false flagFront and center in the present propaganda is one Chris Dorner, an ex-LAPD officer who is accused of going on a murderous rampage and is said to still be at large.  After much evaluation and thought, a consensus is building to support the assertion of yet another false flag.

Chris Dorner is portrayed as a very capable aggressor who just retired as a captain from the Naval Reserve with credentials in both land and underwater warfare.  However there are many discrepancies surfacing as the situation remains fluid. Continue reading “LAPD Manhunt – Another False Flag?”

chris dornerCBS 8

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – The massive manhunt for former LAPD officer, Christopher Dorner, has entered its second day. The search for the triple murder suspect is centered in Big Bear, but also extends throughout Southern California and has touched parts of Southern Nevada.

The latest Dorner sighting has come out of Los Angeles, where the LAPD has reinstated a city wide tactical alert, after Dorner may have been spotted in the LA area. The tactical alert was canceled Friday morning around 7:30 a.m., but was issued again after 11:00 a.m. Continue reading “Search for Dorner continues in Big Bear”

north korean soldierBusiness Insider – by Robert Johnson

China and Japan, along with North and South Korean troops at the DMZ, appear one step away from armed combat and tensions don’t look likely to ease any time soon.

New developments within both regions illustrate how close to open combat the four countries are, and how quickly one incident could expand to war among very powerful nations. Continue reading “Two Chilling Developments Suggest Asia May Be One Step Away From War”

Japan NuclearHuffington Post – by Agence France Presse

People whose homes or farms were hit by radiation from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant will file class-action lawsuits next month to seek damages from the Japanese government, lawyers said Friday.

At least 350 residents are to file a case with Fukushima District Court on March 11, the second anniversary of the disaster, the lawyers said, describing it as the largest class-action on the issue against the state. Continue reading “Fukushima Survivors To Sue Japan Government Over Role In Nuclear Disaster”

nemoThe Organic Prepper

Just over 3 months ago, the Northeast was paralyzed after Superstorm Sandy pummelled the East Coast.  Within a matter of days, despite a week of warnings about the impending storm, people in New York City were dumpster diving and begging FEMA to help them.  They were pleading with the cameras for food and water because they were starving.  Some people still have not recovered – there are still nearly 2000 homes in which people are crouching in the dark, without heat, electricity or running water. Continue reading “What Did the Northeast Learn From Sandy? Apparently, Not Much”

chris dornerTerraHertz:

The is the actual manifesto. This one has no crazed ravings, just a lot of angry determination and ‘enough is enough’. Much more believable.

This is going to be like the Unabomber’s manifesto – a very useful way to sort the lying web sources from the truthful, by observing who messes with it, and in what ways. Continue reading “Christopher Dorner’s Original Manifesto”

sanctionsPress TV

A political analyst says the United States government’s call for talks with Tehran is completely unhelpful because Washington has adopted a dual policy towards Iran,Press TV reports.

“Americans have this very odd concept of, as they call it, carrot and stick approach, meaning they offer you something at the same time they hit you over the head with the stick and that is exactly what they are offering, I guess, right now,” Denis Halliday said in an interview with Press TV on Thursday. Continue reading “US dual policy towards Iran doomed to fail: Analyst”

020813+FDA+Office+Crime+Scene+1 (1)NWCN

Bothell Police and the Department of Homeland Security has responded to the Food & Drug Administration regional office in Bothell this morning.

An entire block around the scene at 22215 26th Avenue SE has been blocked off. A ball cap and a side view mirror in the streets, and tire tracks in the grass leading to the northwest entrance to the building. Continue reading “Shots fired at US FDA Building in Bothell, Washington – Updated”


United States –-(Ammoland.com)- Yesterday, California politicians held a press conference to introduce the most draconian gun control civilian disarmament bill seen to date in this country. Seeking to exploit the tragedy of Newtown to achieve a political end, lawmakers introduced a bill that is completely filled with unconstitutional and extreme measures aimed at nothing other than the disarmament of law abiding Americans. Continue reading “We Are All Californians Now”

StormTotalSnowFcstBlacklisted News – by Barracuda

This is really going to be one very wicked winter storm.NYC is now also under a blizzard warning as well.Nemo is expected to dump 2+ ft.of snow in some parts of New England.

According to the Washington Examiner we have a potential disaster coming.

Bank of America led the frenzy. “Winter Storm #Nemo may bring 2 feet of #snow to New England late Fri & Sat. Prepare now – make sure you have plenty of cash on hand.” Continue reading “Storm Panic Hits: BofA Warns ‘Get Cash,’ FEMA Sees Blackouts”

1000s-Protests-Marylands-SB281-Gun-Control-LegislationAmmoLand – by Jason Davis

Annapolis MD – -(Ammoland.com)- Hello AmmoLand readers, this is my after action report on the Maryland’s SB281 Gun Control Legislation hearing held in Annapolis 2/6/2013.

