Bad Benny Netanyahu, the Tel Aviv Kosher Mafia enforcer, spoke before the UN yesterday.  He began by informing the world of the greatness of the Israelis and describing all they have given to the world in the form of technological advances – in electronics, pharmaceutical, and medical.  As usual it would seem the Israelis have no problem in claiming what we Americans have created as their own.

Bennie would have us believe that the Israelis, upon arriving on the shores of Palestine, started smelting raw metals out of the sand and, through their genius over the next 64 years, created all the wonders we see in the 21st century.  Bennie went on to expound on the peaceful caring nature of the Israelis and how it was truly their mission to selflessly help all the peoples of the world.
Continue reading “Benny Netanyahu’s Magic Marker and the Red Line”

Backwoods Survival Blog

13 States Now Considering Gold and Silver as Money:When the governor of Utah signed a bill that made gold bullion and silver bullion legal tender in the state last March, he had no idea of the groundswell he was going to start.

The Utah Sound Money Act outright flies in the face of the fiat money system, which is the printed money used today; backed by nothing but the promises of politicians…
Continue reading “13 States Now Considering Gold and Silver as Money”

This beats all I’ve Ever seen: NOW they’re openly admitting the Police are Criminals? See first opening sentence.  Is that NOT what they stated?

Police One  Human trafficking is fast becoming one of the world’s most lucrative criminal enterprises and as such, both patrol officers and investigators should know some of the indicators.

Human trafficking cases, unless specifically reported, don’t exactly jump out and bite us. These types of cases may be hard to detect unless we’re looking. I have provided four indicators to help officers or investigators determine if they have a suspected trafficking case.
Continue reading “Traffic signals: Cues and clues indicating human trafficking operations”

Having good radio equipment is important for many reasons.  What will you do when there is no Internet?  What will you do when there is no cellphone service?  How will you know what’s going on in other parts of the country, let alone the world?  Radio signals don’t need an intermediary, they just bounce all over the earth and are received by radios.

It’s not even necessary that you transmit (speak) on the radio, but the information you can garner from just listening to others from far away is worth the time it takes to understand how to use a radio.
Continue reading “Communication Items You’ll Want Before TSHTF – Part 1”

For the past 64 years, the Zionists in America, via the assertion of the holocaust, have enjoyed a status wherein nothing they did or said could be questioned without the person doing the questioning being labeled anti-Semitic.

This is an interesting phenomenon, as we Americans, not only could not be held in any way responsible for the holohoax, but if anything it would have to be said that it was our military might that ended it.  Believe it or not, prior to World War II, American Christians and Jewish Zionists were blood enemies as Zion denied that Jesus was the Messiah, hence categorical denial of Christianity in its very essence?
Continue reading “US Zionists Scrambling like Rats on a Sinking Ship”

David Icke  But to understand the financial crisis, 9/11 and so much more, it must be spoken constantlyAs we begin a new year, amid ever-gathering global tyranny, this information is vital for everyone to know.

I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

Most conspiracy researchers either don’t realize the fundamental significance of this network or are too frightened to say so if they do. Sod that.
Continue reading “They Dare Not Speak its Name – Rothschild Zionism”

Veterans News Now  When Iranian President Ahmadinejad ascended the podium to speak on the rule of law at the UN today, Israeli UN envoy Ron Prosor rose from his seat and walked out alone, while the U.S. envoys remained seated, according to Breitbart. 

Iranian President Ahmadinejad alluded to what he sees as Israel’s illegitimate nuclear arsenal, and criticized members who haven’t stopped Israel from acquiring it:
Continue reading “US Envoys Stay Seated For Ahmadinejad’s UN Speech, Israel Walks Out Alone!”

CNN ran a piece yesterday called, “Hopeful signs for a US Economy”, wherein the assertion was put forth that home prices in July rose 1.6% and that consumer confidence rose by 9 points.

They cannot really expect anyone to believe this, except maybe the five brain dead moronic mental midgets that still get their news from CNN.  I can see them sitting around the tube, protruding foreheads, eyes glassed over, and drool running down their cheeks, as Ali Velshi spilled this crap out, like a used car salesman running a business on the sleazy side of town, where they pull the cars every evening and wash the lot and the bottoms of the cars every morning before they bring them out to try to cover up the leaking oil.
Continue reading “It’s a Miracle! The Economy has Completely Turned Around Overnight…..Again”


Government Technology  Governments legitimately require forms and documentation from constituents and customers before providing permits, licenses and other services.    This can be quite problematical for field workers and the applicants, who need to find documents, then bring them into the government office or find a fax machine to send them.  Such documents might include proof of identity or an inspection report or a registration card.  And the process often requires multiple trips to the office during business hours.

Continue reading “Capturing Information from Citizen Mobile Devices”

Daily Paul – by kcop  It’s a paper entitled “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, an 82-page analysis that concludes that the American national interest is fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.

The study was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community comprising 16 American intelligence agencies with an annual budget in excess of $ 70 billion.
Continue reading “An 82-page analysis concludes that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests”

SHTF Plan  – by Holly Deyo  Millennium Ark  Every person will face an ugly new reality when life as we know it vanishes. It’s coming. Soon. It might be a slow crawl decline or a rapid descent into nightmarish conditions. Various scenarios now flit threateningly across the horizon. If we’re brave enough to peer into the abyss, we can see some of these events bordering on fruition. Most are unnerving; some will be paralyzing. Regardless of the fright factor, we must examine individually how to handle these looming crises. When they strike, people without a plan in place, will die.

