sotuReuters – by Doug Palmer

President Barack Obama on Tuesday called for talks on a far-reaching free trade agreement with the 27 nations of the European Union, throwing his weight behind a deal that would encompass half the world’s economic output.

“Tonight I am announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union because trade that is free and fair across the Atlantic supports millions of good-paying American jobs,” Obama said in his annual State of the Union speech. Continue reading “Obama calls for U.S. free trade pact with European Union”

G7Commodity Trade Mantra

The world can expect a full Blown breakout of the so-called Currency Wars soon enough. Japanese currency – the Yen & the nations monetary policy have become the focus of the global Currency tensions ahead of a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers later this week in Moscow.

The statements out of the G7 meet (Finance ministers and central bank governors of the US, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Canada) were aimed at cooling the Currency Wars tensions; it instead triggered fresh concerns on the same. Continue reading “Currency Wars nearing a full Blown Breakout”

Students Told to Stop ‘USA!’ Chant, Take Off American Flag BandanasThe National Review – by Andrew Johnson

Four California high-school students were reportedly suspended for chanting “U.S.A! U.S.A!” and wearing American flag bandanas during a basketball game. While their punishment has since been rescinded, school administrators said “the incident is far from over.” Continue reading “Students Told to Stop ‘USA!’ Chant, Take Off American Flag Bandanas”

us armyChron – by Robert Stanton

If you see a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter hovering over La Marque and Texas City today, not to worry: we’re not under attack.

It’s all part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving a small contingent of servicemen that should wrap up today, or Thursday at the latest, officials said.

“This is an Army exercise to test their equipment,” La Marque Police Chief Randall Aragon said. “The area resembles a theater of operation they might be using. We want the community to understand that if they see a helicopter flying over their rooftops in this area, to not be alarmed.” Continue reading “U.S. Army drills in Texas City, La Marque”

tsa patdownsThe Tenth Amendment Center – by Nick Hankoff

As previously reported by Kelli Sladick, HB 2175 was introduced to the Kansas Legislature to limit TSA searches. Probable cause would be the new standard before public officials or employees could legally touch “the genitals, buttocks, anus or female breasts of suchperson, including touching through clothing.” There are also protections for children, prohibiting agents of the state from removing a child from the physical custody or control of the parent or guardian. Continue reading “TSA bill favorably received by Kansas House committee”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Chris Dorner’s wallet has been found now….twice. First we learn from USA Today that Chris Dorner’s wallet has miraculously been found within the charred remains of the cabin that he had been hiding out in and presumably died in. However, Chris Dorner’s wallet was also found last Thursday, according to this story in theLA Times. This guy Dorner has the worst luck with losing his wallets! I’m sure the LAPD is thankful. First, from USAToday:

Investigators were picking through the rubble of a burned-out cabin in California’s San Bernardino Mountains on Wednesday, trying to piece together details of the violent last stand for a fugitive former Los Angeles police officer whose life apparently ended hours earlier in a barrage of bullets and blazing fire. Continue reading “Chris Dorner’s Wallet Found – Twice!”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

A charred body has been removed from the location where Christopher Dorner may have spent his last moments on Earth. At this time, authorities have not positively identified the remains as those of Chris Dorner though the LAPD has stated, of the remains, “is the body of Christopher Dorner”. The next stage of the police state has been unrolled as an American citizen was executed by his government, once again in a fashion reminiscent of Waco, Texas, without having the opportunity to defend himself in court. Meanwhile Americans rights were violated without cause. Will this set a precedent as we venture forward into an Amerikkka with everpresent drones in the sky and spy-cameras around every corner? Continue reading “Charred Body Removed From Cabin Where Police Stand-Off Took Place – Video Reports: Dorner?”

lapdBefore It’s News – by Deborah Dupree

Another hunted whistleblower of LAPD drug corruption and LA court system, the Human Rights Alert head said this week that corruption in Los Angeles has increased and diversified, making the Chris Dorner violent event and his demise unsurprising.

The Christopher Jordon Dorner event has reportedly ended with more violence and his death where he was holed up in a cabin. His legacy for further exposing LA high-level corruption is unlikely to die if civil and human rights defenders continue risking their lives peacefully exposing it. Continue reading “Why Chris Dorner Died: Another Hunted Whistleblower describes LAPD/Court Drugs, Fraud, False Imprisonments”

sotuJon Rappaport

Perhaps it’s presidents running down the whole laundry list of issues, but it seems to me the last dozen or so State of the Union speeches by presidents could put a galaxy of insomniacs to sleep.

Originally, the State of the Union was the president talking to Congress. Now we all know no one from the Senate or the House is going to move a new inch by anything the president says in his speech. Continue reading “The ruthless State of the Union: the current crime boss speaks”

power outagesSave America Foundation – by Fred Brownbill

Recently, I had a lively discussion with an acquaintance that lives in Texas who was disagreeing with my premise that America is no longer operating under a free market system.

