lasagnaHuffington Post – by CASSANDRA VINOGRAD

LONDON — Some beef lasagna products recalled from British stores contained more than 60 percent horsemeat, U.K. food safety authorities said Thursday. It was the latest revelation in a growing scandal surrounding the use of horsemeat and the mislabeling of meat products in Europe.

Frozen-food company Findus recalled the beef lasagna meals earlier this week after French supplier Comigel raised concerns that the products didn’t “conform to specification.” The U.K. Food Standards Agency said the lasagnas were tested as part of an ongoing investigation into mislabeled meat. Continue reading “Recalled Beef Lasagna Products Contain More Than 60 Percent Horsemeat: UK”

danielHuffington Post – by Lynne Peeples

In 1991, as part of Operation Desert Storm, former U.S. Army Spc. Candy Lovett arrived in Kuwait a healthy 29-year-old eager to serve her country. Two decades later, she’s accumulated a stack of medical records over five feet high — none of which relates to injuries inflicted by bullets or shrapnel.

“It’s just been one thing after another,” said the veteran, who now resides in Miami and whose ailments run the gamut from lung disease and sleep apnea to, most recently, terminal breast cancer. “At one point,” she said, “I was on over 50 pills.” Continue reading “Gulf War Syndrome, Other Illnesses Among Veterans May Be Due To Toxic Environments”

pandaPANDA – by Ed Quiggle Jr.

On Monday, January 28, 2013, a group of about 30 individuals came out to support the introduction of the Liberty Preservation Ordinance to the Sunbury, PA City Council and Mayor. Attendees included members of the People Against the NDAA, American Civil Liberties Union, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, Oathkeepers and the Susquehanna Valley Liberty Alliance.

Also in attendance was State Constable Ed Quiggle, Jr., the Constable for Sunbury’s 9th Ward, who signed a similar resolution for his ward last year. Constable Quiggle introduced the ordinance to the city council speaking in favor of its passage and reminded the councilmembers of their oath to support and defend the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions. Continue reading “Sunbury Constable and Activists Urge Council to Approve Anti-NDAA Ordinance”

Mike CampbellHuffington Post – by Dan Elliot

DENVER — Victims and witnesses in the Colorado theater shootings have been pestered by conspiracy theorists, impersonated in court filings and had their addresses and phone numbers posted online, prosecutors said.

In a document made public late Wednesday, District Attorney George Brauchler said some victims are concerned for their safety because of the unwanted attention. Continue reading “Aurora Theater Shooting Victims Being Harassed By Conspiracy Theorists”

gmoThe Organic Prepper

If I told you that there was a poison, let’s say, strychnine, for example, that you could ingest in teeny tiny minuscule doses and live to tell the tale, would you do it?

Strychnine poisoning is one of the most painful ways to die.

Ten to twenty minutes after exposure, the body’s muscles begin to spasm, starting with the head and neck in the form of trismus and risus sardonicus. The spasms then spread to every muscle in the body, with nearly continuous convulsions, and get worse at the slightest stimulus. Continue reading “GMOs: Not Even in Moderation”

Iran DroneHuffington Post – by NASSER KARIMI

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s state TV has broadcast footage allegedly extracted from the advanced CIA spy drone captured in 2011, the latest in a flurry of moves from Iranian authorities meant to underline the nation’s purported military and technological advances.

Iran has long claimed it managed to reverse-engineer the RQ-170 Sentinel, seized in December 2011 after it entered Iranian airspace from the country’s eastern border with Afghanistan, and that it’s capable of launching its own production line for the unmanned aircraft. Continue reading “Iran Drone Capture Claim: State TV Airs Images Allegedly Extracted From U.S. Aircraft”

dorner brattonBefore It’s News – by Mort Amsel

In case your not sure or don’t know. This man is accused of killing 1 cop and injuring 2 others in a shoot out in 2 seperate overnight shootings in Los Angeles.  He is currently on the run and the LAPD has laucnhed a massive man hunt for him.  -Mort

Your News

From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648
To: America
Subj: Last resort
Regarding CF# 07-004281 Continue reading “Ex-LAPD Officer Murder Suspect Uncensored Manifesto”


A heartfelt wish of many folks in the US is to have more products manufactured here instead of being imported. This is especially true in the current economic times. Just Water, LLC is very proud to announce that they have successfully ‘on-shored’ the production of ceramic water filters and will very shortly be rolling out various products that use these. Homespun Environmental, LLC is equally proud to announce that they are the very first distributor to have these US made ceramic water filters available on their website. Both companies have worked hard to meet customer’s needs and having US made products was high on that list. Continue reading “Ceramic Water Filters Now Manufactured in the USA”

drone-hellfireThere is an old saying, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” and at present we are seeing a bullshit blitz coming out of the mainstream propaganda machine.  The top priorities for the insurgents, after running on a platform for jobs, jobs, jobs, is now focused on gun control and the legalization of 80 million illegal aliens.

