Military-grade social media spying technology revealedComputers Weekly – by Warwick Ashford

Software that can map people’s lives by mining data from social media sites has already been developed by a US defence contractor, it has emerged.

The news comes amid growing concerns by businesses about new entrants to the global workforce posing increasing security challenges to their employers as they mix personal and private lives.

Raytheon developed the software that can track people’s movements and predict future behaviour as part of a joint industry research and development effort with the US military in 2010. Continue reading “Military-grade social media spying technology revealed”

snl skitThe Daily Beast- by Lloyd Grove

An unaired sketch from the Feb. 9 Saturday Night Live, lampooning beleaguered Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel’s confirmation hearingand the alleged influence of the pro-Israel lobby on the United States Senate, has prompted criticism from a group whose mission is fighting anti-Semitism. Continue reading “‘SNL’ Lands in Hot Water With Anti-Defamation League Over Hagel Sketch”

UAV-Drone-Flying-SkyNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Texas lawmakers are considering what would become the toughest anti-drone law in the nation, following revelations the Obama administration has legally justified targeting American citizens only suspected of engaging in terrorist activities with drones.

Under a measure filed by state Rep. Lance Gooden, a Republican, the bill would essentially outlaw the use of drones over Texas by individuals or by state and federal law enforcement agencies. Continue reading “To protect citizens, Texas may pass toughest anti-drone laws in America”

trollFrom the Trenches World Report is patriot communications and there is no surer way of eliminating it than coming on here and talking about blowing cops up with explosives.

Don’t fall for this horseshit.  These government agents get on the site  with short comments like, “I agree” or “Undoubtedly”.  And then at night when I am asleep, they see how many people they can get to say something stupid before I can get up and clean up the site.

You people are smarter than this.  The son of a bitch (LEO Killa) that suggested getting explosives to blow up cop stations is trying to kill you.   Continue reading “A Message to All Commenters on From the Trenches”

state of the unionThere will be a large anti-gun rally at the Capitol tonight.  It will be billed as the State of the Union Address.  I’m sure our founding fathers will be rolling over in their graves, as the 2nd Article to our original Constitution is attacked by the international soviet socialist foreign insurgent Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago, back alley corporate mack daddy, to the cheers of the communists that Michele Obama AKA Michele Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat’s ole lady gave tickets to so that they could attend the treason orgy.

What these bastards are doing is a crime and if the people’s law was being enforced, every one of them would be arrested as they are coming out the door and the video of this so called State of the Union Address would be all the prima fascia evidence needed to secure their conviction.  Whether we realize it or not, the Revolution is in full swing, as the communists are putting troops on the streets and drones in the sky. Continue reading “State of the Communist Insurrection Address Tonight”

lightening vatican cityNew Vision

VATICAN CITY – A lightning struck St Peter’s dome at the Vatican on Monday after Pope Benedict XVI announced he will resign as leader of the world’s 1.1 billion Catholics on February 28.

The pontiff, 85, made the announced on Monday, ignited a lot of reaction from across the globe.

He says his vast age prevented him from carrying out his duties, an unprecedented move in the modern history of the Catholic Church. Continue reading “Lightning strikes Vatican after Pope Benedict resigns”

commiesWND – by Joseph Farah

How do authoritarians and totalitarians usually gain power?

One of the tried-and-true methods is to foment social chaos.

It happened in the Bolshevik revolution.

It happened in Adolf Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s.

It happened in Mao’s “cultural revolution.” Continue reading “Another Theory about Obama’s Domestic Army”

we the peopleConservative News and Views – by Terry A. Hulrbut

Even some liberal activists now warn: Barack Obama puts our freedom at risk with his drone warfare program. It amounts to declaring war against a person, and summarily executing him, without trial. Vesting that kind of authority only in the President or his subordinates, breaks faith with both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution. Continue reading “Drone Warfare and the Constitution”

Raw-Milk-BucketsNatural News – by Ethan

We are excited to report that food freedom has won out in South Carolina, where a factory farm front group recently tried, but failed, to stamp out longstanding state laws that recognize the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk throughout the Palmetto State. And all of you, our valued readers, helped make this possible by calling and emailing the South Carolina Farm Bureau(SCFB) in the eleventh hour and urging the group to oppose this attempted assault on an all-natural food product. Continue reading “Victory! South Carolina upholds freedom of residents to buy, sell raw milk”

cherenWSBTV 2 News – by Ryan Young

ATLANTA — Atlanta police said they arrested a 79-year-old woman accused of selling marijuana.

