Sent to us by Becky.

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

What is going on? Have the powers that be launched a full scale attack upon not only the 2nd Amendment but also those who are speaking up loudly and strongly in support of the 2nd Amendment? The manager for a pro-gun youtube channel has been found murdered; not just murdered but executed. The story below is from Liberty and Such. The video at the bottom of story is the most recent to be released by FPS Russia. I feel that this murder is a loud message to 2nd Amendment supporters.
Continue reading “Manager Of FPS Russia Murdered: Pro-Gun YouTube Channel Was 3rd Most Popular YouTube Channel”

In signing the 2013 NDAA, the soviet socialist insurgency began censorship of the airwaves, another legislative attack on our Bill of Rights.  This is the communists deciding what information we American nationals will have access to.  Press TV is an Iranian news source and has been removed from US airwaves because it is anti-Zionist, which paves the way for sites like From the Trenches World Report to be removed from the internet because we are anti-communist, anti-Zionist, and anti-soviet insurgency into the United States.

This is an absolute attack on our 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press.  This is a group of communists in Washington DC declaring that the world view of the Iranians will be silenced, as it stands in opposition to the world view of their Zionist masters.  Think about the arrogance in telling American adults that they cannot listen to what Iranian adults have to say, while simultaneously introducing ten pieces of legislation, which represent, by definition, ten more infringements upon our unalienable 2nd Amendment right.
Continue reading “Get Ready for the Communist Full Court Press”

The soviet socialist insurgent Obama will be sworn in for a second illegitimate term as a foreign occupier of our highest seat of power, and he is making it clear as to his intent to bring the population of US nationals to their knees and institute international communism as the law of our land.  There is not even pretence anymore of any attempt to repair the Republic as Obama declares the first and foremost important issues his regime will be addressing – our immigration and gun control.  Or shall we call a spade a spade and say gun confiscation and citizenship for his southern insurgents?

Front and center on Fox News on Sunday was one Francisco Hernandez, a so called immigration attorney, who is in reality a one world soviet socialist with dual citizenship in both the US and Mexico.  Hernandez indicated that Obama had promised in his first term his insurgent forces from Mexico citizenship and now, as a result of the last fraudulent election wherein the army of illegal insurgents voted for Obama, all of his friends on both the left and the right agree that it is time to complete the process in replacing the US workforce with Mexican peasant labor.
Continue reading “Obama lays out Communist Agenda for 2013”

As the US withdraws from Afghanistan, the whole episode is being summarily dismissed as a failed mission, with only one brigade of Afghan troops reportedly prepared to give a go at providing the country’s defense, which will probably come down to defending the poppy fields and the US puppet government for as long as possible.

This has been the longest war in US history with 12 years of fighting, 1.2 trillion in US taxpayer dollars, 2,173 US service members KIA, and more than 17,000 wounded, many of which the US taxpayer will have to take care of for the rest of their lives as they were defending our Constitution and Bill of Rights in the foreign country of Afghanistan.
Continue reading “The Zio-Communist Plot Continues”

Washington CBS Local

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) Helicopters have been conducting radiation tests above portions of the Washington, D.C. area using remote gamma radiation sensing technology.

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has been flying the radiation missions since Dec. 27, 2012 and they will continue until next Friday, Jan. 11. The flights have been conducted during daylight only, and the pilots fly about 80 miles per hour at 150 feet above the approximately 70-square mile radiation assessment area.
Continue reading “Nuclear Security Helicopters Testing Radiation Levels Above DC Area”

Washingtons Blog

Violence and Threats Being Used to Intimidate and Coerce the American Public for Political Purposes.

We’ve documented that – by any measure – America is the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world.