I met a few people from MDShooters and Maryland Shall Issue, so it was great to meet them. As I mentioned  was there yesterday, one of the People who were refused the opportunity to testimony. At 9ish, the Senate declared no more testimony (they ran out of anti-gun supporters early on) and had us line up to speak at the mic and state name and opposition for or against only. Continue reading “1000′s Protest Maryland’s SB281 Gun Control Legislation, Shutting Down Capital Building”

blizzardThe Extinction Protocol

February 8, 2013 – BOSTON, MA – A crippling and potentially historic winter storm barreled toward the Northeast on Thursday, threatening tens of millions of people with 2 feet of snow.

Boston canceled school and braced for one of its worst blizzards of all time. Airlines encouraged fliers to change their plans and get out of the way. There were already delays of more than two hours at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, where tangles can snarl air traffic across the country, and hundreds of flights were canceled. Continue reading “Blizzard alert: Northeast snowstorm could be among the worst of all time”

policeRT News

An investigation into Miami police officers’ on-duty conduct found six officers were ignoring 911 calls while instead kissing their girlfriends, shopping, and drinking coffee.

One 911 call involved an unconscious five-month-old baby. Video footage shows Miami police officer Dario Socarras ignoring dispatch orders to save the child, while drinking coffee for nine minutes and lying to the dispatcher about being “en route”. Paramedics eventually reached the unconscious child, while Socarras never went – but still, the officer wrote in his daily report that he attended the scene. Continue reading “Entire Miami police squad fired after footage shows cops shopping, dining and kissing while ignoring 911 calls”

putinFood Safety News – by HELENA BOTTEMILLER

Russia will ban U.S. turkey products over concerns about the controversial animal drug ractopamine, the country’s Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Surveillance Service (VPSS) announced this week. The news comes a few days after Russia announced it will block U.S. beef and pork as of Feb. 11 due to a lack of compliance to its zero-tolerance policy for ractopamine residues in meat and poultry products. Continue reading “Escalating Trade Dispute, Russia Bans Turkey Over Ractopamine Residues”

Vax Truth

When a normal, healthy, vibrant seven year-old child dies suddenly we want to know why.  Things like that just don’t happen – at least they didn’t used to happen at the rate they appear to be happening lately.

This report from an Independent News Source in Vermont  relates the story of what happened after Kaylynne Matten was taken by her parents for her annual physical on December 2, 2011.  During the physical Kaylynne was given a flu vaccine.  Four days later she was dead.  She wasn’t even sick when she went to the doctor! Continue reading “Death by Flu Shot. 7 Year-Old Receives Flu Vaccine; Dies 4 Days Later”

tsaExaminer – by Mikael Thalen

Whether it’s for stealing passengers’ property or tearing open a leukemia patient’s saline bags, the TSA always seems to be making the news. Now, one Washington state representative is preparing to fight back against the growing federal encroachment.

The Transportation Security Agency, best known for its intrusive pat downs in airports, has now been seen at highway checkpointsbus stations, train stationsand even football games. In fact, in 2011 over 9,300 unannounced highway checkpoints were set up by the TSA. Despite these searches being unconstitutional, they continue to grow. Continue reading “Washington state prepares to take on TSA”

People reach out to take fruits and vegetables distributed for free by farmers during a protest against high production costs outside the Agriculture Ministry in AthensSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Once a bastion of European success and center of tourism, the country of Greece has become the harbinger of things to come for the rest of the world’s developed nations.

Not long ago Greeks were enjoying high paid salaries, early retirements, excess cash, and seemingly never ending economic growth. Continue reading “Watch: Greeks Fight For Food: “I Never Imagined That I Would End Up Here””

cali commiesSo what were the communists in California up to while we were watching the keystone cops shoot innocents?


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Weeks after New York enacted the nation’s toughest gun laws, California lawmakers said Thursday they want their state to do even more in response to recent mass shootings, particularly the Connecticut school massacre. Continue reading “Calif. Seeks To Adopt Nation’s Toughest Gun Laws”

protestYahoo News – by KIMBERLY DOZIER | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The chairman of a Senate committee recessed John Brennan’s CIA confirmation hearing and cleared the room after protesters persistently interrupted the proceedings.

Police removed several protesters at the beginning of the hearing on Thursday. More began yelling after Brennan began testifying, and Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein ordered the hearing recessed while the room was cleared of spectators by Capitol Police. The protesters were shouting objections to lethal U.S. drone strikes and harsh interrogation methods. Continue reading “Protesters interrupt CIA nominee Brennan hearing”

handgunCourthouse News Service – by ROSE BOUBOUSHIAN

(CN) – The 3rd Circuit upheld New Jersey’s so-called One Gun Law, which prohibits the purchase or sale of more than one handgun per person per month, including BB and air guns.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs Inc. and the Glassboro, N.J.-based firarms dealer Bob’s Little Sport Shop had challenged the law alongside several individuals including World War II veteran Kaare Johnson. Continue reading “NJ Can Limit Gun Owners to One Purchase or Sale a Month”