA Times – by Matea Gold and Melanie Mason, Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — The nonprofit advocacy group that inherited President Obama‘s grass-roots campaign infrastructure faces the first real test of its political might Friday, when it holds a series of volunteer-driven events in support of the president’s gun violence reduction plan. Continue reading “Obama advocacy group plans Day of Action”

Come and Take ItAmmoLand – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -( Approximately 400 citizens attended a meeting of the Westford, MA Board of Selectmen on Feb. 20 2013 to speak against a proposed ‘assault weapons’ ban, which was ultimately defeated. The crowd “erupted in applause” and greeted the news with a standing ovation.

Robert Jeffries, Vice Chairman of the Board of Selectman and the one who proposed the bill, said he was taken aback by the size of the opposition: “This was meant to be a discussion within the town of Westford. A community discussion that’s gotten way, way beyond that.” Continue reading “Massachusetts Residents Erupt in Applause as ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Withdrawn”

From the Trenches World Report keeps going down again and again.  This is starting to look like a deliberate attack.  Every time the site starts working correctly and our numbers start coming back, it is like a switch is being flipped.  I do not know the motive but I can tell you this.  The server SiteGround’s attitude is that I’m just one poor son of a bitch out here in the middle of nowhere and there is nothing that I can do about them.

We have paid every extortion demand, starting with the $29 per month we were told would be sufficient for our traffic to $68.95 per month (still wasn’t enough) to $107 per month where we are now.  And with no more traffic, the money has changed nothing and the site continues to fail. Continue reading “SiteGround is Trying to Choke From the Trenches Out”

Climate Change Infectious DiseaseHuffington Post – by 

When Rick Ostfeld heard about the sky-darkening flocks of birds descending this winter on Hopkinsville, Ky., he couldn’t help but think of Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds.”

“I remember watching it multiple times as a kid, just to scare myself,” said Ostfeld, a disease ecologist with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, N.Y. Continue reading “Kentucky Birds, New York Rats Raise Disease Risks”

Prograde Hunter Grade AmmunitionAmmoLand

Stevensville, MT – -( Powerful.  Dependable.  Precise.  ProGrade Ammunition knew exactly what it was looking for when it selected the lineup of rounds for its Hunter Grade line of ammunition.

Experts at ProGrade understand hunters choose each piece of gear and equipment with care when they are headed out into the field.  Each specific circumstance and environment dictates what you’ll throw in your pack – including your ammunition.  This is why ProGrade has developed an elite collection of rounds tailored for the hunter to deliver the bone-crushing power needed while on the hunt. Continue reading “ProGrade Ammunition Hunter Grade Rounds Deliver Quick Accurate Kills”

Obama's Gun Ban Machine American's for Responsible SolutionsAmmoLand

Lincoln, NE –-( Thanks to grassroots organizations like the NFOA, and members like you, many senators and congressional representatives have begun to back away from gun control proposals.

Unfortunately, the gun-grabbers now have a new plan. We must ensure that it fails. Continue reading “Obama Re-Election Machine Repurposed to Attack the Second Amendment”

Bluefin TunaHuffington Post – by Joe Satran

Bluefin tuna just can’t catch a break. Weeks after it was reported that overfishing had reduced the Pacific population of the fish, which is popular in sushi bars, by over 96 percent, researchers have found trace levels of radiation still lingering in their flesh almost two years after the catastrophe at the nuclear plant in Fukushima, Japan. And the tuna they studied were caught off the coast of California, 6000 miles east of Japan. Monte Burke at Forbes writes: Continue reading “Bluefin Tuna Caught Near California Still Radioactive Years After Fukushima”

Seafood FraudHuffington Post – by Carey Polis

Oceana, an international ocean advocacy group, has released a report on national seafood fraud [pdf], and the results are disconcerting. The report, which is one of the largest on seafood fraud to date, found that one-third of fish was mislabeled. Continue reading “Seafood Fraud Study By Oceana Reveals Widespread Mislabeling Nationwide”

Organic Prepper

In a pill-popping world, the idea of simply providing your brain and body with what it needs for mental health is nothing short of revolutionary.  1 in 5 Americans currently takes one or more psychiatric drugs on a daily basis.

Psychiatric medications are among the most widely prescribed and biggest-selling class of drugs in the US. In 2010, Americans spent $16.1 billion on anti-psychotics to treat depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, $11.6 billion on antidepressants and $7.2 billion on treatment for ADHD, according to IMS Health, which tracks prescription drug sales.  (Source) Continue reading “Nature’s Prozac: Nutrition for Mental Health”

Barrett News

Barrett opposes those who are illegally disarming the American public from their efficient arms and creating superior armed elitist government agencies.

Elected state officials of New York, having been sworn to protect our Constitution, have instead committed an offense against it and their citizens by stripping inalienable rights duly protected and guaranteed under the Second Amendment. By their deliberate and sinister actions, these officials now cause their state and local policing agencies to enforce these unconstitutional and illegal so called “laws”.   Continue reading “Barrett’s Position Regarding the Assault on Liberty”