But remember, terrorism is defined as:

The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

Continue reading “U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Dana Safety Supply, a major distributor of weapons and accessories to police departments and civilians across the United States, has declared that they will no longer sell semi-automatic rifles to civilians. Instead, they will only sell to law enforcement. This prompted Oconee County, Georgia Sheriff Scott Barry to write them an email in which he told them he would no longer be seeking them out to purchase products for his department based on their decision.
Continue reading “Sheriff Pulls Business From Dana Safety Supply Because They Stopped Selling Semi-Automatic Rifles To Civilians”

Survival Blog – by James Wesley Rawles

I often have SurvivalBlog readers forward me alarmist e-mails, warning of “total disarmament” of the civilian populace. While there indeed may be plans or schemesto disarm Americans, I don’t consider these threats credible. Let me explain why: I would conservatively estimate that there are about 316 million firearms in private hands in the United States. Of these, less than 10% are logged in any formal registry. Perhaps another 30% have Form 4473s filed with the FFL dealers where they were first purchased, but that is a fractured mishmash of records with a quite perishable life span. It is notable that we live in a very mobile society, where most families move every three or four years. And in most states, there are no record keeping requirements for secondary sales of firearms. So to call the accumulation of 4473 forms a de facto registration system is laughable.
Continue reading “Why Civilian Disarmament in the U.S. is Just a Statist Fantasy”

The Age – by Ross Gittins

IF YOU’VE ever suspected politics is increasingly being run in the interests of big business, I have news: Jeffrey Sachs, a highly respected economist from Columbia University, agrees with you – at least in respect of the United States.

In his book, The Price of Civilisation, he says the US economy is caught in a feedback loop. ”Corporate wealth translates into political power through campaign financing, corporate lobbying and the revolving door of jobs between government and industry; and political power translates into further wealth through tax cuts, deregulation and sweetheart contracts between government and industry. Wealth begets power, and power begets wealth,” he says.
Continue reading “The four business gangs that run the US”

Georgetown Law Professor, Louis Michael Seidman, is openly advocating for removal of the Constitution of the United States of America.  Montana State Representative Jerry O’Neil is advocating adding to the Amendments in the Constitution in order to strengthen our national sovereignty and gun rights.  Senator Dianne Feinstein has openly stated that she would enact total bans on firearms to be followed by confiscation.  And New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg makes no secret of the fact that he would see the American people completely disarmed and even told what they can eat and drink by the government.

Literally every day we are hearing those who have taken an oath to protect and defend our Constitution attacking our liberties and freedoms contained therein.  They are asking questions like, “How much personal privacy should we as individuals have to surrender to the collective they represent?” and “Should nativity scenes and crosses across our land be removed?” as more and more Masonic imagery is being thrown in our faces, “What shall be considered hate speech and thus be forbidden under pain of punishment?” and “Should they be allowed to remove websites that challenge government authoritarianism?”
Continue reading “Communist Party in the United States Openly Advocating Insurrection”

Offspectrum with James Farganne

On July 20, 2012, we were given by our lamestream media to believe that a timid graduate student with no firearms experience switcherooed into ultimate commando mode and shot up a theater in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 and injuring dozens more.

According to the talking heads, he certainly dressed for the occasion, wearing thousands of dollars of military-grade body armor that he could not have sourced nor afforded. Somehow he also possessed the expertise to trick out his apartment with elaborate booby traps. Yet after being apprehended, drooling and dazed, slumped over the steering wheel of his car, he warned the cops about the booby traps — because hey, that’s why he had gone to all the trouble of setting them up in the first place. So that no one would get hurt. That’s obvious, right?
Continue reading “The Dark Knight Rises With Slasher Zombies”

The Organic Prepper

In a war, it appears that it’s easy to become just as bad as the monsters that you are fighting.

Just ask the survivors of a killing spree in Afghanistan last March, when US soldiers went on a rampage, killing 17 civilians, 9 of them children. Only one soldier, Army Staff Sgt Robert Bales, was charged but the witnesses have a different story:

One mother-of-six, whose husband was killed during the incident, believes there were as many as 20 people involved.
Continue reading “Morality: The Hard Line Between Revolutionary and Terrorist”

The unemployment rate remained at 7.8% for the month of December.  The December job growth by sector went as follows:

Construction was up by 30,000 jobs.  This would consist of illegal aliens rebuilding the East Coast after Superstorm Sandy at substandard wages with no benefits.  And of course we the taxpayers will be picking up the tab, so where is the gain?