Norma Cheren may look like someone’s grandmother with her glasses and silver hair, but investigators said they were surprised when they found nine pounds of marijuana and $130,000 in cash in her home. Continue reading “79-year-old charged after police find pounds of pot, $130K in home”

chemtrailsThe Tap – by Dr. Mercola

We cannot win the war against disease by trying to eradicate microoranisms in a misguided attempt to make certain viruses and bacteria extinct. It doesn’t work that way! When there was an attempt in the past century to kill certain bacteria with widespread use of antibiotics in animals and humans, what happened? The bacteria found a way to mutate and survive and now we have a serious problem with antibiotic resistant bacterial infections. Continue reading “Chemtrails make flu into a killer by depriving people of Vitamin D”

Racial origin of the JewsThe Vatic Project

Vatic Note:  I am putting this up now since they are getting very close to taking over our communities and nation. Its becoming more  and more important than ever that we fully understand our enemy and what he is capable of doing, how long he has been at this, and how deeply committed he is in destroying Christianity and most of the goyim, except those they will genetically engineer into compliance with their slave status as assets and cattle for the edomite Khazars.  That is the future they have planned for your offspring and progeny. Continue reading “Racial origin of the “Jews”; not Israelites, but descendants of Khazars, Edomites, Canaanites, Cain, and ultimately Satan”

Doug Ross @ Journal

Government Security News reports that a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has produced results: the list of U.S. organizations that have applied to fly drones over America:

The new drone authorization list, said EFF, includes law enforcement agencies and universities across the country, and the first Indian tribal agency to apply. In all, EFF said the list includes more than 20 new entities over the FAA’s original list, bringing to 81 the total number of public entities that have applied for FAA drone authorizations through October 2012. Continue reading “Freedom of Information Request: FAA forced to release list of U.S. groups who say they need to fly drones over America”

al-pacino-the-devils-advocateBusiness Insider- by Judith Aquino and Abby Rogers

Lawyers are the second most “psychopathic” profession in the world after CEOs, according to Kevin Dutton’s book “The Wisdom of Psychopaths.”

In his book, Dutton interviews  a cold-hearted lawyer who embodies psychopathic tendencies. Continue reading “20 Signs That You Are A Psychopath”


A defiant North Korea has conducted its third nuclear test, prompting a wave of international criticism from governments and other organization. It also said that more “measures” may follow, raising concerns that more nuclear devices may be exploded.

Track LIVE UPDATES on the fallout of the North Korean nuclear test. Continue reading “N. Korea conducts 3rd nuclear test, warns more ‘measures’ may come”

i-am-the-resistanceThe Tenth Amendment Center – by Kelli Sladick

Representative Brett Hildabrand of Kansas’ 17th district has introduced a bill, HB2161, to nullify the so-called “indefinite detention” powers of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). HB2161 has many co-sponsors including Representatives: Bradford, Claeys, Garber, Grosserode, Hedke, Houser, Howell, Montgomery, O’Brien, Peck, Petty, Read and Rothlisberg. This bill is currently in the Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice.

This bill is different from and quite a bit stronger than previous bills introduced around the country to nullify NDAA indefinite detention. It includes kidnapping charges for federal agents attempting to arrest people in Kansas without due process. This concept stands on a strong leg, because when you remove due process from the equation, “indefinite detention” is little more than government-sanctioned kidnapping. Continue reading “Resistance to NDAA Kidnapping Powers is our Duty”

victimsYahoo News – by ANDREW MIGA and MICHAEL MELIA | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Several people whose lives have been shattered by gun violence will be watching from the packed House gallery as President Barack Obama gives his State of the Union speech.

But not Bill Sherlach, whose wife, Mary, was killed in the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14. Continue reading “Gun victims family emerge as advocates”

robinhoodDaily Finance – by John Grgurich, The Motley Fool

In January, 11 European countries moved significantly closer to implementing a financial transaction tax, known informally as a “Robin Hood” tax, which would be levied on stock, bond, and derivatives trades, with the proceeds potentially used to fight poverty and climate change. Continue reading “Investors, Take Note: The Robin Hood Tax Might Be Coming to America”