Masked arm robber  / terrorist with Chinese AK47 assault rifleHuffington Post -by Kathleen Miles

Los Angeles moved Wednesday to divest its pensions from any company associated with the production, sale or marketing of assault weapons.

“We are sending a clear signal that Los Angeles supports a ban on assault weapons and that the second-largest city in the nation will not use its resources to fund these dangerous weapons,” LA Councilwoman Jan Perry, who introduced the motion, said on her blog. Continue reading “LA To Divest Pensions From Assault Weapon Companies”

Obama Nominates Hagel For Defense Secretary, Brennan For CIA ChiefHuffington Post – by Ryan J. Reilly

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has directed the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to grant congressional intelligence committees access to a classified memo outlining the administration’s legal justification for targeted killing, an administration official said Wednesday evening.

The administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that the president personally made the decision to release the memo. Continue reading “Obama To Provide Drones Memo To Congress”

NYU Logo - File / Photo: Paul Hawthorne/Getty ImagesNew York CBS Local News

Beginning this fall, incoming freshman at New York University will no longer have the luxury of choosing their roommates.

Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, rather than giving students the option of rooming with their high school friends or others of their choosing, the university will instead pair roommates together in an effort create a “global and inclusive campus community,” the NYU Local student blog reported. Continue reading “No More Choosing Roommates For NYU Freshmen”

police_protestThe Liberty Beacon

A little-discussed executive order from President Obama giving foreign cops new police powers in the United States by exempting them from such drudgery as compliance with the Freedom of Information Act is raising alarm among commentators who say INTERPOL already had most of the same privileges as diplomats.

At David Horowitz’s Newsreal, Michael van der Galien said the issue is Obama’s expansion of President Ronald Reagan’s order from 1983 that originally granted those diplomatic privileges. Continue reading “Obama Gives Foreign Cops New Police Powers in U.S.”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

An ‘options trader’ has made a 11.25 million dollar ‘bet’ that something VERY BAD will happen within the next 60 days. What does this person know that we don’t? According to this story from Business Insider, WE ALL need to be VERY ALERT over the next two months.

Stocks have been rallying relentlessly to post-crisis highs. Continue reading “Something ‘Very Bad’ Will Happen In The Next 60 Days: A ‘Mysterious’ Trader Is Betting On It!”

Common Dreams – by Jim Hightower

Four years ago, Michelle Obama picked up a shovel and made a powerful symbolic statement about America’s food and farm future: She turned a patch of White House lawn into a working organic garden.

That was a great move, earning kudos from just about everyone this side of Monsanto and the pesticide lobby. But now, as she begins another four years in the people’s mansion, the first lady is probably asking herself: “How can I top that? What can I do this time around to plant a crop of common sense in our country’s political soil that will link America’s farmers, consumers, environment and grassroots economy into one big harvest of common good?” Continue reading “High Time for Hemp – A Common Sense Crop for America’s Common Good”

iykeland-rickettsNew York CBS Local News

PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — An immigrant from Jamaica said he was stuck in jail for nine months due to a clerical error.

Now he’s out, angry and suing.

His time behind bars both difficult and depressing, Iykeland Ricketts said being separated from his children and wife took a toll. Continue reading “NY Man Files Lawsuit, Says He Was Wrongfully Imprisioned Over Clerical Error”

gunowners of americaGun Owners of America

Reports out of Capitol Hill reveal that just-reelected turncoat West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is about to stick a big knife in the back of American gun owners.  And to make matters worse, he’s lying about what he’s doing.

Both Manchin and House anti-gun crazy Carolyn McCarthy are claiming to be “working with NRA” to enact gun bans and national gun registries.  NRA says flatly that Manchin is lying, and we believe he is. (The Hill, 1/24/13) Continue reading “Oppose Joe Manchin’s Veterans Gun Ban and National Gun Registry”

CIA-Sponsored-Cyber-Attacks-to-Legitimize-DHS-Big-Brother-Control-Grid1-300x168Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

6 February 2013; The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here and here). I was asked to withhold the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time until after the inauguration. The following resumes where part II left off. At the request of this source and for the sake of continuity, the following combines the information withheld and the information from our most recent contact on 4 February 2013. Continue reading “DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse”

Bruce WillisHuffington Post – by Ryan Pearson

LOS ANGELES — Bruce Willis says he’s against new gun control laws that could infringe on Second Amendment rights. The “Die Hard” star also dismisses any link between Hollywood shootouts and real-life gun violence.