I used the following example…

1.  Obama, while running for president in 2008, stated that “his plan” will cause consumer utility prices to “necessarily skyrocket” (like that’s a good thing)  Continue reading “The US Energy Policy – Planned Power Outages”

omalleyBreitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley seems to have used his power as Governor to utilize the personal emails of hundreds of Marylanders holding hunting licenses in order to push his anti-gun agenda.

Patrick Shomo, president of the pro-gun rights organization Maryland Shall Issue, told The Washington Times that Governor O’Malley is “tapping the state’s Department of Natural Resources database for hunting licenses” in order to gain access to the email addresses. Continue reading “Maryland Governor Abusing Email Privacy to Push Gun Control Agenda”

obamaInternational Business Times – by Edward Smith

Following his State of the Union address, US President Barack Obama signed an executive order that will allow the his government to share its intelligence on potential cyber threats with private firms.

The Improving Critical Infrastructure Cyber Security order aims to protect infrastructure and utilities providers. Speaking during his State of the Union address, President Obama said: “America must face the rapidly growing threat from cyber-attacks.” Continue reading “Obama Signs Cyber Security Order to Safeguard Critical Infrastructure”

dorner droneOffspectrum with James Farganne

Totally new facts about Chris Dorner

Keep in mind while reading the following, that the censorship problems in my mail box are ongoing, with a high percentage of what I am getting being obvious attempts to get me to publish B.S. However, this really adds up to what we are seeing, so I am going to run with it.

According to what is arriving in my mail box, he NEVER KILLED OR THREATENED ANYONE. He did write portions of the manifesto I have posted, but his original manifesto had nothing about getting revenge ANYWHERE BUT IN COURT, and VIA EXPOSURE. It’s most likely a frame up folks, TO JUSTIFY DRONE USE IN AMERICA, AND BURY THE CRIMES OF THE LAPD. Continue reading “Is “Dorner” a Patsy to Justify Drone Strikes on U.S. Soil?”

stupid_idiotsMonty Pelerin’s World

The insanity that is our Federal government and their lackies at the Federal Reserve apparently is unlimited. Janet Yellen, Vice-Chair of the SF Federal Reserve is the latest example of the idiocy. Apparently she is vying for the Paul Krugman Stool of Economics if any university is foolish enough to create one.

Here is Joe Wiesenthal’s report on her recommendations: Continue reading “Idiots Rule The Country”

gold silverActivist Post – by Michael Snyder

Will oil soon be traded in a currency that is thousands of years old? What would a “gold for oil” system mean for the petrodollar and the U.S. economy? Are Russia and China hoarding massive amounts of gold because they plan to kill the petrodollar?

Since the 1970s, the U.S. dollar has been the currency that the international community has used to trade oil around the globe. This has created an overwhelming demand for U.S. dollars and U.S. debt. But what happens when the rest of the globe starts rejecting the increasingly unstable U.S. dollar and figures out that gold can be used as a currency in international trade? The truth is that it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to figure that out. Continue reading “Petrogold: Are Russia And China Hoarding Gold Because They Plan To Kill The Petrodollar?”

fbiWND – by Aaron Klein

With almost no media coverage, the White House last week announced its new Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence that will target not only Islamic terrorists but so-called violent “sovereign citizens.”

The FBI defines “sovereign citizens” as “anti-government extremists who believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or ‘sovereign’ from the United States.” Continue reading “Big Brother to Monitor ‘Sovereign Citizens’”

dornerPolicy Mic – by Tom McKay

Chris Dorner, a rogue ex-LAPD officer on a week-long revenge-fueled rampage against Los Angeles authorities, may finally be dead after being cornered by police in a Big Bear Lake cabin.

Dorner’s burnt-out truck was found on Thursday in the area with two AR-15 rifles inside. No sign of him emerged, leading authorities to believe he may have vacated the area. However, today, a neighbor apparently saw Dorner attempting to hijack a vehicle. As it turned out, Dorner had been holding two females hostage in a house for several days. Continue reading “Is Christopher Dorner Alive?”

GunSaleBreitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Good news — it has become known that hidden deep within the massive 2800-page bill called Obamacare there is a Senate Amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama overlooked Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c. Continue reading “Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun and Ammo Registration”

radiationBefore It’s News – by Deborah Dupree

Approximately 70,000 American troops have been radiation poisoned for their humanitarian aid to Fukushima survivors after believing related nuclear industry and government lies, including that low-level radiation is not harmful to human health, according to an attorney last week who is representing the Navy in a lawsuit.

“They’ve got leukemia, they have growths, they’re undergoing surgery to remove lesions in their brains, a couple of them have had them and have lost the sight in their eye,” Attorney Paul C. Garner said in a Nuke Radio interview last week. Continue reading “U.S. Troops Radiation Poisoned due to Fukushima Nuclear Lies”