So what’s lurking about?
Continue reading “Alternatives to a Bugout Location – What You Should Consider”

Occupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel  On August 13th a new class of 231 FEMA Corps members graduated to assist the US government in future disaster preparedness whether state sponsored or natural. These members trained with at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and will be leaders at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness where they will be assigned specific roles ranging from community relations to Disaster Recovery Center support.

The CNCS is a federal agency that “engages more than five million Americans in service through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America, and leads President Obama’s national call to service initiative, United We Serve.”
Continue reading “Obama and FEMA Create Civilian Army Trained in Domestic Preparedness”

So has the plan been all along for a production designed to give Obama another four years?  We are seeing propaganda being put forth showing Obama as snubbing Israeli and in particular Netanyahu.  On Neil Cavuto yesterday, he had Democratic Leader New York State Assemblyman, Dov Hikind, parroting the lie that Iran has said they are going to wipe Israel off the map.  What Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually said was that we will see Zionism disappear into the pages of history.

Neil Cavuto knows this fact, yet being the factual reporter he is, he gave his assent to this lie through his silence.  The Israeli-American dual citizen, Dov Hikind, clad in his yarmulke, went on to throw a little tizzy fit over Obama’s perceived snub to all the Israeli people, bringing up the 67 year old assertion of a holocaust in the process.
Continue reading “Obama Won’t Bow to Israel? Yeah, Right.”

Arizona’s Cochise County Sheriff: DEVER’s Elimination Psychopaths have NO compunction to Homicide? Just the Facts! Sent in by Chris near Las Vegas

Veterans Today  America, Downsized, Criminalized and “Blue Gang” Controlled

This is a story we don’t see enough of, a law enforcement officer going after criminals, or at least the ones he is “allowed” to go after.  The story you will be seeing here, from Fox News, tells a story and yet doesn’t tell a story. 
Continue reading “No One in Arizona Could Write this Story and Live”

Investment Watchblog  What happens when debt-fueled false prosperity disappears?  Just look at Spain.  The 4th largest economy in Europe was riding high during the boom years, but now the Spanish economy is collapsing with no end in sight.  When a debt bubble gets interrupted, the consequences can be rather chaotic.

Just like we saw in Greece, austerity is causing the economy to slow down in Spain.  But when the economy slows down, tax revenues fall and that makes it even more difficult to meet budget targets.  So even more austerity measures are needed to keep debt under control and the cycle just keeps going. Unfortunately, even with all of the recently implemented austerity measures the Spanish government is still not even close to a balanced budget.
Continue reading “Spain Is On The Verge Of A Massive Implosion, The Global Financial System Is About To Crumble”

I’m seeing a bigger problem today than I have ever witnessed in my life.

I’m seeing more distrust in government, the police, the military, politicians, just people on the street, and in some cases ourselves.

If we lose trust with everyone then who are we to turn to in times of need?

If as everyone suspects we are looking at a major catastrophic event, then who do we rely on to get help?
Continue reading “Distrust”

The town of Farmers Branch, Texas will be trying to enforce a law that would ban those who have crossed our borders illegally from obtaining rental properties.   The move is designed to address overcrowding and overburdens on schools, jails, housing, and hospitals.  It would seem the good people of Farmers Branch are racists and that they have a problem with drive by shootings being perpetrated by illegal insurgents, which have, in one instance at least, resulted in the death of a two year old child.

Farmers Branch’s law was originally found unconstitutional by the 5th Circuit Court, saying it would interfere with federal authority. Now, there’s a surprise.  Once again we are looking at the Judicial Branch of government examining and declaring what are the powers of we the people.
Continue reading “There Ought to be a Law Against Illegal Immigration”

The neo-cons continue to push to take the food from the poor to replace the monies destined to be cut from the defense budget.  Their ongoing mantra is 46% of we the people pay no taxes while 47% receive some subsidy from the government.

Let’s just look at that.  The majority of the 46% not paying taxes are those who have retired and are living on Social Security and Medicare.  These people paid taxes over a lifetime.  And the majority will not get back even a percentage of what they paid in just to Social Security.

The rest of that 46% consist of the working poor and disabled who make so little that not even the Zionists in the past have suggested that they pay federal taxes, as it would be literally taking the food out of their children’s mouths, not to mention that they still must pay withholdings, hence Social Security and Medicare.
Continue reading “Modern Slavery in the United States”

The propaganda coming out of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Indonesia has taken on a life of its own, here in the good old U S of A.  We are in fact seeing a desperate attempt to revive the false left-right paradigm, propaganda versus counter propaganda.  From the false right we have the neo-cons saying that these peoples from these other countries hate we Americans and are burning our flag.  And then from the false left, we have the counter attack that says the militias are backing down as Libyan citizens protest militant groups.

In the first place these peoples do not hate we Americans.  They hate those posing as our government and if there is anybody protesting in favor of the United States in any of these countries I have to believe they are being paid quite handsomely for doing so.
Continue reading “World War III and Other Options”