“I think that you can’t start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it’s all going to become undone,” Willis told The Associated Press in a recent interview while promoting his latest film, “A Good Day To Die Hard.” “If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn’t they take all your rights away from you?” Continue reading “Bruce Willis: Gun Control Laws Could Lead To Government Taking Away More Rights”

douglas macarthur elementary schoolWashington Examiner – by Naomi Jagoda

A 10-year-old Alexandria boy was arrested after police said he brought a toy handgun to school on Tuesday, a day after he showed it to others on a school bus.

The boy, a fifth-grader at Douglas MacArthur Elementary School whose name is not being released, was charged as a juvenile with brandishing a weapon, police said. Continue reading “Alexandria cops bust 10-year-old for bringing toy gun to school”

guhanna high schoolSteve Quayle Alerts

This is to confirm the info about Chinese in Ohio.

Someone who works at Gahanna High School, just outside of Columbus was surprised last Friday to see over 100 Chinese people of different ages, family groups, etc. who showed up for lunch. He said there was no advance notice to the staff. Continue reading “Chinese Families show up for local high school lunch in Columbus, Ohio”

take it back1. Start investigating the education programs at the library. Like in history and what many towns are seeing, the library is being used to push an agenda. So as an example, our town library is preaching hate towards those with obesity. They use meetings, filming events and widespread advertising throughout the town. The “obesity agenda” is part of the global agenda. The library also publishes and teaches about parenting as well.

2.  Look into the social programs that are established in your town. Ask yourself what the agenda is of each of these programs is and what the hidden message might be. We have many that I believe are linked to the global agenda. One is relatively new and it is called the “Wellness Coalition.” It is for a “healthier community.” They have the obesity program, suicide prevention/ mental health, etc. This coalition, openly states, it is what is teaching our doctors, teachers, administrators, police, psychologists, clergymen, hospitals etc. This is including who is “mentally ill.”

Basically, what they have been doing is infiltrating from the top and letting their agenda trickle down. If you think the media propaganda is bad, what they have been teaching the leaders of your community behind closed doors is most likely worse. Question any medical agendas that go through because those who want to rule have found that our desire to help others can be used to control others.

Also, there is already an assumption that “professionals” know best and are above the average citizen. I would recommend setting up “professional” training and making appointments to talk with your community leaders. Re-educate. When a person is turned in for “mental health” this person will lose all Constitutional rights without question, because it is for his/her own good. And remember this is not just tailored towards the mentally ill, we have noticed a huge change in how parents are being viewed. There has been a lot of propaganda that teach that parents are incompetent, negligent and need a village to raise a child.

***Research what your states mental health screening is for children. You may be able to snag a copy of the actually screening tools. This will give you an idea of the information they are collecting on families and how they are planning to label people. Schools, just like medical, are going to be used to police people and to control people.

3.  Look for any task forces being set up to consolidate all nonprofits under one roof. In our town, the Wellness Coalition is actually running this program as well. What is being done in many towns is that a task force establishes a new agenda that all the nonprofits will have to follow. Contact these organizations and express your concerns.

4.  Check into any transportation agreements that have been set up for mass transportation of people. Follow up with investigating all the connections.

5.  Examine all your States legislative bills closely. Ask yourself what is this for, can it be used for something else and could it lead to anyone losing their Constitutional rights without a trial, jury or crime.

6.  Scan through all your State departments and local departments to see what is really set up. So like the Department of Immunization or Suicide Prevention etc. In the 8 Stages of genocide, there is always governmental departments established and most people who commit genocide are normal people who have developed a justified hatred or belief that they are better or know better than a certain group of people. This will give you an idea of potential areas the government can use to subjugate its citizens.

