The Obama Administration is in the process of buying itself a prison and the propaganda coming out from both the false left and the false right leaves no doubt that something sinister is afoot.

The neo-con propagandists jumped out right away, saying that the Illinois Thomson Prison purchase is to open the door for transfer of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to the United States, hence an attempt by Obama to fulfill a long since forgotten campaign promise.

And of course the commie propagandists, in order to assure complete confusion, shot right back saying the facility is to ease overcrowding in the Illinois prison system where the facility is located, calling the purchase of the prison an “historic action that will lead to the creation of hundreds of construction jobs and over 1000 permanent jobs in manning the facility.”
Continue reading “Barry Is Getting His Very Own Gulag”

Raw Story  NEW YORK — A US judge formally ordered Iran, Al-Qaeda and several other defendants Wednesday to pay $6 billion compensation to the victims of September 11, 2001, in a largely symbolic ruling.

Although Iran denies any connection to 9/11, it was included in the list of alleged culprits by the US District Court in New York, along with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Afghanistan’s Taliban guerrillas and Al-Qaeda, which took credit for the massive terror attack.
Continue reading “U.S. court orders Iran and others to pay $6 billion for 9/11 attacks”

On our survivalist web site we get lots of questions from people considering becoming Preppers/Survivalists.  In the course of these contacts we’ve met lots of different types of people and that gives me hope for the future.  We’ve been amazed how many people are waking up, as compared to 25+ years ago – when there was no one we could talk to!

Some people who have contacted us are sincerely looking for information on how to prep, while others are looking for an excuse not to prep.  Then there is another type of person considering prepping. These people remind me of an old story about the Empire State Building.

As the story goes, a man rode the elevator to the outdoor observation platform of the Empire State Building.   Once there, he climbs over the fence and jumps off the platform, 101 stories up.  As he passed their window, people standing at the 50th floor windows could plainly hear the jumper say, “I’m OK so far!”
Continue reading “OK So Far”

The mainstream propaganda is filled with alternating and contrary assertions as to the right and wrong in reference to Voter ID laws, and boy, if you buy into the false left-right paradigm, what a wonderful time you must be having.  I mean what a debate.

From the false left we have, “If Voter ID laws are passed and enforced, the poor and minorities will not be allowed to vote because they cannot afford to identify themselves.”  And then from the false right we have, “Without Voter ID laws dead people and foreigners will be voting in our election which could affect the outcome, and hey, let’s face it, you have to have an ID card to drive, get a job, get on a plane, buy a train ticket, and cash a check.”
Continue reading “So are Voter ID Laws a Good Idea?”

Press TV  Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been vilified in the Western media for daring to imagine “a world without Israel.”

But according to news reports, Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies agree that in the near future, Israel will no longer exist. 
Continue reading “Kissinger, US intelligence community endorse “World Without Israel””

Yesterday, on Fox’s America Live with Megyn Kelly, the headline was “Americans losing faith in mainstream media?”  According to a new Gallup Poll, 60% of those asked had little or no trust in the mainstream media and 40% had a great deal to a fair amount of trust.  Only a sleazy propagandist could take the fact that they have been found out to be a sleazy propagandist, and twist it like Megyn Kelly and her guests did.

The poll consisted of 1017 adults.  What I would like to know is where they found 1017 people who still actually take the mainstream media seriously in any manner.  Why didn’t they just tell the truth and say they had polled their entire listening audience and that they all work for the networks?
Continue reading “Mainstream Media Admits Loss of Credibility”

Morph City – by Cassandra Anderson  Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming.  There is evidence that this program has already been implemented for many years using unidentified chemical aerosols, known as chemtrails.

A geo-engineering/ chemtrails experiment using a balloon to spray sulfur particles into the sky to reflect solar radiation back into space is planned for New Mexico within a year by scientist David Keith.  Keith manages a multimillion dollar research fund for Bill Gates.  Gates has also gathered a team of scientist lobbyists that have been asking governments for hand-outs to for their climate manipulation experiments with taxpayer money.
Continue reading “Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People”

The Hill  The Obama administration issued new guidance intended for defense contractors Friday afternoon, reiterating the administration’s position that the companies should not be issuing layoff notices over sequestration.

The Labor Department issued guidance in July saying it would be “inappropriate” for contractors to issue notices of potential layoffs tied to sequestration cuts. But a few contractors, most notably Lockheed Martin, said they still were considering whether to issue the notices — which would be sent out just days before the November election.
Continue reading “Obama administration tells contractors again: Don’t issue layoff notices”

We had no idea when we wrote the past two parts of this article on radio gear for when TSHTF, that they were going to be so very popular.  Most peoples’ concerns are based in the fear that they will loose all contact with loved ones, as well as how to get first hand, unfiltered news.  Having good communication equipment – and knowing how to use it – can put those fears to rest.  Let’s continue to learn how to communicate after chaos has hit, the Internet (and maybe the entire power grid) is down and you want to know what’s going on.

NOTE:  This article is going to be a little more technical than past ones, but if anyone has any questions, please drop us a line at – we’d love to help if we can.
Continue reading “Communication Items You’ll Want Before TSHTF – Part 3”

When Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before the UN Assembly last week, it was apparent that he was talking to the insurgents posing as our government and the Israeli-American 5th column that is leading the insurgency.  Though Netanyahu referenced we the American people, he did so pointedly speaking to our so called representatives.

Congress has a 9% approval rate and despite the propaganda to the contrary, this rating applies to the insurgent government on every level from the bottom to the top.  Via the Democratic and Republican Conventions, it has been shown beyond a doubt that we the people of the US are disenfranchised, dispossessed, and are civilly dead.
Continue reading “Ahmadinejad Speaks to the American People”

There were 359,000 new claims for unemployment last week and the propagandists jumped on this number like flies on a rump roast.  We have seen a sneaky propaganda campaign being put together to support the fantastic assertion that somehow in the past few weeks our economy has begun to stabilize.  You see, as I have mentioned before, our enemies are attempting to lie the unemployment rate down under 8% before the election on November 6th and at this point in the ball game the lie needs to be intensified.

