The Daily Sheeple- by Kimberly Paxton

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control public service announcement included many top celebrities endorsing “a plan”. These celebrities are endorsing the defilement of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. They are using their fame and influence to manipulate the people into supporting the abolition of the rights of responsible American gun owners in a propaganda attack. While they travel with a cadre of armed bodyguards, while their children attend private schools with armed security, they want you to “demand a plan” to become defenseless.
Continue reading “Boycott Gun-Control Advocate Celebs”

The mainstream is reporting that the fiscal cliff has been averted via a Senate proposal that will be considered in the House of Representatives on this New Years Day.  Technically, if you buy into the BS, we went off the cliff at 12:01 Eastern time on New Year’s morning.  Just goes to show you how phony this whole fraud is.

Initial reports of the so called agreement purport that it will be passed in the Congress, but as the morning has worn on, doubts have risen.  And while we are looking at the right hand, the left hand is sticking it up our backsides with the enactment of the socialist Obamacare.  How much do they want to take from we the people?  Well that is an easy one.  The answer is everything we have.
Continue reading “The Real Debate on the Fiscal Cliff”

Ian 56

The neocon GOP and MIC propaganda is all pervasive.
(MIC is the Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address in 1961. Here is the clip
Please watch it, if you haven’t already done so. It is only 2 minutes long.)

This propaganda appears on ALL TV channels and ALL the main papers.
Continue reading “What the mainstream media and the politicians are NOT telling you about military spending” The Times-Picayune – by Gordon Russell

Federal authorities who were ordered to conduct a deeper investigation into an online commenting scandal in former U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s office have issued a subpoena to The Times-Picayune’s parent company, asking it to provide, among other items, information about 11 commenters on The company’s lawyers have objected to providing the information thus far, instead asking the feds to demonstrate they have a basis for seeking the information.
Continue reading “Feds seeking information on 11 additional commenters: Update”

Borei class nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomah at the “Sevmash” shipyard before its launch in Severodvinsk. (RIA Novosti/A. Petrov)RT News

Super-modern, powerful and almost noiseless Russian nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomakh has been put in water to become the third ship of the Borei project. The cruiser is about to begin sea trials and mooring to become fully operational in 2013.

Vladimir Monomakh was laid down at Russia’s largest shipbuilding complex Sevmash, located on the shores of the White Sea in the town of Severodvinsk in northern Russia on March 19, 2006 – the 100th anniversary of the Russian submarine fleet.
Continue reading “Silent sub: Russian noiseless Borei class nuclear submarine immersed”

Washington’s Blog

Tepco – and West Coast of America – Slammed with Radiation

We’ve documented the spread of radiation from Fukushima to Tokyo for a year and a half.  See thisthis,thisthisthis and this. Unfortunately, as the following recent headlines from Ene News show, things are only getting worse: Continue reading “Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima”

Top 10 List

You might be a woman looking for your first self-defense handgun. Or you might be a lifelong ”gun person” that people come to for advice about guns. Either way this article is for you.

Every day, there are people who have never owned any sort of gun — perhaps have never even shot one either – decide to buy a self defense handgun. They aren’t gun people and are not going to become fanatic gun people, they aren’t going to hunt or target shoot They just want a home-defense handgun, and they want one appropriate for concealed carry if they decide to go that route.
Continue reading “Top 10 Handguns for Self-Defense”

Total Resistance – by Mike Vanderboegh

A friend of mine recently forwarded me a question a friend of his had posed:

“If/when our Federal Government comes to pilfer, pillage, plunder our property and destroy our lives, what good can a handgun do against an army with advanced weaponry, tanks, missiles, planes, or whatever else they might have at their disposal to achieve their nefarious goals? (I’m not being facetious: I accept the possibility that what happened in Germany, or similar, could happen here; I’m just not sure that the potential good from an armed citizenry in such a situation outweighs the day-to-day problems caused by masses of idiots who own guns.)”
Continue reading ““What Good can a Handgun do against an Army?””

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Our banker hijacked government has eviscerated the Constitution through tyrannical legislative acts such as
The Military Commissions Act,
The Patriot Acts I and II,
The John Warner Defense Act,
Quantitative Easing I, II and to infinity. In the first three parts of this series, I have carefully laid out why a genocide is a likely event in the future of America.
Continue reading “Could You Survive Being Sent To A FEMA Camp?”

The Globalist Report – by Andrew Puhanic, Published on Friday, November 16th, 2012

NOT even six month since the last Bilderberg Group meeting, the Globalists of the Bilderberg Group have called an emergency meeting in the city of Rome.