7.  Organize with others.

8.  Write editorials.

9.  Post flyers.

10.  Set up training.

11. Put together a party to talk about these issues.

12. Have a movie viewing showing others some of what they might have missed.

13. Teach others how to read and see through the manipulation and propaganda by themselves.

14. Start a conversation with a neighbor.

15. Use bumper stickers, business cards, or t shirts.

16. Set up a booth at a fundraiser/bazaar that talks about this or set up a game to ask questions.

17. Create an awareness event.

18. Contact local churches, veterans clubs, libertarian parties, local shooting ranges, express your concerns and get theirs as well.

19. Work with others that may be different, but share the goal of stopping tyranny and keeping to the principal of individualism.

20. Reach out to local businesses that may share the desire to maintain freedom.

21. Try to set up informal survival skills basics for those who are interested.

22. Contemplate the technology that could be used against the population: bio, chemical, sound etc. Like the military, go over scenarios to help prepare mentally for what might come. Find like minded individuals and bounce ideas off of them.

23. Keep spreading the word and great job on all that you do. Thank you.

Sent to us by the author, Amanda from Alaska.

pot moneyCommon Dreams – by Morgan Fox

WASHINGTON – February 5 – Members of Congress introduced bills Tuesday to end marijuana prohibition and start regulating and taxing marijuana like alcohol at the federal level.

Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013, which would remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act and establish a system in which marijuana is regulated similarly to alcohol at the federal level. It would also remove marijuana from the jurisdiction of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and place it in the jurisdiction of a renamed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Firearms, and Explosives. Continue reading “Members of Congress Introduce Historic Bills to Regulate and Tax Marijuana Like Alcohol at the Federal Level”

pilotDeath scene described sure seems like a hit — no one knew or heard anything — suppressed hit possible ???

Boing Boing – by Xeni Jardin

Phillip (alternately, “Philip”) Marshall, 54, a career airline pilot who claimed to have once served as a contract pilot for the CIA and DEA during the Iran-Contra affair, shot and killed his two teenage children, and the family dog, then killed himself. Continue reading “Former pilot and 9/11 conspiracy theorist shoots and kills 2 teen children, then himself”

no fly listAl Jazeera – by Murtaza Hussain

On January 2, 2005, Rahinah Ibrahim, a PhD student in Construction Management and Engineering at Stanford University, arrived at San Francisco International Airport to board a scheduled international flight en route to Malaysia. Ibrahim was slated to attend a Stanford-sponsored conference in the country to present findings from her doctoral research; a trip she was taking despite being wheelchair-bound due to complications from a recent hysterectomy. Continue reading “Exile the Obama way”

HirnforschungDaily Mail – by ALLAN HALL IN BERLIN

A German neurologist claims to have found the area of the brain where evil lurks in killers, rapists and robbers.

Bremen scientist Dr Gerhard Roth says the ‘evil patch’ lies in the brain’s central lobe and shows up as a dark mass on X-rays.

He discovered it when investigating violent convicted offenders over the years for German government studies. Continue reading “Where evil lurks: Neurologist discovers ‘dark patch’ inside the brains of killers and rapists”

ala hostageYahoo News – by JAY REEVES and KATE BRUMBACK | Associated Press

MIDLAND CITY, Ala. (AP) — The Alabama man who held a 5-year-old boy captive for nearly a week engaged in a firefight with SWAT agents storming his underground bunker before he was killed during the rescue operation, the FBI said Tuesday night. Also, bomb technicians scouring his rural property found two explosive devices, one in the bunker, one in a plastic pipe that negotiators used to communicate with the man. Continue reading “FBI: Ala. man was in ‘firefight’ with SWAT agents”


Spark gap transmitters are the oldest type of radio transmitter made by man. They were first used around 1888 and remained legal until the 1920s when their use became greatly restricted. World War II delayed their complete ban outside of emergency communications for a few years. Now the only way to use them legally is inside a faraday cage. They operate as jammers for the same reason they were banned, they take up a lot of the radio spectrum. Continue reading “How to Build a Radio/Drone Jammer”