The United States insurgent government is funneling arms to Al Qaeda in Syria to precipitate the overthrow of that country’s government, while at the same time we are spending billions building an army within our own borders to fight Al Qaeda here in the good old USA…right. Continue reading “Conversation on Government Assassination on US Citizens”

Shotgun-Shells-Close-UpNatural News – by Mike Adams

In the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, the gun grabbers across America unleashed a full court press to try to wholly disarm American citizens. With the help of the incessantly anti-gun mainstream media, people like Biden, Bloomberg, Cuomo, Feinstein and Obama managed to stir up a frenzy of fabricated fear that promised all our children would be violently gunned down if we didn’t immediately agree to turn in all our guns and ammo magazines.

The push for gun control, however, has spectacularly backfired. In reality, it has hardened the positions of gun rights advocates while massively increasing the number of AR-15s and other firearms sold across the country. Continue reading “How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America”

judge jury executionerBefore It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Did you know that the White House is now “Judge, Jury and Executioner”? According to these disgraceful stories from NBC News and Washington’s Blog and the video below from Ben Swann’s Reality Check, the policies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush in this so-called ‘war on terror’ fiasco have set human rights back 800 years! Not only that, American children are also on Barack Obama’s “Kill List”. Continue reading “Obama Kill List: American Children Included — “Bush & Obama Have Set Us Back 800 Years””


Do you own an iPhone? Then you can hold the NYPD accountable for violating people’s rights.

Today, the NYCLU released an iPhone version of Stop and Frisk Watch – our smart-phone app that allows bystanders to document stop-and-frisk encounters and alert community members when a street stop is in progress.

You have a First Amendment right to record police activity in public. Doing so empowers you to expose abusive policing and protect your neighbors.

Stop and Frisk Watch, which is free and already available for Android phones, has three primary functions: Continue reading “Stop and Frisk Watch Now Available on iPhones”

cyberwarBefore It’s News – by Chris Kitze

There was an outage of You Tube on Before It’s News and many other web sites today, involving the embedded video which went completely blank.  Vlad Tepes and a number of other sites reported a similar outage.

The Google products forum had these threads: Continue reading “Cyberwar False Flag Dry Run? You Tube Embeds Removed from Sites”

anonymousZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

A year and a half ago, when the hacker group Anonymous launched its anti-Bernanke, anti-Fed campaign dubbed Operation Empire State Rebellion (or OpESR), we stated, rhetorically and jokingly, that “perhaps in the aftermath of the IMF “very major breach” by anonymous hackers, it is really time to make sure all external access points to FedWire and FedLine are truly safe and sound. It will be very sad if it is uncovered that this source of externally accessible portal to hundreds of billions in emergency Fed funding has been somehow compromised. Just imagine the loss of confidence in the system… Why, a global distributed attack would really stretch the Fed’s 1,200-strong police force quite thin.” It appears that either FedWire or FedLine may not have been “truly safe and sound” after all. Continue reading “Anonymous Claims It Hacked Fed, Releases Confidential Banker Information”

obama dronesBefore It’s News – by Josey Wales

Why does the White House insist on being Judge, Jury, and Executioner? This is against the constitution and will eventually affect all Americans and their way of life. There were reason the constitution was set up to protect the citizens against this type of tyranny. Look at what the legal experts below have to say on this subject.

‘Judge, jury and executioner’: Legal experts fear implications of White House drone memo
Legal experts expressed grave reservations Tuesday about an Obama administration memo concluding that the United States can order the killing of American citizens believed to be affiliated with al-Qaida — with one saying the White House was acting as “judge, jury and executioner. Continue reading “Is The White House Now Judge, Jury and Executioner of Both Drone And Cyber-Attacks?”

The Intel Hub – by Shepard Ambellas

In a shocking twist of events lending credence to’s investigation, it has now been admitted by officials that there is a potential that multiple shooters carried out the bloody massacre that took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School the morning of December 14, 2012. Continue reading “Sandy Hook: Law Enforcement Officials Now Admit Possibility of Multiple Shooters”