The infamous Bilderberg Group usually meets every year to discuss and debate issues (financial and political) that ultimately set the world agenda for the following 12 months.

Rumors about where the 2013 Bilderberg Group meeting would be held have been circulating over the last 3 months.
Continue reading “Why Has The Bilderberg Group Convened in Rome?”

The fiscal cliff, austerity by any other name, this which is being sold to us as a pretense of dissent, is in reality not but disagreement as to what is the safest path to take in upping the theft of the American nation.  Talking about stealing something from someone is a whole lot different than actually committing the act, just as having someone say they are going to take your property is a whole lot different than actually enduring it.

The fraudulent argument of a debt owed by we the people is just a smoke screen.  I mean, what are we talking about here, $800 billion in cuts and or $1.2 trillion in tax increases?  How about a dose of reality?  Under QE3 and stimulus from August through December, 2012, $600 billion has been borrowed in our grandchildren’s name and given over to the international banksters in trade for more toxic derivatives.
Continue reading “Three Card Monte at Gunpoint”

Atlanta Blackstar – by Nick Chiles

Though China is increasingly becoming the most visible and active foreign presence on the African continent, there is a downside, as revealed by a recent expose in the UK’s The Guardian: As many as a third of the malaria drugs in countries like Uganda and Tanzania are fake or substandard—putting the health of millions at risk—with most of them believed to originate in China and India.
Continue reading “China Pouring Fake Drugs Into Africa, Endangering Millions”

Nox and Friends – by Hardnox

On Sunday December 17, 2012, 2 days after the CT shooting, a man went to a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his X-girlfriend. After he shot her, most of the people in the restaurant fled next door to a theater. The gunman followed them and entered the theater so he could shoot more people. He started shooting and people in the theater started running and screaming. It’s like the Aurora, CO theater story plus a restaurant!

Now aren’t you wondering why this isn’t a lead story in the national media along with the school shooting?
Continue reading “San Antonio Theater Shooting”

The Globalist Report – by Andrew Puhanic

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an organisation established in 1921 by the global elite, has publicized what it believes to be the challenges that need to be overcome to establishWorld Government in 2013.

In summary, the Council on Foreign Relationshas sought the opinion of four Globalists from around the world on what are the greatest challenges the world faces that would prevent the formation of World Government in 2013. Continue reading “Council on Foreign Relations Reveals How World Government Can Be Achieved in 2013”

American Freedom by Barbara

Wow: ‘Biggest crowd ever for biggest gun show on East Coast’ in Chantilly, Va.

Via Twitchy

The three-day Nation’s Gun Show At Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Va., kicked off yesterday, and gun enthusiasts turned out in droves to participate in an Obama stimulus that actually works. Continue reading “Blockbuster Gun Show With Humongous Crowds”

There is a big fuss being made over Russian President Vladimir Putin banning further adoptions of Russian children by Americans.  Putin’s act is said to be in retaliation for the United States passing legislation condemning alleged human rights violations by the Russian government.

In the first place, the American Zionists display a yard of guts in condemning anyone for human rights violations, considering the fact that the Bush regime that committed genocide on the people of Iraq is being harbored and protected here in the United States.

We have seen a lot of coverage on this issue with a thousand US couples whimpering and whining because they will not be allowed to complete their adoptions of Russian children.  This country belongs to all American nationals and I don’t recall giving my permission to take from my grandchildren to give to any other children anywhere in the world.
Continue reading “Vladimir Putin Puts the Halt to US Adoptions of Russian Children, and I Don’t Care”

Keep and Bear Arms – by John Sutter in California

For decades I have heard gun owners claim that the government would never be able to confiscate our firearms because the government would lose too many men.  The implication being, of course, that gun owners would actively resist confiscation, even to the point of shooting back.  But I believe this thinking is outdated and doesn’t align very well with reality.  But before you tell me how big your honor guard in Hell will be when that day comes, let’s think about how the government could really do it.
Continue reading “How Will They Confiscate Your Guns?”

There has been a lot of debate back and forth about the publishing of the addresses of registered gun owners in New York by The Journal News.  The mainstream propagandists have latched onto this exhibitionism in an attempt to keep the issue of guns front and center in the mainstream.  They are putting forth the question, should the newspaper be allowed to publish the names?  And of course the counter question, should bloggers be allowed to publish the names of those who publish the names?

Divide, divide, divide.  All are missing the muddy elephant in the middle of the living room, which is the map pointing out the residents containing the registered handguns.  This is New York where it is hard to get a concealed carry permit, yet look at the map.  And remember, these are just the people who have concealed carry permits and handguns.  How many more have long guns?
Continue reading “American Patriots – A Fringe Element?”