That being said, the propagandists must conjure up some supporting lies as a foundation for the main lie.  I mean how can the jobs number be getting better when every other facet of the economy is failing?
Continue reading “Economy Stabilizing, Unemployment Down, So Who is Stupid Enough to Believe it?”

As a result of the failed attempt by so called black leaders to direct black Americans to join with the Zionists against their fellow American nationals, another attempt is now being made to preserve what little is left of the racial divide in the United States.  The communist insurgents within are now once again bringing Affirmative Action back to the table.  This is a futile attempt and will accomplish nothing as we Americans of every race have come to the realization that the agenda for the international soviet insurgency is to bring every American national into a state of slavery, regardless of the color of our skin.

When an entire population is enslaved, any pretense of social order among the enslaved in reference to skin color is dispelled.  Maybe this is the equality the corporate elite have been talking about all along in that we will all be equally reduced to bonded servitude, regardless of race, creed, or color.
Continue reading “Zionist Attempt to Racially Divide American Nationals Failing Miserably”

Press TV  – Dr. Webster Tarpley  According to most public opinion polls, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is slowly increasing his advantage over Republican challenger Romney, both in the national popular vote as well as in the contests for the swing states which will provide the key to the Electoral College and to final victory on November 6. According to many of these polls, Obama is gaining because he is seen by the American public as more likely to maintain what remains of the US social safety net, as compared to the reactionary Republicans Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan, who have both made clear that social programs will be subjected to deep austerity cuts.
Continue reading “The colossal fraud of the US presidential elections”

Investment Watchblog

Faber  Warns “Everything Will Collapse”

Famed economist Marc Faber appeared on Bloomberg  TV with a harsh, direct warning to investors.

“U.S. monetary policies will destroy the world,” he said, referring to the  new round of stimulus – QE3, or “QE Forever” – the Fed plans to launch this  year.
Continue reading “A “Frightening Pattern” Indicate That We Are Heading To A Massive Economic Catastrophe Unlike Anything Ever Seen And Countdown Clock Is Quickly Approaching Zero”

I’m sure if you are familiar with the name Nicola Tesla you have read enough articles extolling the genius that he was.  He was the inventor of Alternating Current (AC), the radio (Marconi used Tesla’s plans and experiment notes), florescent lighting, radar, radio controlled boats to name a few of the inventions of this man’s genius. What we are going to talk about today is one of the master’s little noticed inventions, “The Tesla Ground Wave Antenna”, the perfect antenna for the survivalist on a tight budget (and who isn’t!?!?!).

The Tesla Ground Wave Antenna breaks nearly all the rules of antenna theory.  This antenna is very very simple using only a couple of parts, and is extraordinary as a receiving antenna.  Some have also used this as a transmitting antenna, with an antenna tuner for HAM and freebanding.
Continue reading “Thanks to The Genius of Nicola Tesla – A Perfect Antenna for the Survivalist”

According to the Census Bureau, by definition, the middle class consists of those earning between $25,000 to $75,000 per year with the median household income of $51,914.  This is an odd revelation as I have heard it said many a time that the middle class goes up to $250,000 per year.  Maybe this is just another propaganda precipitated shift in the perception of reality.   It is an absolute fact that since the beginning of the so called mortgage derivative crisis, net, we have lost millions of jobs and continue to lose more steadily.

Now, Mitt Romney would say that yes, his Bain Capital did shut down factories in the United States and moved them to other countries resulting in of course thousands and thousands of American jobs being lost. (Under NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT Bain Capital was given tax payer dollars to move the companies.)  However, says Romney, he and Bain Capital are also responsible for creating new businesses in the United States and providing thousands and thousands of jobs.
Continue reading “The Wanton Destruction of the Middle Class and Justice”

Jim Sinclair’s Mindset

Sounds something like the Egyptian Pharaohs’ famous rule by edict ” So it is said. So it is written. So it is done.”

The Pharaohs had no need for a legislative branch, Rule by Edict has no need for a legislative branch or a Cabinet.

The next administration could be the last. I am not kidding.
Continue reading “Jim Sinclair: Government by edict”

ABC News  A 61-year-old man was shot to death by police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug raid on the wrong house.

Police admitted their mistake, saying faulty information from a drug informant contributed to the death of John Adams Wednesday night. They intended to raid the home next door.

The two officers, 25-year-old Kyle Shedran and 24-year-old Greg Day, were placed on administrative leave with pay.
Continue reading “Man Dies in Police Raid on Wrong House”

The two bit charlatan Mitt Romney has now stepped up front and center to declare his allegiance to the Zionist controlled military industrial complex.  Currently, the US spends over $700 billion per year on the military.  The next closest expenditure by a country is China spending $143 billion, followed by Russia with $80 billion, then the United Kingdom with $62 billion.

The fact is the United States spends more on so called defense than the rest of the world combined.  So does this mean that we are paying to defend ourselves from the entire rest of the world?  Well no, would say Mitt Romney, but we are providing defense for other countries around the world, like South Korea and Japan.
Continue reading “Cursed is Romney, the War Monger, who would Destroy the Earth”

Radio Receivers

We own a used Grundig Yacht Boy 400 and recommend it highly.  These were made in the 1990s, but are still “state-of-the-art”.  The CCI radio company sells a clone of this model today. Good used Grundigs can be found on ebay in the $50 to $100 range. The YB400 has some great features: Continue reading “Communication Items You’ll Want Before TSHTF – Part 2”