Next we had health care up by 45,000.  This would be new private contractors to administer Obamacare to be paid for by we the taxpayers.  No gain.

Food service was up by 38,000.  This one I simply do not believe as it is my personal experience, which is bolstered by the reality of diminished Christmas sales that expendable income is disappearing with the devaluation of the dollar.
Continue reading “Arrogance, Deceit, and Lies make up December’s Job Report”

Gov Slaves.Info

(Thomas Dishaw) More interesting developments on the Sandy Hook shooting conspiracy…A women named Cathy Gaubert is claiming someone stole her daughter’s “first day of school” picture.

The photo was lifted  from their Flicker account and published  as a victim in the Sandy Hook shooting.

The mother took to Instagram posting this interesting message asking readers to put pressure on Facebook users to remove it from their pages .
Continue reading “Cathy Gaubert Claims Her Daughter’s Photo Was Stolen From Flicker And Used As Sandy Hook Shooting Victim”

Yahoo News – by CHRIS CAROLA and MICHAEL HILL | Associated Press

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. (AP) — Four gun shows, all about an hour’s drive from Newtown, Conn., all canceled.

A show in White Plains, N.Y., — brought back a few years ago after being called off for a decade because of the Columbine shooting — is off because officials decided it didn’t seem appropriate now, either. In Danbury, Conn. — about 10 miles west of Newtown — the venue backed out. Same with three other shows in New York’s Hudson Valley, according to the organizer.

Continue reading “Some gun shows canceling after Conn. mass shooting”

Reuters – by Yereth Rosen

The quake occurred about 60 miles southwest of Port Alexander at a depth of about 6 miles at 0858 GMT, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, which downgraded the magnitude from an initial 7.7.

The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska, issued a tsunami warning for coastal areas of southeast Alaska and Canada’s British Columbia, but this was later cancelled.
Continue reading “Quake measuring 7.5 strikes off Alaska”

experts-agree-gun-control-worksMoonbattery – by Dave Blount

The right to bear arms isn’t required only to defend us from criminals. Above all, we need it to defend us from progressive statists — such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and folks who publish editorials in the Des Moines Register like Donald Kaul. Sandy Hook served as a pretext for the following homicidal bile: Continue reading “Des Moines Register Editorial Calls for Killing Gun Owners”

ABC News – by Josh Haskell

Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly met Wednesday with New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, a man who shares their passion for stricter gun laws.

And late Thursday, ABC News learned that Giffords and Kelly plan to visit Newtown, Conn., on Friday for a private visit with families.
Continue reading “Gabrielle Giffords Headed to Newtown After Bloomberg Meeting”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff

Government watchdog groups are concerned that the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) has been loaning out sophisticated, expensive drones to local law enforcement, and in the process turning the military’s hottest new weapon on Americans.

In one of the first known instances of domestic drone use, in 2011 DHS loaned one of its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to police in North Dakota in order to spy on a farmer, Thomas Brossart, who had refused to give back some cows that had wandered onto his property. The Brossart case was the first known drone-aided arrest.
Continue reading “Homeland Security Quietly Runs “Loan-a-Drone” Program for Local Law Enforcement”

Well the 113th Congress is convened, let the treachery begin.  All the new Senators and Congressmen were sworn in yesterday.  I assume that entails an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  I wonder how many minutes, hell seconds, passed before the first violation occurred.

New jobless claims came in at 372,000 for the week and not so much as a mention of this ongoing catastrophe.  However there was a lot of talk about immigration reform and gun control.  I guess this shows where the communist agenda lies.
Continue reading “Time to Cut to the Chase – You are either for us or agin us”